Mike Tice is really subliminal man. I'm sure his interview will go something like this.Bradway: So Mike, if you are chosen as the next Jets head coach, what will you bring to this organization to help build it into a winner?Tice: Well, I think I bring (subliminal message - f-this interview, just give me the damn job. end subliminal message) enthusiasm and experience to lead this team.Bradway: You know what Mike, f-this interview you're hired.Tice: I accept.Bradway: Now for compensation. I was thinking of offering you $300,000 more than you made with the Vikings.Tice: That would be (subliminal message - I want $5,000,000 per year. end subliminal message) fine.Bradway: Mike, we are so sure that you will lead this team to the Super Bowl, that I'm going to offer you $5,000,000 per year.Tice: Thank you for hiring me, and I promise to a great job (subliminal message - I want total control of the team, and to have sex with your daughter. end subliminal message).Bradway: Mike, I'm also making you co-GM. How do you like that? Also, here is a picture of my daughter, give her a call.Tice: Gee thanks (subliminal message - DAD. end subliminal message) Mr. Bradway. You won't regret hiring me.