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Falguy's Weekly Challenge (1 Viewer)


Week #5


For those of you who are new here, here's how it works:

Each week, you select a team of players. I will spend many hours of my free time calculating

the points your team earns and accumulate them for the duration of the 2004/05 regular

season. At the end we will declare the champion.



1 - 25 Yards Passing

4 - Passing TDs

-2 - Ints

1 - 10 Yards Rushing/Receiving

6 - Rushing/Receiving TDs

3 - All Field Goals

1 - Extra Points


6 - TD (including Special teams)

2 - Int

2 - Fumble Recovery

1 - Sack

2 - Safety

Your Team


Enter your picks in the following format:

This is important as my application requires that the picks are entered in this format.

Please follow this standard.

QB -

RB -

RB -

WR -

WR -

WR -

TE -

K -


Please type the players full name


Must be real life positions (can’t start Culpepper as a RB etc )

NFL scoring only (no college or Canadian etc )

All position can score any types of points (if a RB throws a TD pass he gets 4 points for it

etc )

Line-ups must be in by NOON (EST) Sunday, anything after that will be disqualified

I will post the results each week ASAP.




Detroit at Atlanta, 1:00 pm

N.Y. Giants at Dallas, 1:00 pm

Minnesota at Houston, 1:00 pm

Oakland at Indianapolis, 1:00 pm

Miami at New England, 1:00 pm

Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1:00 pm

Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1:00 pm

Buffalo at N.Y. Jets, 4:05 pm

Jacksonville at San Diego, 4:05 pm

Carolina at Denver, 4:15 pm

Arizona at San Francisco, 4:15 pm

St. Louis at Seattle, 4:15 pm

Baltimore at Washington, 8:30 pm


Tennessee at Green Bay, 9:00 pm


Chicago, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Philadelphia


I'm still getting a lot of "invalid" entries and am getting a little tired of editing them each week. Last week I had 133 entries that I had to edit. SOme of these were just misspelled names which I don't mind because at least you tried. Most, however, were either of the following:

1. No QB, RB, WR, etc designation before the players name

2. Last name without first, or just a nick name

This week doesn't look much better so I'm telling you now that I may just delete your entry if you don't follow the format. I really don't want to do this becuase I like to have as many entries as possible but I don't have hours of free time to clean up the picks.

Here's the format to follow (once again!)

QB - full name

RB - full name

RB - full name

WR - full name

WR - full name

WR - full name

TE - full name

PK - full name

DEF - city, nickname, or both

You can use a -, :, or space to seperate the position from the name.

For the defense you can use Dallas, Cowboys, or Dallas Cowboys.

You can add comments and extra blank lines. I just skip those. It's the "QB", "RB", etc that identifies your selections.

In some cases, I don't mind a nick name, or just last name. Here's a few that are acceptable:






People have lots of trouble spelling Edgerrin, Daunte, Ladanian, etc, so you can use the alias name for these guys.

Do not use "Moss" for your WR because I don't know which one you want.

Thanks for your cooperation

*Nerd Alert*

Here's a brief description of what I do each week:

The picks thread is saved as a text file. The format is very important because I run this file threw a parsing program that identifies eahc of you and loads the picked players into a table (Access database) using the position designation. I use the position to tell me that a player selection is coming and also what position is being picked. It MUST be there. If you don't put it in, I have to!

I save the stats file provided by David and import each position into another table.

Points are calculated using the scoring for this pool.

I match the picked players to my master list of NFL players using the firstname/last name and position as my link. If I don't get a hit, I try to use an Alias that I have set up for some of the common players. If I don't get a match then I just manually edit it. Once all have matches, I can asign the points for each of your picks and accumulate your total.

Totals are accumulated in a YTD table for each week you participate.

It's all pretty slick, but matching your picks to my player table is the slow part. You can help by at least trying to follow the rules.

Thanks for your hard work Falguy.QB - Chad PenningtonRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Duce StaleyWR - Derrick MasonWR - Javon WalkerWR - Darrell JacksonTE - Alge CrumplerPK - Adam VinitiariDEF - New England

Hey Falguy, thanks for the efforts!!! I also have an idea, especially more fair to those that miss 1 week. What about, throwing out "Everyones" lowest score? You could actually have 2 winners. 1 the normal way, and 1 where you throw out the lowest score. Some people had trouble logging into the site in week 2. Just a thought.Mo

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Chris BrownRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Hines WardWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Randy MossTE - Alge CrumplerPK - Jason ElamDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - LaDanian TomlinsonWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Torry HoltTE - Alge CrumplerPK - Josh BrownDEF - Arizona

QB - Chad PenningtonRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Chris BrownWR - Randy MossWR - Hines WardWR - Marvin HarrisonTE - Eric JohnsonK - Kris BrownDEF - New England :football:

QB - Tom BradyRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - LaDainian TomlinsonWR - Randy MossWR - Derrick MasonWR - Marvin HarrisonTE - Jason WittenK - Jason ElamDEF - Jets

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Ahman GreenRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Hines WardWR - Joe HornWR - Randy MossTE - Antoni GatesPK - John CarneyDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Kevan BarlowWR - Randy MossWR - Javon WalkerWR - Jimmy SmithTE - Eric JohnsonPK - Martin GramaticaDEF - New England

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Ladainian TomlinsonRB - Edgerrin JamesWR - Randy MossWR - Hines WardWR - Darrell JacksonTE - Antonio GatesK - Billy CundiffDEF - New England

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QB - Peyton ManningRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Fred TaylorWR - Randy MossWR - Roy WilliamsWR - Isaac BruceTE - Alge CrumplerK - Jason ElamDEF - New England

QB - Daune CulpepperRB - Deuce StaleyRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Hines WardTE - Alge CrumplerK - Doug BrienDEF - New England

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Chris BrownRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Roy WilliamsTE - Daniel GrahamK - Jason ElamDEF - New England

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QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Edge JamesWR - Randy MossWR - Eric MouldsWR - Javon WalkerTE - Daniel GrahamK - Sebastian JanikowskiDEF - Seattle Seahawks

QB- Peyton ManningRB - Curtis MartinRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Hines WardTE - Daniel GrahamK - John CarneyDEF - Baltimore

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RDetroit at Atlanta, 1:00 pm N.Y. Giants at Dallas, 1:00 pm Minnesota at Houston, 1:00 pm Oakland at Indianapolis, 1:00 pm Miami at New England, 1:00 pm Tampa Bay at New Orleans, 1:00 pm Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1:00 pm Buffalo at N.Y. Jets, 4:05 pm Jacksonville at San Diego, 4:05 pm Carolina at Denver, 4:15 pm Arizona at San Francisco, 4:15 pm St. Louis at Seattle, 4:15 pm Baltimore at Washington, 8:30 pmTennessee at Green Bay, 9:00 pm
QB Daunte CulpepperRB Edgerrin JamesRB Curtis MartinWR Randy MossWR Reggie WayneWR Hines WardTE Jeremy ShockeyK Jason ElamDEF Pittsburgh
qb: matt hasselbeckrb: ahman greenrb: edgerrin jameswr: hines wardwr: randy mosswr: darrel jacksonte: eric johnsonpk: adam vinatieridef: new england

Thanks for your hard work :thumbup: QB – Peyton ManningRB – Shaun AlexanderRB – Curtis MartinWR – Randy MossWR – Andre JohnsonWR – Jimmy SmithTE – Jeb PutzierPK – Kris BrownDEF – New England Patriots

QB - Michael Vick/AtlRB - Shaun Alexander/SeaRB - Chris Brown/TenWR - Randy Moss/MinWR - Hines Ward/PitWR - Santana Moss/NYJTE - Jeremy Shockey/NYGK - Steve Christie/NYGDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shawn AlexanderRB - Edgerin JamesWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Heinz WardTE - Daniel GrahamK - John CarneyDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Edgerrin JamesRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Hines WardTE - Antonio GatesK - Josh BrownDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Ladainian TomlinsonRB - Edgerrin JamesWR - Randy MossWR - Hines WardWR - Roy WilliamsTE - Alge CrumplerK - Mike VanderjagtDEF - New England

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Ahman GreenWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Marvin HarrisonTE - Daniel GrahamPK - Jay FeelyDEF - New England

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Chris BrownRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Larry FitzgeraldTE - Eric JohnsonK - Josh BrownDEF - Arizona

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QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Edgerrin JamesRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Javon WalkerTE - Daniel GrahamK - Josh BrownDEF - New England Patriots

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QB - Marc BulgerRB - Shuan AlexanderRB - Travis HenryWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Roy WilliamsTE - Antonio GatesK - Phil DawsonDEF - Baltimore

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QB - Brett FavreRB - Curtis MartinRB - Chris BrownWR - Randy MossWR - Roy WilliamsWR - Javon WalkerTE - Antonio GatesK - Doug BrienDEF - New EnglandThanx Falguy! Hell of a job :thumbup: I would've eliminated the missentries from the first week on.Seems that even now a few aren't able to read. :bag:

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Curtis MartinRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Javon WalkerWR - Andre JohnsonTE - Alge CrumplerK - Ryan LongwellDEF - New England

Man was last week a low scoring week.QB - Peyton ManningRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Curtis MartinWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Randy MossWR - Torry HoltTE - Daniel GrahamK - Neil RackersDEF - New England

Falguy,Thanks for running this. I can't believe I won last week!! I'm probably guilty of just typing the names, and forget to say RB or WR. Sorry about that. Here we go for Week 5:QB-Peyton ManningRB-Shaun AlexanderRB-Travis HenryWR-Marvin HarrisonWR-Andre JohnsonWR-Derrick MasonTE-Jeremy ShockeyK-Adam VinatieriDef-Atlanta Falcons

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Curtis MartinWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Hines WardTE- Eric JohnsonPK- Doug BrienDEF- New York Jets.

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QB - Michael VickRB - Ahman GreenRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Hines WardWR - Marvin HarrisonTE - Jason WittenK - Kris BrownDEF - New England

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Jamal LewisWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonTE - Antonio GatesK - Jay FeelyD - New England

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Sean AlexanderRB - Ahman GreenWR - Randy MossWR - Joe HornWR - Torry HoltTE - Daniel GrahamK - Jason ElamDEF - Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Ahman GreenRB - Kevin BarlowWR - Darell Jackson <-- replaced Hines WardWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Randy MossTE - Antonio GatesK - Jeff WilkinsDEF - Atlanta

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QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Chris BrownRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Roy WilliamsWR - Randy MossWR - Tory HoltTE - Alge CrumplerPK - John CarneyDEF - New England

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Curtis MartinWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Torry HoltTE - Eric JohnsonPK - Kris BrownDEF - New England

QB- Daunte CulpepperRB- Cris Brown RB- Kevin BarlowWR- Randy MossWR- Isaac BruceWR- Regie WayneTE- Alge CrumplerPK- Jon CarneyDF- New England

QB- Marc BulgerRB- Michael PittmanRB- Egerin JamesWR- Randy MossWR- Torry HoltWR- Marvin HarrisonTE- Alge CrumplerPK- Jeff WilkensDF- New England

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Edgerin JamesRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Isaac BruceWR - Hines WardTE - Antonio GatesK - Josh BrownDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Ahman GreenRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonWR - Marvin HarrisonTE - Alge CrumplerK - Adam VinatieriDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Edgerrin JamesRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Randy MossWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Hines WardTE - Jeremy ShockeyK - Josh BrownDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Chris BrownWR - Randy MossWR - Hines WardWR - Andre JohnsonTE - David GrahamK - Josh BrownDEF - New England

QB - Peyton ManningRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Chris Brown (changing from Lewis due to pending suspension)WR - David PattenWR - Randy MossWR - Roy Williams (Det)TE - Daniel GrahamK - Jason ElamDEF - Arizona

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QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Curtis MartinRB - Shaun AlexanderWR - Marvin HarrisonWR - Randy MossWR - Andre JohnsonTE - Jason WittenK - Adam VinatiereDEF - New England Patriots

QB - Daunte CulpepperRB - Shaun AlexanderRB - Warrick DunnWR - Randy MossWR - Darrell JacksonWR - Reggie WayneTE - Alge CrumplerK - Jason ElamDEF - New England Patriots


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