I took an Advil late last night and usually when I do that I have some weird dreams. This one was super vivid and a little strange. Sorry, it's a little long. Here's the dream:
I'm in high school but it wasn't the school I went to and I didn't recognize anyone in the dream as people i went to school with. All random people except one, a non-high school friend of mine who had a kid recently that I haven't seen in a while. (Don't think him being in the dream is of importance. He emailed me last week and I think that's probably the only reason he was in this). He tells me that in the wing of the school where they teach sex-ed, one of our female classmates was going to be naked and fooling around with someone in front of the class. In the dream this made sense because I had taken that class a year or so before and this was something that people did as part of the class. Couples or groups would get up in front of the class and act out sexual situations for "learning purposes". Anyway, we're walking down the hallway where that class is taking place and I decide I'm going to "accidentally" walk in on the class. I'm going to do this for a number of reasons. One, I think it will be funny. Two, maybe I'll catch a glimpse of some action. I was probably doing it to "show off" in front of my friend as well.
The classroom has two doors, one in the front of the class, one in the back. I open the door at the back of the class (the students sitting have their backs to me) and walk in. I see a flash of what's going on in front of the class. No nudity but two couples standing there acting out some scene. One of the girls may have been in a bra. Nothing really exciting. The class shoots their head around to see who walked in. I say something like "whoops, sorry" and quickly turn around and leave. The student's faces looked shocked when they saw me walk in but again, whatever was going on was completely tame. So I'm back in the hallway, my friend and I chuckle about it and I'm on my way to another class.
Now a little time has passed, I'm still in school. It may have been the same day or maybe a few days later but word has spread around the school that my walking in on the class was no mistake, that I did it purposely to see some specific girl naked (nobody I know in real life, just some random girl who even in the dream I didn't recognize). I can feel in the dream almost the entire school turning against me. People who I didn't know were suddenly threatening me. At one point there was a group of student Texas Rangers (wearing cowboy hats and rodeo uniforms) who tried to take me outside for what I thought was going to be a beating. Dozens of male students threatened to kick my ###. I was in fear for my life. I went to a few different teachers (nobody I recognized from real life) and told them I had inadvertently walked in on this sex-ed class and now everyone wants to kill me. The teachers were sympathetic but didn't really help. They shrugged it off and went on with their day. I ended up going to the principal's office to let them know what the situation was. As I'm waiting to talk to one of the principals I'm thinking about leaving the state, getting out of the country maybe. I remember thinking this would be impossible because I was in high school and didn't have the money to go on the lam.
I get in with who i think was the vice-principal. I tell him what happened. I tell him I've been threatened and I'll likely be attacked shortly. He thinks the whole thing is amusing. As I'm sitting with him in his office, through the windows I can see groups of dudes waiting for me to come out. There is going to be a group beating. I'm going to get killed. I tell the VP what's about to happen. I show him the guys waiting for me outside the office. He still thinks it's funny but will walk me to my next class as to keep me safe. He takes me down the hallway past what seems like the entire school. Everyone is watching me walk past, some looking angry, others whispering to each other. I get to my next class, the door shuts and my class begins. I know I'm only safe until the class is over. There are kids waiting outside the classroom door. It's just a matter of time until I getting a beat down.
After the class I hang out with the teacher at his desk and convince him I need to speak in front of the school so I can clear my name. The teacher agrees and calls for an assembly which happens right away. I'm onstage and introduced to the student body. I walk to the podium to a chorus of boos and people yelling every terrible thing you can think of. I explain that I entered the classroom by mistake. I thought the room was empty. I didn't see anything anyway. This whole thing is a huge misunderstanding. Everything I'm saying is a lie of course because as i wrote earlier I did it on purpose as to goof around in front of my friend and maybe see some action. Someone suggests a lie detector test. I agree because what choice to have at this point? Instantly I'm sitting on the stage taking a lie detector test in front of the entire school, a test that I know I'll likely fail. As the questions begin I wake up.
I'm in high school but it wasn't the school I went to and I didn't recognize anyone in the dream as people i went to school with. All random people except one, a non-high school friend of mine who had a kid recently that I haven't seen in a while. (Don't think him being in the dream is of importance. He emailed me last week and I think that's probably the only reason he was in this). He tells me that in the wing of the school where they teach sex-ed, one of our female classmates was going to be naked and fooling around with someone in front of the class. In the dream this made sense because I had taken that class a year or so before and this was something that people did as part of the class. Couples or groups would get up in front of the class and act out sexual situations for "learning purposes". Anyway, we're walking down the hallway where that class is taking place and I decide I'm going to "accidentally" walk in on the class. I'm going to do this for a number of reasons. One, I think it will be funny. Two, maybe I'll catch a glimpse of some action. I was probably doing it to "show off" in front of my friend as well.
The classroom has two doors, one in the front of the class, one in the back. I open the door at the back of the class (the students sitting have their backs to me) and walk in. I see a flash of what's going on in front of the class. No nudity but two couples standing there acting out some scene. One of the girls may have been in a bra. Nothing really exciting. The class shoots their head around to see who walked in. I say something like "whoops, sorry" and quickly turn around and leave. The student's faces looked shocked when they saw me walk in but again, whatever was going on was completely tame. So I'm back in the hallway, my friend and I chuckle about it and I'm on my way to another class.
Now a little time has passed, I'm still in school. It may have been the same day or maybe a few days later but word has spread around the school that my walking in on the class was no mistake, that I did it purposely to see some specific girl naked (nobody I know in real life, just some random girl who even in the dream I didn't recognize). I can feel in the dream almost the entire school turning against me. People who I didn't know were suddenly threatening me. At one point there was a group of student Texas Rangers (wearing cowboy hats and rodeo uniforms) who tried to take me outside for what I thought was going to be a beating. Dozens of male students threatened to kick my ###. I was in fear for my life. I went to a few different teachers (nobody I recognized from real life) and told them I had inadvertently walked in on this sex-ed class and now everyone wants to kill me. The teachers were sympathetic but didn't really help. They shrugged it off and went on with their day. I ended up going to the principal's office to let them know what the situation was. As I'm waiting to talk to one of the principals I'm thinking about leaving the state, getting out of the country maybe. I remember thinking this would be impossible because I was in high school and didn't have the money to go on the lam.
I get in with who i think was the vice-principal. I tell him what happened. I tell him I've been threatened and I'll likely be attacked shortly. He thinks the whole thing is amusing. As I'm sitting with him in his office, through the windows I can see groups of dudes waiting for me to come out. There is going to be a group beating. I'm going to get killed. I tell the VP what's about to happen. I show him the guys waiting for me outside the office. He still thinks it's funny but will walk me to my next class as to keep me safe. He takes me down the hallway past what seems like the entire school. Everyone is watching me walk past, some looking angry, others whispering to each other. I get to my next class, the door shuts and my class begins. I know I'm only safe until the class is over. There are kids waiting outside the classroom door. It's just a matter of time until I getting a beat down.
After the class I hang out with the teacher at his desk and convince him I need to speak in front of the school so I can clear my name. The teacher agrees and calls for an assembly which happens right away. I'm onstage and introduced to the student body. I walk to the podium to a chorus of boos and people yelling every terrible thing you can think of. I explain that I entered the classroom by mistake. I thought the room was empty. I didn't see anything anyway. This whole thing is a huge misunderstanding. Everything I'm saying is a lie of course because as i wrote earlier I did it on purpose as to goof around in front of my friend and maybe see some action. Someone suggests a lie detector test. I agree because what choice to have at this point? Instantly I'm sitting on the stage taking a lie detector test in front of the entire school, a test that I know I'll likely fail. As the questions begin I wake up.