It typically buy one or two per year, and Fantasy Football Pro Forecast is always one of them.
This year, I vacationed before that was available, so I bought ESPN and Lindy's, and followed up with FF Pro Forecast yesterday, when I first saw it on the stand.
I still enjoy them every year. Even with a tablet, I find the mags to be more functional at times. They are very portable. One doesn't have to worry too much about them being stolen at the beach.
Plus, there's the format. There's a reason folks produce PDF copies of magazines. It's a familiar format and folks know their way around it.
Sure, a lot of the information is static as of May. I don't find it too hard to keep that in mind when reading them. They're like a paper early draft of the Audible's Pre-Season Watch List, from others' perspectives.
Long live the mag.