Looking a Great, Commited, and Active Owner!
Click to view league: http://games.espn.com/ffl/leaguesetup/settings?leagueId=8581
Entry Fee: $80
Champion: $400
2nd Place: $220
3rd Place: $80
Division Champ: $65
Weekly MVP: $15 per wk ($195 total)
* All Fees and Payments will go through LeagueSafe.
Click to view league: http://games.espn.com/ffl/leaguesetup/settings?leagueId=8581
Entry Fee: $80
Champion: $400
2nd Place: $220
3rd Place: $80
Division Champ: $65
Weekly MVP: $15 per wk ($195 total)
* All Fees and Payments will go through LeagueSafe.