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Fire up the Torain bandwagon...! (1 Viewer)


Chooo choooo!

Countdown is 7 weeks (Week 9) until we see Ryan Torain lace 'em up. Shanahan has got to be licking his chops to get this beast into the lineup.

Shanahan on Torain:

"He's one of the most gifted running backs I've been around for a long time," Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said Wednesday. "He is very similar to Terrell Davis when he came in."
LinkRecovering quickly from his injury:

Running back Ryan Torain, who may not return until the first week of November because of an elbow injury, was also given a spot on the roster, a sign his recovery is on pace for him to play at least half of the season and possibly more.
LinkStash him in deep leagues ladies and gentlemen. He could be the key to your title run. Ok...this post might be a little (or a lot early). But lets just say that he is the second coming of TD. He's worth a stash. He should be out there on your waiver wire because most people are tired of the Bronco RB shenanigans (or 'Shanahan-igans'). Look at it this way...what other player out there on the waiver wire is capable of capturing such a prominent role on their team and carrying fantasy teams to championships. I doubt that Shanahan is comfortable with his hodge-podge running back situation. No one has really grabbed hold of the position and run away with it. It's a perfect opportunity for Torain to come in and become the work horse.

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Chooo choooo!

Countdown is 5 to 7 weeks (optimistically...Week 7) until we see Ryan Torain lace 'em up. Shanahan has got to be licking his chops to get this beast into the lineup.

Shanahan on Torain:

"He's one of the most gifted running backs I've been around for a long time," Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said Wednesday. "He is very similar to Terrell Davis when he came in."
LinkRecovering quickly from his injury:

Running back Ryan Torain, who may not return until the first week of November because of an elbow injury, was also given a spot on the roster, a sign his recovery is on pace for him to play at least half of the season and possibly more.
LinkStash him in deep leagues ladies and gentlemen. He could be the key to your title run. Ok...this post might be a little (or a lot early). But lets just say that he is the second coming of TD. He's worth a stash. He should be out there on your waiver wire because most people are tired of the Bronco RB shenanigans (or 'Shanahan-igans'). Look at it this way...what other player out there on the waiver wire is capable of capturing such a prominent role on their team and carrying fantasy teams to championships. I doubt that Shanahan is comfortable with his hodge-podge running back situation. No one has really grabbed hold of the position and run away with it. It's a perfect opportunity for Torain to come in and become the work horse.
It's never too early to nab someone with potential like he could have. Especially if he's to be got cheap. Bad thing in my dynasty, is that people don't like coming off their rookie squad players. We get to keep them for 2 years no penalty, and he's already been taken in my league. I'll give it another 2-3 weeks before i go out and try again to nab him. I do agree from week 8 on his name will be floating around the league often.
So as of week 7 there will be four backs to share carries instead of three?
No, five backs... (Hall, Young, Pittman, Hillis, and Torain)But if Torain is as good as Shanahan says he is...then Torain becomes the workhorse. They are in a committee right now because each of them do something well in their own right, but none of them are the complete back. Torain is the big one-cut runner that is perfect for Shanahans system. Selvin Young 5-11 215lbs: Shanahan knows he's talented, but only talented enough to fit a certain role. Young is a great pass catcher...but Shanahan won't feature him because he doesn't see him as an every down back.Andre Hall 5-10 212lbs: Best chance to become a feature guy IMO, but given the lack of buzz on him, I'm not sure that Shanahan feels that he is a special back.Peyton Hillis 6-2 250lbs: The fullback. Not getting alot of carries, but Shanahans moved his fullback to featured runner before.Michael Pittman 6-0 225lbs: Appears to be the goal line back, but is 33 and is quite simply a role player.Ryan Torain 6-1 225lbs: Ideal size and abilities to become the feature back in the Denver one-cut system, which plays to his strengths. Not the best receiver. Appeared to be winning the starting job in training camp before breaking his elbow. I wouldn't feel as positive about him if it was a leg or knee injury. He shouldn't lose any explosiveness from an arm injury. It might only take him a week or two to win the starting job outright if he comes back strong. Shanahan has already featured Royal, so it would not be a surprise to see him turn to a rookie back. Add that to the fact that rookie RB's are quick to make an impact in general, I give Torain a strong chance to take this job sooner rather than later.I am not surprised that people wrote off Torain for this year, but I believe that to be short-sighted. He'll return at mid season and should be at full strength. If one of the main backs gets injured between now and then, which is quite probable, that will clear the way for Torain even further.
I grabbed Torian in the 18th round of out 20 round redraft. He was worth the gamble. Playing the waiting game can be a nightmare some other owner might jump the gun if you wait to long to grab Torian.

It fits the Shanahan pattern. A player who doesn't play the first part of the season, comes in and replaces the supposed starter and excells. Thats the Shanahan script.

Torain had leapfrogged Hall in the offseason and was trying to do the same to Young.

Hall is even trying to leapfrog Young as we speak.

Scooping up Torain as soon as you can afford to, is a brilliant move.

He might not pan out to "be all that". But he has a far bigger chance to get "the role" then anything else on the Broncos.

The Broncos have been top 10 in rushing yards for 7 straight seasons. Thats a big pie to be sliced up.

If Young or Hall is worth rostering today, then Torain is even more-so for the second half possibilities.

9th (1,957)

8th (2,152)

2nd (2,539)

4th (2,333)

2nd (2,629)

10th (1,877)

3rd (2,311)

Disclaimer: I own Young in one league and Torain in one league.

I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.

I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
:IBTL: Also he's a complete gimp. His LisFranc injury was something nasty.Was most over-rated player of the off season on these boards, we'll maybe Kevin Jones was, and now Torain is getting over-hyped again.Some people never learn.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
But he may be significantly better in/for the Denver system.You cannot underestimate (or even worse - misunderstand) the system they use and its overall fantasy implications.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
It's all about where you're at. IMO if L Maroney was the starter in Den, he would be golden. He's not in Den though,...so now there are 20 threads wondering whether or not to use him this week.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
There USED to be a pattern with Shanny's RBs. TDavis, Mike Anderson, OGary then Portis. Since then the pattern has been Shanny with no clue who is better tries to motivate by promoting the other guy.

I'd put Torrain on my roster if I had room but no way am I getting overexcited.

I did drop Dawson for Prater though because I think Cutler, WRS and the RB group will score points.

I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
The thing is that he's brought in a ton of guys over the years, and only a very few have been special.
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I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
:IBTL: Also he's a complete gimp. His LisFranc injury was something nasty.Was most over-rated player of the off season on these boards, we'll maybe Kevin Jones was, and now Torain is getting over-hyped again.Some people never learn.
Agreed but you guys had to know you can't criticize a Denver RB without everyone bringing up the past success of Denver RB's who came out of no were to do well. Except those people forget guys like Clarett and the other RB's who passed through without being able to seize the job. To just assume Torain is going to come in after a pretty bad injury and supplant a three headed RBBC is awfully assumptive IMO.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
:thumbup: Also he's a complete gimp. His LisFranc injury was something nasty.Was most over-rated player of the off season on these boards, we'll maybe Kevin Jones was, and now Torain is getting over-hyped again.Some people never learn.
Agreed but you guys had to know you can't criticize a Denver RB without everyone bringing up the past success of Denver RB's who came out of no were to do well. Except those people forget guys like Clarett and the other RB's who passed through without being able to seize the job. To just assume Torain is going to come in after a pretty bad injury and supplant a three headed RBBC is awfully assumptive IMO.
I said get him if the value is low....which i would *ASSUME* it IS right now. I'm not saying go out and trade your WR2 for the guy sheesh. But he could be a sleeper buy extremely low right now.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
You won't mind if we are amused at your naivete, will you? I remember when he was saying similar things about Q-tip and then Taters. It doesn't mean anything.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
But he may be significantly better in/for the Denver system.You cannot underestimate (or even worse - misunderstand) the system they use and its overall fantasy implications.
You need a wake up call.The Denver RB hype has been grossly overrated the last few years. The amount of roster spots needed to cover your ###, means it's pretty much useless. Not to mention Shanny's favorite RB changes every 6-7 weeks. Different starting week 1 RB for what, 5 years in a row? He'll never pay a stud, he had one in Portis. He'll keep bringing in rejects, and working them into the system. Let someone else deal with it. Drafting a Denver RB became stupid when Portis left town. There's RBBC, then there's RatFace RBBC. Trust me, you don't want any part of it.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
Uh, Shanny's track record for RBs got real bad after Portis.Q-tip?Clarett?Mike Bell?Tatum Bell?Droughns?Henry?Dayne? I remember Shanny talking about how the Giants didn't know how to "use" Dayne. lolAnd Shanny might have drafted him to be a role player, RBBC RB. Shanny falls in love with cheap, fast RBs. This one is no different. And if he is really good, he won't pay him he'll ship him out of town in 2 years. There is no long term Denver RB. There's 5+ roster spots, maybe one guys actually gets the bulk of the work, for a week, then you better trade him quick.
one thing Torain did prove in college is that he's pretty brittle. regardless of if you think he fits in the Denver system, he's been injured a lot for such a young RB.

Chooo choooo!

Countdown is 5 to 7 weeks (optimistically...Week 7) until we see Ryan Torain lace 'em up. Shanahan has got to be licking his chops to get this beast into the lineup.

Shanahan on Torain:

"He's one of the most gifted running backs I've been around for a long time," Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said Wednesday. "He is very similar to Terrell Davis when he came in."
LinkRecovering quickly from his injury:

Running back Ryan Torain, who may not return until the first week of November because of an elbow injury, was also given a spot on the roster, a sign his recovery is on pace for him to play at least half of the season and possibly more.
LinkStash him in deep leagues ladies and gentlemen. He could be the key to your title run. Ok...this post might be a little (or a lot early). But lets just say that he is the second coming of TD. He's worth a stash. He should be out there on your waiver wire because most people are tired of the Bronco RB shenanigans (or 'Shanahan-igans'). Look at it this way...what other player out there on the waiver wire is capable of capturing such a prominent role on their team and carrying fantasy teams to championships. I doubt that Shanahan is comfortable with his hodge-podge running back situation. No one has really grabbed hold of the position and run away with it. It's a perfect opportunity for Torain to come in and become the work horse.
ok now you've done it..never quote Shanahan when he's gushing about a RB..you ever see the movie, 'Remember Kevan Barlow'?

its on the discount rack at Blockbuster, $1.99

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I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
But he may be significantly better in/for the Denver system.You cannot underestimate (or even worse - misunderstand) the system they use and its overall fantasy implications.
I have not seen Torian play in the Broncos backfield this year. However, I do agree with the system statement. Look at Ryan Grant. He was nothing special at Notre Dame, was going to be cut by the Giants, and then he ends up in the zone blocking scheme of the Packers and was 2nd in the league in rushing the last 8 games of 2007. He is injured and still gained 92 yards on 12 carries vs. the Vikings. I don't know if Torian will amount to anything, and I actually think Andre Hall is a pretty good back, but in the NFL it is all about the system and opportunity.
Torain update

Torain update.

The Broncos' offense looks stout now with Jay Cutler, Brandon Marshall, Eddie Royal, Tony Scheffler, Selvin Young and Andre Hall as the top threats.

Imagine how potent the offense can become if rookie running back Ryan Torain returns to play as the Broncos believe he can. Torain said Thursday his dislocated elbow injury will take the full three-month term for recovery, meaning his return would come during the bye week, after Game 7 at New England. He was injured August 6.

He has been riding a stationary bike at least 30 minutes a day, and even without the use of his left arm, he has been following an arduous weightlifting routine.
Rotoworld take:
Broncos RB Ryan Torain says his dislocated elbow injury will take the full three months for recovery, which would leave him with a Week 8 return.

Week 8 is the Broncos bye, so Torain would have an extra week of practice to get up to speed. With no one back emerging in the Broncos backfield, Torain could carve out a significant role later in the season.
Good luck de-coding Shanahan. No one has succeeded in the past.

Save yourself some grey hairs/balding and just avoid the entire DEN RB situation

I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
Uh, Shanny's track record for RBs got real bad after Portis.Q-tip?Clarett?Mike Bell?Tatum Bell?Droughns?Henry?Dayne? I remember Shanny talking about how the Giants didn't know how to "use" Dayne. lolAnd Shanny might have drafted him to be a role player, RBBC RB. Shanny falls in love with cheap, fast RBs. This one is no different. And if he is really good, he won't pay him he'll ship him out of town in 2 years. There is no long term Denver RB. There's 5+ roster spots, maybe one guys actually gets the bulk of the work, for a week, then you better trade him quick.
Let's say Ryan Torrain comes back in week #7.

Considering he is a rookie and hasn't been able to practice, he'll likely need at least 2-3 weeks before he can contribute anything significant on the field.

Denver, who most likely will be the division leader, is not going to mess with the formula that got them there by throwing a rookie running-back out onto the field when they have three other capable runners. By then, a go-to back will probably emerge, and if Denver is having success, it's unlikely that Torrain will unseat him.

And finally, if you are looking for Ryan Torrain to contribute to your team after week #10, then your not competing for anything in your fantasy league anyways.

Winning fantasy teams are not going to risk starting Ryan Torrain until he is proven, and under the best case scenario, he won't be a proven contributor until he plays in week #10, and proves himself through a couple games.

And finally, if you are looking for Ryan Torrain to contribute to your team after week #10, then your not competing for anything in your fantasy league anyways. Winning fantasy teams are not going to risk starting Ryan Torrain until he is proven, and under the best case scenario, he won't be a proven contributor until he plays in week #10, and proves himself through a couple games.
Gotta disagree with this. Using your logic no one should have stashed Julius Jones away his rookie year because he got injured, but he came back and put up some great numbers late in the season. Saying a blanket statement like you're not competing if you're looking for Torrain to contribute seems incredibly arrogant. What about leagues with 25 roster spots, is it worth it to have Torrain stashed away in case he blossoms late in the season?
Seriously though this reminds me of the Packers last season. ZBS system. Brandon Jackson, Vernand Morency, Deshawn Wynn all flamed out badly.

In comes some guy the Packers foolishly traded a coveted 5th round pick for. He was going to be cut anyway say the Packers faithful, what a waste. Until that player runs for nearly a thousand yards and hangs over two hundy on the Seahawks in the playoffs.

Not saying it will be the same thing, but it could be.

I'm on board for next year. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some value entering FF playoffs, but I think the Torain train is likely to gather some steam in about a year. Injury, playbook, lack of real contact, no NFL experience, muddled backfield, possible pass-heavy attack this year are all factors that lead me to believe Torain will not be a monster this year. JMO, of course.

I added him to my roster, as I'm in a 12 team, 2-player keeper league and had a couple of low end, limited upside WRs that I could afford to drop. If he gets the startign gig by year-end, I may have a cheap keeper. If he turns out to be a bust, nothing lost.

I'm gonna throw some of the Torain chum in the water in my league and see if any of the gupps will bite and waste a roster spot on em.

Let's say Ryan Torrain comes back in week #7.Considering he is a rookie and hasn't been able to practice, he'll likely need at least 2-3 weeks before he can contribute anything significant on the field.Denver, who most likely will be the division leader, is not going to mess with the formula that got them there by throwing a rookie running-back out onto the field when they have three other capable runners. By then, a go-to back will probably emerge, and if Denver is having success, it's unlikely that Torrain will unseat him.And finally, if you are looking for Ryan Torrain to contribute to your team after week #10, then your not competing for anything in your fantasy league anyways. Winning fantasy teams are not going to risk starting Ryan Torrain until he is proven, and under the best case scenario, he won't be a proven contributor until he plays in week #10, and proves himself through a couple games.
Winning fantasy teams plan for the future. This includes taking advantage of future opportunities that they feel will arise (ie. Deion Branch or Ryan Torain) Winning fantasy teams take risks that have large payoffs.Winning fantasy teams would rather own Ryan Torain over Kevin Faulk.Winning fantasy teams seek opportunities to build depth of monster talent with potential opportunity. They can either use that depth as trade bait or on their championship fantasy run.Winning fantasy teams realize that situations change, and the past may not repeat itself. They seek opportunities where others have put on blinders.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
You won't mind if we are amused at your naivete, will you? I remember when he was saying similar things about Q-tip and then Taters. It doesn't mean anything.
I don't recall Shanahan ever saying Q-tip or Tater was the best runningback he has been around since TD as reported in the original post. You gotta link? Or are you just flapping your lips?The only legitimate reason in this entire thread suggesting that Torain doesn't have a chance to be a legitimate fantasy option this season is the arguments about Denver being a pass first team this season. Every other argument in this thead is bogus. Truth is, nobody knows what Torain is going to do when he comes back. The OP suggested that if you can afford a roster spot to stash Torain, then it may pay off. It may not, and I'm as skeptical as anyone, but the risk of having Torain or a backup TE on my roster, I would be willing to gamble. If it doesn't pay off, then it really doesn't hurt that much.
So as of week 7 there will be four backs to share carries instead of three?
yeah, good luck to someone else to try to figure out thsi nightmare from week to week.
Torain simplifies the equation, he doesn't complicate it.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
The thing is that he's brought in a ton of guys over the years, and only a very few have been special.
So? How many coaches can claim a better success rate than Mike Shanahan? In the NFL, a 50% success rate on talent evaluation is still pretty darn special, especially when you factor in the cost involved. How many other teams could take a 6th round pick (Davis), a 5th round pick (Anderson), two 4th round picks (Gary and Griffin), a 3rd round pick (Clarett), two 2nd round picks (Bell and Portis), and a pair of undrafted free agents (Mike Bell and Selvin Young) and make all but TWO of them fantasy relevant? Seven RBs were drafted, and 5 of them became 1,000 yard rushers. That's a tremendous success rate. Despite only three picks being spent on the first day (one of which was the FINAL pick of the first day), those draft picks netted two guys with a shot (however long it may be) of one day seeing their bust in Canton. That's a tremendous success rate. And the undrafted free agents haven't been chopped liver, either- one of them posted 8 TDs as a rookie, and another posted 700+ yards at 5+ yards per carry. Both of them were among the most productive undrafted rookies in NFL history. And we haven't even gotten to Mike Anderson's rookie of the year award, either. As far as players brought in from other teams to compete, you've got three guys- Hearst (bust), Dayne (I look a bit more fondly on the Dayne era than most, but most people are going to call him a flat-out bust) and Droughns (a castoff who started for years after rushing for 1200+ in Denver). One out of three isn't bad at all for veteran-minimum castoffs.Seriously, name me ONE guy that can claim a success rate that comes anywhere NEAR that. Just one. That's a remarkable success rate, no matter how you slice it, without even factoring just how little real investment those RBs actually represent.
I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
You won't mind if we are amused at your naivete, will you? I remember when he was saying similar things about Q-tip and then Taters. It doesn't mean anything.
When did you hear similar things about Bell or Griffin? Shanahan was never as effusive with his praise about either of those guys as he has been with Torain. In fact, he was often more critical of Bell than not, and lukewarm in his support of Griffin.
Let's say Ryan Torrain comes back in week #7.Considering he is a rookie and hasn't been able to practice, he'll likely need at least 2-3 weeks before he can contribute anything significant on the field.Denver, who most likely will be the division leader, is not going to mess with the formula that got them there by throwing a rookie running-back out onto the field when they have three other capable runners. By then, a go-to back will probably emerge, and if Denver is having success, it's unlikely that Torrain will unseat him.And finally, if you are looking for Ryan Torrain to contribute to your team after week #10, then your not competing for anything in your fantasy league anyways. Winning fantasy teams are not going to risk starting Ryan Torrain until he is proven, and under the best case scenario, he won't be a proven contributor until he plays in week #10, and proves himself through a couple games.
Winning fantasy teams plan for the future. This includes taking advantage of future opportunities that they feel will arise (ie. Deion Branch or Ryan Torain) Winning fantasy teams take risks that have large payoffs.Winning fantasy teams would rather own Ryan Torain over Kevin Faulk.Winning fantasy teams seek opportunities to build depth of monster talent with potential opportunity. They can either use that depth as trade bait or on their championship fantasy run.Winning fantasy teams realize that situations change, and the past may not repeat itself. They seek opportunities where others have put on blinders.
OMG :popcorn: :excited:
My league uses I/R, so I picked up Torain and I/R'd him, thus he doesn't take up a roster spot. If I had to use an active roster spot for him, I probably wouldn't bother (we have 18 spots, start 9 - 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex, 1 K, 1 D/ST).

Most likely he'll have minimal if any fantasy impact this year. But just in case nobody steps up in Denver in the first half and Torain comes back from the injury looking strong, it's worth an I/R flier.

I live in Phoenix and watched Torrain at ASU quite a bit. I honestly can't believe he is getting this much hype. He may be a decent role player but don't expect a solid RB when he gets healthy. He is no better than Young or Hall IMO.
You won't be offended if I trust Mike Shanahan's evaluation of runningback talent over yours will you? mmm K
Don't be so sure of yourself... Shanahan gushed all over Kevan Barlow too.
:no: Skeletor has said a lot of things. He said Kevan Barlow was the best RB of that draft class. He drafted Maurice Clarett. And most importantly..Skeletor changes his mind so quickly I would not rely on what he says one moment to still be what he thinks the next. There is flip flop (tis the season) and Skeletor has taken that to new level.Not saying Torian doesen't have as good a chance as any RB on their roster to get a lot of playing time. But your better off making your desisions on what you see and anything else than what Skeletor said the other day. :hophead:
The Denver Running Game is where Fantasy Running Games go to die.

4 Headed Monster when this guy comes back. Yuck.

barrnone said:
My league uses I/R, so I picked up Torain and I/R'd him, thus he doesn't take up a roster spot. If I had to use an active roster spot for him, I probably wouldn't bother (we have 18 spots, start 9 - 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex, 1 K, 1 D/ST).Most likely he'll have minimal if any fantasy impact this year. But just in case nobody steps up in Denver in the first half and Torain comes back from the injury looking strong, it's worth an I/R flier.
I did pretty much the same thing. I am not expecting anything huge, but I don't think it hurts to be prepared either way.

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