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Is Otis still fat? (1 Viewer)


Haven't been in here much since Joe brought the hammer down on who's hottest etc.  But since I popped in to see what's been going on.  I got a few questions about one of the more "interesting" posters on here.

Is Otis still fat?

How many kids has he sired?

Is he still raking in the cash?

Does he still complain about his job?

What # wife is he on?

How's the International (jeep like vehicle?)?

What happened with the trees?

Has he purchased FBG's yet?

I'm sure I missed other "inquiring minds need to know"  What'd I miss?

Wonder whatever became of the mirrors. 
I think those were part of his bachelor apartment when he'd watch Black Friday Circuit City lines.

He's now in the burbs in a mansion with a great outdoor deck and lots of interior wood accents.     Maybe he paid someone $5K to move all the mirrors over...not sure.

Was it his buddy Righetti that did that wedding reception Bon Jovi thingy? Don’t remember if the evidence was pics or video, but I remember spit-take-ing it….

I think those were part of his bachelor apartment when he'd watch Black Friday Circuit City lines.

He's now in the burbs in a mansion with a great outdoor deck and lots of interior wood accents.     Maybe he paid someone $5K to move all the mirrors over...not sure.

I think those were part of his bachelor apartment when he'd watch Black Friday Circuit City lines.

He's now in the burbs in a mansion with a great outdoor deck and lots of interior wood accents.     Maybe he paid someone $5K to move all the mirrors over...not sure.
I feel like this post needs the phrase “rich mahogany.”

I think baiting Otis to post pictures of his wood will likely get a lifetime ban(from this point forward called the "Deshaun Watson") for Otis, but I'm not too sure you shouldn't get a slap on the wrist as well. Tread carefully.
I bet his giant hands make his wood look small.

Zow said:
Are you still skinny? 
Not like I was - I’m just under 200 so should lose at least 20-25 pounds. Since that last contest I fluctuated but managed to not get back to my heaviest.  Been slowly getting back to activity after major ankle surgery in December.

How did u hurt your ankle?
Apologies in advance for the long post.

Hurt it first time in HS playing basketball.  Tore something and wore a soft cast - it never was strong after that. Then when I was 32 I was trail running and really hurt it good, tore everything and pulled a bone fleck off.  They gave me a choice then of rehab or attaching a tendon - said I would lose a lot of flexibility and the ankle would be really rigid so I opted for rehab.  After that time it was really weak and just felt unstable.

I went 15 more years with that - I was still able to do activity but it always bothered me and limited me some.  Last October I was training to go out on the AT and it started hurting pretty good after a workout.  I said F it and immediately went to the orthopedic surgeon and said you have to do something.  He said the ligament had been stretched severely (think rubber band that’s been pulled too far) and there was a decent amount of scar tissue.  They cut it open, detached the ligament from my ankle bone, put some kind of anchor on it and then folded over the ligament and reattached it.  Also cleaned out the scar tissue.  Was in a hard cast for 6 weeks and then another 4-6 weeks in a walking boot.

I’m really happy I did it.  I get some pain and discomfort in it still but I feel more stable on it now than I have in 16 years.  I wear a sleeve on it during any activity and a brace when hiking.  


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