My main league uses the FAAB (free agent acquisition budget) option with commish approval. Even though there is not an option to do this more than once a week, I manually change it to make it run 2 times a week.
Every wed night the process runs and I manually process the bids. More on that later. Then after processing, I go back into the league setup and change the waiver day to saturday night. This locks out all FCFS in the league (the way we want it) and gives everyone 2 chances to pickup players except for weeks with thursday games we only run it once on wed night.
The reason I do manual processing of the bids - it is the only fair way to do it. The automatic process takes the player order as determined by the highest team in the tiebreak order, so only this 1 team is aware of the order in which the bids will be processed and can prioritize multiple adds with the same drop player. Every other team is screwed because the order they set does not apply.
So for every wed and sat waivers, each owner emails me their order of priority for the players they are trying to pickup and I manually go through it. It's pretty easy and most weeks there are only 1 or 2 teams picking up a player.
I don't understand when you say "but the FCFS puts the commish in a tough spot since those transactions have to be processed manually". I am under the impression that FCFS means "first come first serve" and does not involve the commish at all.
I'm not sure what you're saying here.Using the FAAB process, the site processes from highest bid to lowest bid every time waivers runs. The tiebreak only comes in when two or more teams have the same bid on a particular player, and it's the high bid. Not sure how being first in the tiebreak order is a strategic advantage.
Go back and look at a transaction log from a waiver period that was processed automatically by the system, and I'll bet you they're ordered on bid amounts. Ours are, anyway.