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How do you determine draft order in Dynasty Leagues? (1 Viewer)


How do other dynasty teams determine the draft order for the next season's draft? This is a 2nd year Dynasty league with 12 teams and the top 8 make the playoffs and currently the 8 teams are chosen based on their regular season power poll rankings. Some of the members are trying to use the NFL logic of if you win the Superbowl you draft last in next years draft, Superbowl loser 2nd to last, etc. Semifinal losers draft 3rd and 4th to last based on power rankings. We are trying to eliminate the 8th seed from winning the super bowl and getting the 5th pick after winning all of the money.

Any ideas?

Some of the members are trying to use the NFL logic of if you win the Superbowl you draft last in next years draft, Superbowl loser 2nd to last, etc. Semifinal losers draft 3rd and 4th to last based on power rankings.
This is definitely what I would vote for.Edit: You guys should have something this basic in writing before you did anything else. The problem with hashing this stuff out as you go along is that now all the playoff teams have some self-interest tied up in this. If I was the #1 seed headed into the playoffs, of course I would support an "NFL-style" system; it would really suck if my team got bumped in the first round and I still got stuck with the #12 draft spot. But if I was the #8 guy, I would want my draft position frozen to guarantee myself the #5 spot.
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How do other dynasty teams determine the draft order for the next season's draft? This is a 2nd year Dynasty league with 12 teams and the top 8 make the playoffs and currently the 8 teams are chosen based on their regular season power poll rankings. Some of the members are trying to use the NFL logic of if you win the Superbowl you draft last in next years draft, Superbowl loser 2nd to last, etc. Semifinal losers draft 3rd and 4th to last based on power rankings. We are trying to eliminate the 8th seed from winning the super bowl and getting the 5th pick after winning all of the money.

Any ideas?
I like the NFL logic idea you mention. You wouldn't know it from the thread title, but this thread probably has some of what you're looking for.
if you win the superbowl you get the last pick
This is the only way to go. We actually added a draft lottery for the bottom 5. (16 team - 8 teams get in the playoffs). This helps to deter tanking to get the #1 pick.
:goodposting: The first five picks in a rookie draft shouldn't be dumb luck. The worst team should get the #1 pick. There's other ways to deter tanking. Besides, it's not really solving anything. What's to deter the 6th worst team from tanking to slip into the "bottom 5 lottery"?
if you win the superbowl you get the last pick
This is the only way to go. We actually added a draft lottery for the bottom 5. (16 team - 8 teams get in the playoffs). This helps to deter tanking to get the #1 pick.
:thumbdown: The first five picks in a rookie draft shouldn't be dumb luck. The worst team should get the #1 pick. There's other ways to deter tanking. Besides, it's not really solving anything. What's to deter the 6th worst team from tanking to slip into the "bottom 5 lottery"?
We are close to doing something similar in a lottery (which heavily favors the last place team) to curb tanking. Can I ask what other ways can a league curb tanking cause we had that exact problem this year.
if you win the superbowl you get the last pick
This is the only way to go. We actually added a draft lottery for the bottom 5. (16 team - 8 teams get in the playoffs). This helps to deter tanking to get the #1 pick.
:X The first five picks in a rookie draft shouldn't be dumb luck. The worst team should get the #1 pick. There's other ways to deter tanking. Besides, it's not really solving anything. What's to deter the 6th worst team from tanking to slip into the "bottom 5 lottery"?
I appreciate your opinion, but it has worked out very well for us. The worst team has gotten the top pick each time. I'm not saying it's the perfect solution but it has been effective. The worst team has the most "chances" to get the top pick. Our league has always been extremely competitive and the bottom 5 teams have always been very close. It went to a leaguewide vote and it passed with flying colors. Everyone loves how it works. :bag:
My one league charges $5 a loss. That seems to work.
I like this. Sure would make it interesting. I doubt it would fly in ours either though.
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8 non playoff teams, each get 1 lottery ball according to finish.

Thus worst team in league gets 8 balls and the best non playoff team gets 1.

We hold an off season owners meeting - includes lottery and other fanfare.


8 playoff teams. Slotted by record/finish.

Super Bowl team are last 2.

Played in a few leagues over the years and I've seen 3 different ways of handling this:

- In league 1, we use the regular season standings to determine ALL draft positions.

- In league 2, we use the regular season standings to determine draft position for teams that missed the playoffs, but we used the standings from the playoffs to determine the draft order amongst those teams.

- In league 3, we use the regular season standings for ALL draft positions except the last two. Those were reserved for the super bowl loser and super bowl winner.

Of these three, I really didn't like the system in League 1. Nothing is worse than having the best record in the regular season, losing in the playoffs and then having to draft the next year behind the team that eventually beat you.

II. Player Drafts

A. Owners will build their team through a 4 round draft, where the first 2 rounds must be rookies and the last 2 can be FA players or rookies. The draft will be NFL Style (worst to first). The rookie draft will only have the pool of players eligible for the NFL draft. If a player is eligible for the NFL Draft but isn't in the hosting site player database, then a proxy pick can be made, where you select a player as a placeholder until the "real" player is added to the player database.

C. Trading of Draft Picks

1. Trading of draft picks are free of charge

2. You cannot trade future draft picks more than 1 draft in the future.

3. The current year's draft counts as one of the drafts in the future if the trade takes place before the current year's draft.

4. A combination of players / and current year draft picks or future draft picks 1 draft year in the future, which includes the current year's draft if it hasn't already been completed.

5. Draft picks can not be traded for money or any other considerations

6 .We will use a 12 hour window during the draft to protest a trade once a trade is made. The clock doesn't stop because of a trade, but only if there is a protest. Once a protest is made, the draft stops and the league has another 12 hour window to complete the vote. If a veto is made (see Trading Section on veto), anyone who drafted before or after the persons involved in the trade that was vetoed, is not affected by the veto. In other words, whoever they drafted is theirs.

7. One week before the upcomming draft you will be able to trade draft picks one year into the future.. Example, if the current draft is 2008, you will be able to trade 2009 picks one week before the 2008 draft.

Also, within 48 hours of the draft, you have up untiil the draft to protest any trades.

D. Once a draft selection has been posted it cannot be rescinded.

E. The rookie draft is to be held in May. The order of the draft will be determined by the results of the previous year, from worst to first for every round. The playoffs are included in the determination of the final team standings. The draft will not use a serpentine draft style, but will use the NFL style draft. The time limit to make a pick will be 24 hours.


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