Some of the sentiment hits home for me, although its something I've been well aware of for a few years now and an issue I've tried to address with my wife. The comment, "Our parents were not responsible for entertaining us" sums it up for me. My childhood memories are of my parents enjoying their lives, and bringing us along for the ride. In my life, and those of most all of my friends, our weekends, vacations and most all of our free time is dictated by our kids. One minor example - although I played sports most all of my youth, I'm pretty certain my parents never attended one single practice, and likely missed many of the games. I have friends who attend practices with their kids several days a week, year round. One friend has two boys, and has year round games every single weekend - many involving long drives and overnights. Summer for my kids is a constant barrage of activities, day camps, etc. - in each case something we researched, paid for and drove them to. We feel responsible for entertaining and stimulating our kids constantly. That's our job, not theirs. I hate it honestly, but don't see a good solution. Its just the way we live now.
1967-1970 my parents took four major (for them) vacations - two to Las Vegas, one to Mexico, one to Europe. We got dumped with Aunts or Grandma. They used to throw a lot of pool parties, too. They had an eclectic and interesting group of friends. We were kind of aware our parents weren't like other parents - less supervision, lots of booze - but I can't say it bothered us. We spent summers at a lake cottage boating and swimming, snowmobiles in the winter. Hell, one year dad brought home an ice boat (3 skis and a big ### fan - neighbors hated how loud it was, that didn't last long). Anyway, they lived their lives, did a reasonably good job making sure we didn't get killed, and made sure we plenty of toys (dirt bikes, tanning bed for the girls, whatever). Around 1971 Disney World opened - the four of us kids were 15, 14, 12 and 9 - and our "family vacations" morphed from camping/RVing (their jaunts ended) to the need to be entertained. Went to Orlando first four years it was open (from Michigan). Used to be we had the family car (station wagon) and a fun car for them - Mustang, Corvette. Pretty soon the fun cars stopped, though dad did start driving pickups (he was an entrepreneur). We also left the little fresh water lake and became Lake Michigan boaters. Totally different vibe - instead of hanging around the lake catching turtles with our summer friends, we were at a marina every weekend, meeting spoiled rich kids, playing shuffleboard or mini-golf or taking the houseboat for a cruise. In other words, we stopped making our own fun, and our parents became entertainment directors.
They got divorced in 1974. Probably just a coincidence.