So I could use some help from you FFPC veterans out there. I took over a $77 team three years back that had Mahomes, CMac, all draft picks, and nothing else. Thoroughly enjoyed the process of rebuilding this team and won the championship this year. I am thinking about selling the team and using the winnings to buy a $250 team that needs to be rebuilt. What's the best way to sell my championship team? Use FFPC to orphan the team or Dynasty Depot to sell it? It should be worth a premium since it is loaded with good, young players.
There are some teams available at FFPC that have several pieces and all their draft picks that would be fun to take over. They sell for well under the league fee, but does this mean I pay the price to buy the team and the league fee? Seems like a lot to take over a poor team.
I'm not in any $77 leagues, but I know there's no deposit. If you orphan it (basically just quit the league), do you lose any money? If you would lose money, then listing it with FFPC can get you your money back, but FFPC won't let you list for more than $77. I've sold teams on FFPC before for a reduced price. (I renew the team, then list it for sale -- that's the only way to get your deposit back.) It's hit or miss. There are a LOT of teams for sale.
I have listed teams on Dynasty Depot, but I've never sold anything. If you want to try to make a profit on the team, that's the only way to do it, but you do have to renew the team before listing it. If you've never signed up there, you can look at FFPC emails for a discount code.
Honestly, if you've made a profit on the $77 team and want to move on, I wouldn't consider it a huge loss to just orphan it. I have bought orphan teams on FFPC 3-4 times (including one in 2017 that was my first FFPC dynasty league and that I'm still in). The list price would cover your 2025 dues, but you'd still owe the deposit (so if it's a $250 league but the team costs $200 on the orphan page, then you just pay the $200, plus the deposit of $150). I've gotten some pretty nice teams at discount before. However, for me, if it's a choice between taking over a somewhat stacked orphan at discount or paying full price for a startup, I prefer the startup. It's much more fun for me to build my own team.