I am a small dollar 50/50 player. Historically, I would play a lot of $2 entries each week until I reach the dollar amount I wanted to invest. Last year and this year I have been typically playing $5 games as the norm (hurray for growing bankrolls!). I never recall seeing much of a difference in pay lines. Last week I noticed something strange. On Tuesday evening, I entered 7 $5 games. Later in the week I was feeling good about my line up and decided to try my luck at some $10 entries as well. On Friday I entered 5 $10 games. The pay lines for the $5 games were much higher than the pay lines for the $10 games.
$5 Tuesday entry games: 128.92, 135.32, 139.96, 135.82, 135.82, 137.92, and 136.32 for an average of 135.73
$10 Friday entry games: 125.06, 125.02, 114.62, 121.86, and 125.02 for an average of 122.32
So the question is...are these differences attributable to the price points of the games or are these differences a product of the quality of players entering contests early in the week compared to later in the week? I have typically played only one price point and I would enter some early in the week and some later, but I never knew which was which come game day as I never tracked the entry ID numbers. This time it was noticeable as I played the different dollar amounts on different days, and the pay line differences stood out.
So this week I am trying it again but keeping track of entries. I have both $5 and $10 entries from Tuesday and I will enter both $5 and $10 entries tomorrow (Friday) and see what happens. Not sure if anything fruitful will come of this but those numbers from last week are very different...I want to be in more of those $10 Friday games! Has anyone tracked data on this sort of thing?
$5 Tuesday entry games: 128.92, 135.32, 139.96, 135.82, 135.82, 137.92, and 136.32 for an average of 135.73
$10 Friday entry games: 125.06, 125.02, 114.62, 121.86, and 125.02 for an average of 122.32
So the question is...are these differences attributable to the price points of the games or are these differences a product of the quality of players entering contests early in the week compared to later in the week? I have typically played only one price point and I would enter some early in the week and some later, but I never knew which was which come game day as I never tracked the entry ID numbers. This time it was noticeable as I played the different dollar amounts on different days, and the pay line differences stood out.
So this week I am trying it again but keeping track of entries. I have both $5 and $10 entries from Tuesday and I will enter both $5 and $10 entries tomorrow (Friday) and see what happens. Not sure if anything fruitful will come of this but those numbers from last week are very different...I want to be in more of those $10 Friday games! Has anyone tracked data on this sort of thing?