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How bad is Portis hurt? (1 Viewer)

His ankle/lower leg got pinned and twisted under the tackler. He limped off the field with his arms on the shoulders of a couple other people. No idea if he is can/cannot play next week. I'm sure we'll know soon enough.

Shanahan is about to call me so I will let you know when I get off the phone with him. We always chat right after games.

Too soon to say. This is gonna suck if he is out next week! First McNair and now Portis! My two best players possibly out for the championship! :wall:

you couldn't really tell what he hurt by the replay as there were too many people in the way. Unfortunately, he looked to be favoring his knee as he went off. He grimaced as he tried to put pressure on his right leg. Whatever it is, it ain't good.

Lower leg. Couldn't tell if it was a foot/ankle/knee? Got tackled a little awkwardly and his leg ended up underneath the defender as they hit the ground.He immediately grimmaced in obvious pain. Was helped off the field by 2 coaches. Didn't look like he could put much weight on it, but we probably won't know much about his status next week until they do x-rays/mri's or whatever they need to do.

He'll be alright... probably just a little tender right now. He'll probably sit out of practice until Friday and play on Sunday.

I did not look good. I immediately put a claim in for Anderson and Griffin. It is going to be a long week for us Portis owners getting to the finals.

He'll be alright... probably just a little tender right now. He'll probably sit out of practice until Friday and play on Sunday.
keep telling yourself that and you just might start to believe it.
I'm sorry, but Shanahan is a tool for not kicking the field goal on first down. Why run the risk of injuring a player, or turning the ball over? Elam is money from that distance, too damn risky.

It's his knee, no doubt about it. Is it a sprained or torn MCL, PCL, or ACL can't say yet, just too early to tell. I am guessing sprained MCL based on the way it looked, could be worse though.

Yeah, hard to say at the time. Shanahan did what any other coach out there would have done. Of course, he has the luxury of one of the greatest kickers EVER in Jason Elam, who is money almost every time...

Doesnt matter to me.. I lost both my games with portis today. As far as i'm concerned he has until next year to get healthy :(

Whaddaya mean Shanny did what any other coach would do? Portis ran the ball like almost 40 times, and they were tough yards to boot. I think once you have the ball inside the 15 you go ahead and kick. Why they were still intent to run the ball inside the 10 is beyond me. "What any other coach would do"...let's rephrase that to "what any other idiot coach might do".

for ####s sake shanny is going to get BLASTED by the sports writers in denver and all for this ####.Great..last year i lost preist for the superbowl, if i win this week looks like i am losing portis now too..wtf!

Whaddaya mean Shanny did what any other coach would do? Portis ran the ball like almost 40 times, and they were tough yards to boot. I think once you have the ball inside the 15 you go ahead and kick. Why they were still intent to run the ball inside the 10 is beyond me. "What any other coach would do"...let's rephrase that to "what any other idiot coach might do".
I believe Shanny also ran on 3 and 6 from about the 15? I always thought you kicked that close on third down in case of a bad snap or hold.
I believe Shanny also ran on 3 and 6 from about the 15? I always thought you kicked that close on third down in case of a bad snap or hold.
yep - 3rd and 6 from the 16 was the time to kick a 34-yarder. I was yelling for it as I'm sure were most knowledgeable fans. Certainly after Portis got the first down to the 10 you trot Elam out there on 1st down. Shanahan is a hack...
What was Shanahan thinking? How close did he need to get Elam?
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
i have never heard of this fumbling reputation. and jason elam is hardly the best kicker in the game.
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
i have never heard of this fumbling reputation. and jason elam is hardly the best kicker in the game.
That must be one big rock you live under. :yes:
Did anybody happen to see Sharpe expressing his displeasure as he came off the field right after the injury occurred? Looked like he was also questioning why Portis was in there running the ball. Definitely looked liked his right knee to me.

As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
i have never heard of this fumbling reputation. and jason elam is hardly the best kicker in the game.
That must be one big rock you live under. :yes:
how many times has clinton portis fumbled this year?
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Ok fellow Portis owners,who needs tums?
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Fact is Shanny went for the quick FG on first down with 11 seconds left in regulation........yet curiously he keeps pounding the ball in OT inside the 15 .......Elam is money from that point blank range.Sharpes reaction was incredulous.....he points out at the field...... at portis lying on the field absolutely bewildered as to why they did not kick the FG....shaking his head.Tom jackson asked the same question....why don't you kick the FG.farves commercial is a classic but in this situation it is not applicable.There is no room for debate.......Why,,,,why ....why don't you kick the F'n FG???

If I hold on tomorrow night, I go against the Portis owner for all the marbles. Not that I was hoping for this or anything. Also, what do you mean you never heard of Portis' fumbling probs? This may well be behind him and all but...did you just start watching football this year? Portis had a lot of buzz in August and many in FF land thought he might be huge. Then he fumbled away into a RBBC. Then he worked his way back to a starter and stud. He had his believers and disbelievers but all were concerned about his fumbling probs.

Legion of Doom, Class Dismissed, Warhound, Travelmoose, fsufan, Jeromen, Brave Sir Robin, Swanny, adamgraves, RandleEl82, OneShot201, Jimmy James, Memphis Foundry, TeddyKGB, NJ, Gamese7en, knowledge dropper, TME, sdsjr3, captbly, zyxys, mac daddy, SKIDMARK, dloew, FUJO4, LAUNCH, VerticalVike, TheGMen, stedman, Me & My Uncle, ajlight, PatsFanCT, Federal, Keerock, greenroom, j blower, dirtnap101, Steelers Rule, scottybo14, Herc, FootballFreakX, BIDDEFROGS, delusional, duke21, LadyBeBop, Cheech1974, The Scorpion, wiseguys, NFL Sunday Ticket, bhrugby, offdee, BDubs, MarshallPlan, RJJR, dougins, Frenchy Fuqua, MillenniuM Presents: Frank Black, JHarrill, Zasada, Master Gators, biglare66, imeimex, Wildcat, jdsmit06, dwarfboy, Humping Rhino, TheElwayWarriors, mcd, Strummer, kstewart23, Burning Sensation, Spur24, Ditka is God, S.F.W
Ok fellow Portis owners,who needs tums?
Actually, I'm going up against a Portis owner for the championship next week. My interest is just in knowing what type of decision he is going to be facing next week...
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
i have never heard of this fumbling reputation. and jason elam is hardly the best kicker in the game.
That must be one big rock you live under. :yes:
how many times has clinton portis fumbled this year?
Three that he's lost. Not exactly a reputation-building number.Edit: according to NFL.com he's put three on the ground and lost only 1. Yeah, he's a big fumbler.
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If I hold on tomorrow night, I go against the Portis owner for all the marbles. Not that I was hoping for this or anything. Also, what do you mean you never heard of Portis' fumbling probs? This may well be behind him and all but...did you just start watching football this year? Portis had a lot of buzz in August and many in FF land thought he might be huge. Then he fumbled away into a RBBC. Then he worked his way back to a starter and stud. He had his believers and disbelievers but all were concerned about his fumbling probs.
what the hell are you talking about? rbbc? whatever. i wonder if these were the same people that were saying that priest was done.
As Brett would say, "I think I would have gone with Vanilla with that sweater."If the intent is to win, I think that continuing to pound the ball for a TD vs risking a FG before you have to is the way to go unless you are merely playing to prevent injury.
With a RB that has a reputation for fumbling and the best kicker in the NFL?
i have never heard of this fumbling reputation. and jason elam is hardly the best kicker in the game.
That must be one big rock you live under. :yes:
how many times has clinton portis fumbled this year?
http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/5937/gamelogone fumble lost this year.. yeah.. he is real bad fumbler.
If I hold on tomorrow night, I go against the Portis owner for all the marbles. Not that I was hoping for this or anything. Also, what do you mean you never heard of Portis' fumbling probs? This may well be behind him and all but...did you just start watching football this year? Portis had a lot of buzz in August and many in FF land thought he might be huge. Then he fumbled away into a RBBC. Then he worked his way back to a starter and stud. He had his believers and disbelievers but all were concerned about his fumbling probs.
what the hell are you talking about? rbbc? whatever. i wonder if these were the same people that were saying that priest was done.
He's talking about last year's RBBC. However, even last year, he had less fumbles than Jamal Lewis had this year. Whatever reputation is being discussed doesn't actually exist. He's been one of the best RB in the league at holding onto the football this year.
Fact is Shanny went for the quick FG on first down with 11 seconds left in regulation........yet curiously he keeps pounding the ball in OT inside the 15 .......Elam is money from that point blank range.Sharpes reaction was incredulous.....he points out at the field...... at portis lying on the field absolutely bewildered as to why they did not kick the FG....shaking his head.Tom jackson asked the same question....why don't you kick the FG.farves commercial is a classic but in this situation it is not applicable.There is no room for debate.......Why,,,,why ....why don't you kick the F'n FG???
He kicked the FG because of the clock.Thae Favre Commercial fits perfectly.Portis ran the ball 5 times 20 yards prior to the injury.2nd and 7 with a back that just ripped off a series of quality runs despite everyone knowing that he was comming. I say again, ram it down their throat until they prove they can stop him.
people started with the fumbling thing because he put the ball on the ground twice in a preseason game.

I'll throw in here, couldn't see the injury on replay, but he looked to be in EXTREME pain on the ground and leaving the field. I'm chalking that up to hope that he's a big mama's boy and overdramatizing this. But as a Portis owner who may have just made 3 super bowls, this is as dour a winning weekend as I can ever recall in my life. I'm not optimistic for next week. However, if you own Mike Anderson, I think he'll make a servicable play next week. Not the game breaker Clint is, but I think 100 and TD would be within range against Indy. Marijuana Mike is the man in my book, QG could be announced the starter, but I know that rag doll couldn't move the ball and Anderson would be the main back within 3 series. Otherwise, my number one option in 4 different leagues is(not one team):-Derrick Mason, Jamel White-Thomas Jones, Marcel Shipp-Dominick Davis-Plaxico Burress :shock: :yucky: , Jamel White(but I also start Bennett in this league so I'm looking screwed here)Let's form the prayer circle for Clinton.....

SOME ACTUAL INFO-From another message board.They are reporting that he has a sprained knee and ankle. Xrays are negative and they will look at it tomorrow after the swelling goes down.


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