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Got puked on (1 Viewer)

Reminds me of the time I wore my Randy Moss jersey for the first time when the Cowboys came to the Metrodome to play the Vikings, probably 1999.

There were two Cowboys fans behind me and one was totally wasted before the game even started, practically passed out. First quarter he throws up into his cupped hands and some splashed on my back. ? 

They got kicked out. I ran down to the restroom and rinsed my shirt out in the sink, wrung it out and went back to my seat. It got clean. I didn’t consider leaving.    

Reminds me of the time I wore my Randy Moss jersey for the first time when the Cowboys came to the Metrodome to play the Vikings, probably 1999.

There were two Cowboys fans behind me and one was totally wasted before the game even started, practically passed out. First quarter he throws up into his cupped hands and some splashed on my back. ? 

They got kicked out. I ran down to the restroom and rinsed my shirt out in the sink, wrung it out and went back to my seat. It got clean. I didn’t consider leaving.    
A little splash on the back is one thing, taking an entire big gulp cup and throwing it on you is another thing. I couldn't do it.

A little splash on the back is one thing, taking an entire big gulp cup and throwing it on you is another thing. I couldn't do it.
Yeah I hear you. You gotta do what you gotta do. The jersey rinsed out pretty well because it’s a jersey. A regular shirt would’ve been a mess. I just wanted to relay my puked on story. 

I was standing about the 10th row for the Rollong Stones, and was way past over served 

It was near the end of the show, so instead of running to the bathroom to relieve my over served self, I peed in a used beer cup

I didn’t want to set it below my seat for fear of kicking it over....so I did the obvious thing, I dumped it out.  The bad news was I dumped it straight down the leg of my good buddy 

He still brings this up, almost 20 years later....We’ll be in attendance together this Monday night for Pearl Jam, hope he left it in the rear view mirror 

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I was standing about the 10th row for the Rollong Stones, and was way past over served 

It was near the end of the show, so instead of running to the bathroom to relieve my over served self, I peed in a used beer cup

I didn’t want to set it below my seat for fear of kicking it over....so I did the obvious thing, I dumped it out.  The bad news was I dumped it straight down the leg of my good buddy 

He still brings this up, almost 20 years later....We’ll be in attendance together this Monday night for Pearl Jam, hope payback isn’t on his mind 
you vs. him

pee vs. puke

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I was standing about the 10th row for the Rollong Stones, and was way past over served 

It was near the end of the show, so instead of running to the bathroom to relieve my over served self, I peed in a used beer cup

I didn’t want to set it below my seat for fear of kicking it over....so I did the obvious thing, I dumped it out.  The bad news was I dumped it straight down the leg of my good buddy 

He still brings this up, almost 20 years later....We’ll be in attendance together this Monday night for Pearl Jam, hope payback isn’t on his mind 
Sympathy for the Peed On

This story reminds me of the time that I got so drunk at a bar that I puked on myself.

I sat there and told the bartender that my wife is going to know that I over did it AGAIN. I'm so screwed.

He gave me a good idea. He said to put a $10 bill in my shirt pocket and when she asks what happened, tell her the guy next to you puked on you and gave you $10 to get your shirt cleaned.

Great idea.

So I got home ... there she was, standing there in the kitchen, arms folded.

"Look at you! Did you puke on yourself!?" .... "Nope, guy next to me puked on me. He gave me $10 to get my shirt cleaned" .. I pull a $20 bill out of my shirt pocket.

"That's a 20 ... I thought you said he gave you $10" ...

"well that was before he crapped in my pants on the cab ride home".

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nirad3 said:
Sympathy for the Peed On
Nowhere near an EG72 story, but I got peed on once by my college roommate. 

We had been downtown enjoying many libations at several establishments, and the group of us returned to the dorm pretty tuned up. 

He goes into the bathroom to take a whiz, and I thought it would be funny to continually kick the stall door open while he was standing there trying to go, which disturbed him immensely.

To his credit, he warned me several times that he was going to pee on me if I didnt stop, but the laughter coming from our friends emboldened me to continue my work. 

True to his word, I kicked the door open one time too many, he wheeled around and let loose, all over my jeans.

All I remember after that is rocking in a near fetal-position on our living room floor (was a suite) and silently muttering to myself.."he peed on me...I can't believe he peed on me", while one of our female friends had her arm around me for moral support. 

Funniest part was him stumbling out a few minutes later, coming up to me, and drunkenly stating, "ok...looking back...MAYBE I shouldn't have peed on you". 

I whispered back incredulously.."maybe?" 

Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I realize I was in the wrong and brought it all upon myself, so I dont blame him. His line is still brought up everytime we all get together though, without fail.  

I miss those days. 

Back in highschool my good friend was hooking up with chick at a party. He was getting  :football: . Shortly after she started she threw up all over his junk and shorts. He was referred to as barf balls for a bit after that. At least you aren't barf balls.

Back in highschool my good friend was hooking up with chick at a party. He was getting  :football: . Shortly after she started she threw up all over his junk and shorts. He was referred to as barf balls for a bit after that. At least you aren't barf balls.
Oof.  That's pretty bad when your little general makes a girl ralph.

Bossman said:
This story reminds me of the time that I got so drunk at a bar that I puked on myself.

I sat there and told the bartender that my wife is going to know that I over did it AGAIN. I'm so screwed.

He gave me a good idea. He said to put a $10 bill in my shirt pocket and when she asks what happened, tell her the guy next to you puked on you and gave you $10 to get your shirt cleaned.

Great idea.

So I got home ... there she was, standing there in the kitchen, arms folded.

"Look at you! Did you puke on yourself!?" .... "Nope, guy next to me puked on me. He gave me $10 to get my shirt cleaned" .. I pull a $20 bill out of my shirt pocket.

"That's a 20 ... I thought you said he gave you $10" ...

"well that was before he crapped in my pants on the cab ride home".
I can't get one like? not one "amen brotha"? .... this is good stuff here!

I don't know why I waste my time on the likes of all you. No appreciation for my pain and suffering.

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I can't get one like? not one "amen brotha"? .... this is good stuff here!

I don't know why I waste my time on the likes of all you. No appreciation for my pain and suffering.
If you were the first to post it, sure.

A drunk walks into a bar, orders a shot and and immediately pukes all over his own shirt. "Wha' my gonna do now? My wifez gonna kill me."

"Relax," the bartender says, "give me a five-dollar bill." The bartender folds up the bill and puts it in the guy's shirt pocket. "Tell your wife some drunk puked on you and gave you five bucks to have your shirt cleaned."

"Thass a great idea!"

When the drunk gets home his wife answers the door. "Where have you been? What happened to your shirt?"

He tries to put on a sober voice and says, "Relaaax honey, some drunk guy puked on me and gave me five bucks to have my shirt cleaned."

The drunk's wife reaches in his pocket, grabs the money, and says, "There's $10 in here!"

"Oh yeah, he #### my pants, too."

I can't get one like? not one "amen brotha"? .... this is good stuff here!

I don't know why I waste my time on the likes of all you. No appreciation for my pain and suffering.
Lives life seeking affirmation from strangers on a fantasy football forum. I feel sorry for you! 


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