I'll admit that, as a Blackmon owner, I'm happy to see Henne under center, since JB really seemed to take off last year after Henne got the job. But I think we need to dispense with the notion that Henne is the NFL's version of Mox from "Varsity Blues". He's a journeyman QB who has never been able to hold down a starting job, and while we all remember the Houston game last year, his 2012 QBR was actually *worse* than Gabbert's.
Or to put it another way -- the guy is playing for the worst team in the NFL, with the worst starting QB in the NFL, and the coaches *still* aren't willing to give him the job. The assumption seems to be that that's an indictment of the coaching staff, and it may well be. But it sure as hell doesn't say much for Henne, either.