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Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy cereals are back (1 Viewer)



"Frute Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy are returning to store shelves this fall. They’ll join our three other signature Monster Cereals – Franken Berry, Boo Berry and Count Chocula – for the first time, in our annual seasonal, limited time run of the cereals to celebrate Halloween"

I'm probably going with the trio of Count Chocula, Boo Berry and Fruit Brute this year. Never liked Franken Berry too much. I keep picturing Al Franken and Chuck Berry's offspring.

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These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.

These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
Sorry that your kid took the prize before you could get it.

These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
Sorry that your kid took the prize before you could get it.
Sorry you get excited about children's cereals coming out.

These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
Sorry that your kid took the prize before you could get it.
Sorry you get excited about children's cereals coming out.
If that was intended to be hurtful, it worked. (emotionally, not physically)

Why 2 different fruit flavored cereals? Are they different somehow

Also somebody needed to bring back Planters Cheez-Balls

Of all the monster cereals Fruit Brute was my favorite. Decades later I'm still not over the loss of my beloved werewolf adorned in striped overalls. Glad to see they changed the name to Frute so as not to taint the legacy of the original.

QuizGuy66 said:
Dan Lambskin said:
Disco Stu said:
Why 2 different fruit flavored cereals? Are they different somehow
Is this a trick question?

Taste the rainbow of fruit flavor...
No I'm cereal...it doesn't specify so I assume multifruit...so why two different ones?
They were originally sold at different times. Yummy Mummy came out a few years after they stopped selling Fruit Brute. Very well could be the same cereal :) -QG
Thanks...after some googles this seems to be the case and the new versions are cherry (Brute) and orange cream (Mummy)

Statcruncher said:
Of all the monster cereals Fruit Brute was my favorite. Decades later I'm still not over the loss of my beloved werewolf adorned in striped overalls. Glad to see they changed the name to Frute so as not to taint the legacy of the original.
They can't legally call it "Fruit" anymore. :lol:
These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
They're the same, you're just older.

QuizGuy66 said:
Dan Lambskin said:
Disco Stu said:
Why 2 different fruit flavored cereals? Are they different somehow
Is this a trick question?

Taste the rainbow of fruit flavor...
No I'm cereal...it doesn't specify so I assume multifruit...so why two different ones?
They were originally sold at different times. Yummy Mummy came out a few years after they stopped selling Fruit Brute. Very well could be the same cereal :)

I believe that Frute Brute is more cherry-based and Yummy Mummy is more orange-based.

These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
They're the same, you're just older.

Frute Brute is pretty solid. Not quite as good as Boo Berry but close.

Target has them all in retro boxes, which is a much better look than the new standard.

Statcruncher said:
Of all the monster cereals Fruit Brute was my favorite. Decades later I'm still not over the loss of my beloved werewolf adorned in striped overalls. Glad to see they changed the name to Frute so as not to taint the legacy of the original.
They can't legally call it "Fruit" anymore. :lol:
Damn, I was just about to post this. I guess now they expect real fruit in anything called fruit.

Statcruncher said:
Of all the monster cereals Fruit Brute was my favorite. Decades later I'm still not over the loss of my beloved werewolf adorned in striped overalls. Glad to see they changed the name to Frute so as not to taint the legacy of the original.
They can't legally call it "Fruit" anymore. :lol:
The gays ruin everything. :hot:

These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
They're the same, you're just older.

Frute Brute is pretty solid. Not quite as good as Boo Berry but close.

Target has them all in retro boxes, which is a much better look than the new standard.
Nothing tastes as good as nostalgia.

Just picked up a box of each of these this past weekend. Had me Franken Berry yesterday and Count Chocula this morning.

They ruined Count Chocula a long time ago. It isn't nearly as good as when it first came out. I imagine the same is true for Franken Berry. I've never had the other ones.

They ruined Count Chocula a long time ago. It isn't nearly as good as when it first came out. I imagine the same is true for Franken Berry. I've never had the other ones.
Totally agree. I can't even precisely put my finger on exactly what the changes were, but the old school Count Chocula was SO frigging good. The cereal portion seemed more chocolatey and the marshmallows were richer. They changed it and now it's just OK.

They ruined Count Chocula a long time ago. It isn't nearly as good as when it first came out. I imagine the same is true for Franken Berry. I've never had the other ones.
Totally agree. I can't even precisely put my finger on exactly what the changes were, but the old school Count Chocula was SO frigging good. The cereal portion seemed more chocolatey and the marshmallows were richer. They changed it and now it's just OK.
These are not the same cereals we had when we were kids. I got all excited last year at this time, and bought a box of Boo Berry. It tasted nothing like I remembered. It was like eating sugar acid, and not the fun kind. I couldn't eat more than one bowl.
Hello, exactly!!!

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