This team needs top 5 picks
This team needs functional management. Instead, we will probably see Bill Bellycheck hired next offseason in Mork's next hail to Mary.
The problem with the Raiders is that the fanbase has no idea of what they want, other than it has to be a "Raider" of yore. While being a franchise that has only
five double digit win season in the past 30 years. There is no such thing as a "Raider Mystique" anymore. It's been two generations since they won the Super Bowl. But come on, they have again only five double digit win seasons since dial up internet.
Would Raider fans chose to shed the old Raider mystique and brand for a new brand and team identity if they promised to be a new, refreshing franchise to the 4 decades of futility of the three prior decades of "Raider Yore" from 1960 to 1990? Just what is success to a Raider fan? The Raiders have only five season in the black in the past 30 seasons. This is a failed franchise. The only reason why it still exists is because people still buy into an inferior product, and reward bad CEO's and leadershiwp.
Edit: Bottom line is Raider fans need to force a sale of the team. Only way to do that is not buy into it anymore. Because they ain't going anywhere now, literally and figuratively.
This sounds more like one of our rivals fans rambling about than anything else.
You really think the reason we have had such a long stretch of poor performance is that the fanbase hangs on to the old Raider mystique?
Come on now... come back when you have something serious to say.
Numbers are numbers, and in the W/L column, or post season numbers, it just shows their is no "mystique" when the math solves it. There is nothing mystical about the Raiders, and there never was. If Raider fans finally realized this, then they could move on an demand better. Instead, they live in a tired old narrative that has them going into this season having to bench a QB in the 4th game into it. I am not one to toss a steamer on the chest of the Raider Organization. It's just that all you Raider fans don't have the balls to do it, because you have been lead to believe that just because it's colored in Silver and Black, the most neutral and bland colors that no one fears anymore, and why should they. You have the neop baby of Mark Davis wearing his onesee track suit like he never got out of when he was dressed as a toddler now running a franchise that is only saved by being one in the NFL.
You never demand better. Wny? Because you still show up thinking you are, when you're not.
Stopped reading your driveling post halfway through, and regret giving it even that much time. I will never understand the psychology behind entering another team's thread just to passive-aggressively call out their fans like this. Especially to then stick around and dig in heels about why you are right, and further suggest that said team's fans are dumb to not see how right you are.
Come on, Maxx Crosby basically lead the charge for Antonio Pierce, because of the whole Rich Bissccia thing to whom no other franchise would had considered Bisaccia as their head coach because there is no head coach that can coach the stink out of 30 seasons of futility, and the sole head coach that had, Al Davis got rid of, only to get face blasted in the worst and most embarrasing loss in the Super Bowl era. How do Raider fans react? How does JT the Brick - a NYG fan who is a voice of the Raiders...
The Raiders this season are not going to the playoffs,, they don;t have a QB, the offense stinks, the only salvation they have is that Bo Nix while way more talented than any QB the Raiders have now will still be better than ony current Raider QB but has an *** defense behind him. They promoted an assistant coach who has inherited a dysfunctional franchise who just got smoked by an even more dysfunctional franchise. The only saving grace is you don't have to travel to the toilet of Oakland where the best hotel around there is a Super 8, and the In and Out there is closed because it's near the airport.
The Oakland Raiders are a franchise of the past, and it's why they will never, ever be a franchise with a future.