If NO keeps Bush, then Deuce's value takes a big tumble and Bennett falls off the map ...
If they trade the pick, they are picking up at least one additional first rounder plus several other picks ...
I for one bet you dollars to donuts that if they get multiple additional first day picks, a first day TE is a shoe in ...
Further eating into Hilton's value ...
The posts the last few days indicating that he is overrated from a dynasty perspective may be right on spot ...
The same could be said for players like Dev Henderson, Colbly Bockwoldt, Anthony Simmons, Scott Fujita ...
If they trade the pick, they are picking up at least one additional first rounder plus several other picks ...
I for one bet you dollars to donuts that if they get multiple additional first day picks, a first day TE is a shoe in ...
Further eating into Hilton's value ...
The posts the last few days indicating that he is overrated from a dynasty perspective may be right on spot ...
The same could be said for players like Dev Henderson, Colbly Bockwoldt, Anthony Simmons, Scott Fujita ...