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Just gave 2 weeks notice. (wasn't received well) Update: Nobody puts baby in a corner!! (1 Viewer)

congrats @KCitons I recently left a toxic job and I know the feeling. Walking out the door on the last day, i don't think my feet hit the ground on the way out. 

Just listen to the guy and go tell HR that you put in your two weeks and what she did.

We don't need a thread in a week or two about how you are getting railroaded for something stupid and in trouble for something.  Leave a voicemail for them now about quitting and wanting to talk to them about unprofessional behaviors.
Spoke to HR a few minutes ago. She admitted that my boss has an issue with emotional intelligence. But, that she does want me to finish out my two weeks. 

Did you leave any gifts before you left?
lol...no, but this was my farewell email. (I cant take 100% credit for it, found the basic idea online and modified it)

After ___[1]___, I have decided to leave [company name] in order to ___[2]___.  While this was not an easy decision for me, ___[3]___.  I have ___[4]___ my time here and will___[5]___.  [company name] has been ___[6]___ and I will always ___[7]___.  I look forward to___[8]___ and wish you all ___[9]___.  Until ___[10]___, I bid you all adieu.

a.    thoughtful consideration
b.    years of searching for a way out
c.    a couple shots of Wild Turkey
d.   discovering that I have Jedi family liniage

a.   accept another design position
b.   begin a reality TV acting career – look for me next season on “Washed-Up Hockey Players Chasing A Delusional Dream” on ESPN 6 1/2
c.   live off the grid behind my massive gates and treacherous moat, high up in “The Hills” (I live in a very hilly area and i recently expanded my house, so everyone joked that i built a mansion)
d.  be able to look at myself in the mirror again.

a.    I feel it is the right one for my carer advancement
b.    it became clear after a TV evangilst faith-healer whipped me with his coat until I believed....and also cured my gout. (crazy faith healers were a running joke in our dept)
c.    lets face it, it wasn’t exactly rocket science either
d.    it was easier than hanging around until somebody realized I wasn’t doing anything

a.    thoroughly enjoyed
b.    cautiously endured
c.    already forgotten most of
d.    miraculously survived

a.    miss all of you that I have come to know
b.    never look back
c.    still come back for the free bagels
d.    rejoice in your tears of sorrow when you realize I’m not here tomorrow

a.    a great place to design web banners
b.    very punctual with my pay checks
c.    the physical embodiment of ending to the show “LOST”
d.    the source of my inoperable ulcers

a.    value my experience here
b.    be thankful I wasn’t sued for harassment 
c.    never be the same again
d.    believe the children are our future

a.    the next phase of my career 
b.    getting out of here alive
c.    breathing fresh air again
d.   using all the office supplies, coffee packets, Lysol wipes, office snacks and toilet paper I’ve stolen over the last 3 years.  

a.    the best of luck in your future endeavors
b.    enjoyment in writing the next Glassdoor.com review and then innocently try to pin it on me and the ironic timing of my departure. (there were a bunch of scathing glassdoor reviews written ironically whenever anyone left, and we think there was someone on the inside using the opportunity to trash them) 
c.    had gotten me a going away gift
d.    don’t kill yourselves fighting over the now available parking space (parking in our office was brutal, often we had to double and tripple park eaxh other)

a.    our paths cross again
b.    I get fired and come begging for my job back
c.    hell freezes over
d.    I send you an RFP to promote my Edible Hockey Puck empire but actually use it as leverage to lower Austin & Williams’ fees. (A&W is our local rival agency and I worked there before this company) 

In all seriousness, thank you all for the ride and I will miss most some none 2 all of you. 

😂 It went over well with the folks who were cool, others were not so fond of it, but IDGAF

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I just put my two weeks in 2 weeks ago. Start a new career on Monday. 

I actually put my two weeks in the day I got promoted within the company. It was too little too late and my boss wasn't surprised. But yeah I didn't leave a great taste in a lot of people mouths. 

They would have normally told me to not finish out my two weeks but I left them up #### creek.

Congrats on retiring, ya lucky dog 

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Spoke to HR a few minutes ago. She admitted that my boss has an issue with emotional intelligence. But, that she does want me to finish out my two weeks. 
So HR basically ok'd the behavior of the boss?  How big of a company is this?  That's crazy...I hope you don't work too hard the next two weeks, definitely wouldn't be writing any standard work or notes on your successor to perform your position.  Let them figure it out

So HR basically ok'd the behavior of the boss?  How big of a company is this?  That's crazy...I hope you don't work too hard the next two weeks, definitely wouldn't be writing any standard work or notes on your successor to perform your position.  Let them figure it out
They don’t want him back Monday so he won’t.  HR and others may not OK the behavior but that will happen behind closed doors.

What is wrong with people?

How does your manager get to that station in life and think her reaction is the correct course of action? Sounds like an episode of The Office.

What is wrong with people?

How does your manager get to that station in life and think her reaction is the correct course of action? Sounds like an episode of The Office.
Sounds like most big businesses (consultants at least).  I have a friend who basically was working 2+ jobs bc the new hire that came on to oversee everything is completely inept and chooses to spend time on dumb things like setting up group calendars while the real work piled up and deadlines missed.  My friend recently moved to another office, but still does work for my office.  I basically told her that she needed to let the group crash and burn in order to bring about change.  They were clearly taking advantage of her and that’s not cool.  As she scaled back on workload, it got worse.  They are missing deadlines and the client is pissed (state agency).  It’s gotten so bad other groups are considering subbing out the work to bypass this train wreck of a group.  All of this is the result of poor staffing choices and a dependency/assumption for one employee.  I don’t know how much more shortsighted they could be.  My friend is happier now not doing everything she did before.  I truly believe that everything outside of work in your life is always better and you should make all of it your priority.  Getting burned out at a job where they don’t give a #### about you is not worth it.

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So HR basically ok'd the behavior of the boss?  How big of a company is this?  That's crazy...I hope you don't work too hard the next two weeks, definitely wouldn't be writing any standard work or notes on your successor to perform your position.  Let them figure it out
I don't think HR okay'd it. I know that my boss and our HR director (who I spoke to) don't get along. There will be a formal exit interview before I leave. 

I will give more details on the organization as I move closer to the end date. Some good, some bad. 

I will give an honest days work for as long as I'm there. (I'll explain later) Their biggest obstacle is that they don't have anyone in line that can step in. So, I'm not sure how they are going to disperse my tasks. Some can move to the people that actually have those tasks in their job descriptions. But there is a lot of stuff that was developed and given to me out of convenience for everyone else. I manage a program that has between 150-200 projects annually. (I handle everything from start to finish). Another department has 3 people managing a similar program and their goal is 170 projects annually. It's not apples to apples programs, more like apples to pears. But they have 3 full time people? I'm allotted 40% of my time towards this program. (which doesn't get the job done)

Weak and incompetent. Bad combo. Send her a nice “people don’t leave companies, they leave their managers” blog
She loves to use tools like this to "motivate" people. We've done numerous team building exercises, book clubs (5 dysfunctions of a team), etc. She fails to live by what she preaches.

I think the bolded is why she broke down yesterday. It hit her that she was going to have to explain why her highest performer left suddenly. Her ego is taking a hit. 

She loves to use tools like this to "motivate" people. We've done numerous team building exercises, book clubs (5 dysfunctions of a team), etc. She fails to live by what she preaches.

I think the bolded is why she broke down yesterday. It hit her that she was going to have to explain why her highest performer left suddenly. Her ego is taking a hit. 
Without knowing her, I think you’re giving her too much credit. I think she broke down  because she’s  worried how the work she is responsible for is going to get done. Sounds to me like she lacks self awareness. She thinks she’s a great boss. 

What is wrong with people?

How does your manager get to that station in life and think her reaction is the correct course of action? Sounds like an episode of The Office.
Would it surprise you that this is C-level position as well?

It only took me a few months to know that she didn't have the right experience or background for her position. I didn't mind as long as we were hitting goals and successful. Her experience is in marketing and development. Which wasn't the key need. 

Without knowing her, I think you’re giving her too much credit. I think she broke down  because she’s  worried how the work she is responsible for is going to get done. Sounds to me like she lacks self awareness. She thinks she’s a great boss. 

I am her only report that will tell her the truth. She's surrounded herself with "yes" men/women. Managers meetings are a joke. She puts out an idea and people are falling over each other to say how great it will be. 

She's not a horrible boss, she's just has some glaring issues. During her rant yesterday, she said that I was giving up a great job because she allows me to set my own schedule and work from home whenever I wanted. While this is a nice feature, it's also the reason the rest of her team is under performing. They disappear for days at a time working from home, when only about 30-40% of their job can be done offsite. 

She loves to use tools like this to "motivate" people. We've done numerous team building exercises, book clubs (5 dysfunctions of a team), etc. She fails to live by what she preaches.

I think the bolded is why she broke down yesterday. It hit her that she was going to have to explain why her highest performer left suddenly. Her ego is taking a hit. 
At least it’s for the right reason  :rolleyes:

Or do it like those stupid reveal parties, only instead of boy/girl, it's I Quit 
Not quite the same.

I had been working on donations for the program that I manage. The day before, I received our first check in the mail. During our 1 on 1 Thursday afternoon, I pulled out the envelope and showed her the check. Fast forward to yesterday. When I walked into her office I had an envelope (containing my resignation letter) in my hand. She said "did we get another donation check!?".  

It went downhill from there.

I would start taking home office supplies.
This is the shark move.  BTW, anyone in need of any 3ring binders, staplers, sharpies, highlighters, rubber bands, and a paper shredder feel free to pm.  I have a pod full of stuff that I'm looking to downsize.  I also have several hundred mouse balls.

The more you get done the more they give you to do. We call it performance punishment.

Meanwhile the malcontents and lazy idiots  aren’t asked to do more than the absolute minimum.
This is my wife's problem. She's a special Ed teacher at a high school. She has a slightly bigger case load than all the other spec Ed teachers. She also has to teach 2 classes and co teach 4 classes where other teachers either only have to do one or the other. To top that off she gets one prep period where other teachers get 2 or 3. She's not the type of person to complain. She just puts her head down and does her job but internalizes all the stress. Meanwhile other teachers that already have a lesser workload complain that they have too much and work to get more off their plate. So when it comes time to add a new student to their caseload, administration will usually throw it on her pile because they don't want to hear the complaining from the lazy teachers. 

It's maddeningly frustrating because the union is useless for anything other than collecting dues.

Spoke to HR a few minutes ago. She admitted that my boss has an issue with emotional intelligence. But, that she does want me to finish out my two weeks. 
Expect them to try to dump every single project they can on you to have finished and documented before you go.

Don't think the OP cares what they try to do at this point.  He is out.   

I'm not wanting to be vindictive. Not worth the negative energy. Also, I'm not going to be able to shed my work ethic in 2 weeks. So, I will make sure my tasks are up to date and ready for transition. Going over and above. Nah.

This is my wife's problem. She's a special Ed teacher at a high school. She has a slightly bigger case load than all the other spec Ed teachers. She also has to teach 2 classes and co teach 4 classes where other teachers either only have to do one or the other. To top that off she gets one prep period where other teachers get 2 or 3. She's not the type of person to complain. She just puts her head down and does her job but internalizes all the stress. Meanwhile other teachers that already have a lesser workload complain that they have too much and work to get more off their plate. So when it comes time to add a new student to their caseload, administration will usually throw it on her pile because they don't want to hear the complaining from the lazy teachers. 

It's maddeningly frustrating because the union is useless for anything other than collecting dues.
I've been measuring my blood pressure the last 2 weeks. (I take 2 bp meds and have a doctors appt on Monday). This mornings readings were the lowest of the past 2 weeks. 

We are killing ourselves for people that could care less. I hope she finds balance and happiness. 

I've been measuring my blood pressure the last 2 weeks. (I take 2 bp meds and have a doctors appt on Monday). This mornings readings were the lowest of the past 2 weeks. 

We are killing ourselves for people that could care less. I hope she finds balance and happiness.
So true.  If your job it's destroying your life, there are a lot of other options out there you could probably find. Very very few people are actually trapped in any kind of job. Most people think they are, but they are wrong.

Very early on in my career after a re-org I was assigned to a woman who just joined the company.  She was terrible. 

I don't know who she lied to or blew to get the job but she was clueless.  After tolerating her for a month I emailed my resignation while at work and she came to my office about an hour later with a list of "Items I am required to resolve before leaving the company".  There were things on the list that have been open issues for months, and one over a year. 

I decided not to even finish out my two weeks and slammed her in an exit interview.  

Deuces. ✌️

I've been measuring my blood pressure the last 2 weeks. (I take 2 bp meds and have a doctors appt on Monday). This mornings readings were the lowest of the past 2 weeks. 

We are killing ourselves for people that could care less. I hope she finds balance and happiness. 
Me too. Probably time for a new job. Less stress. Unfortunately less money too usually. But we're at that point in life trying to figure out whats more important.

probably already stated, but she's mad and afraid that her ### is on the line now.  She dumped everything on you and now she doesn't have anyone to do the work.  

seen it so many times - she's scared man.  

I received an email from my boss titled "Resignation Accepted"?  I've never received an email or anything official that stated a resignation was accepted or turned down. (is this the new norm?) I didn't think there was any other option for them but to accept it. I wonder if this is her trying to show that she has control over the situation (and me) by accepting it.  :shrug:  Or maybe she thought there was something she could do to get me to stay.

She also requested a list of tasks that I perform daily/weekly/monthly. And that there are many things that we all do that are not in our job descriptions. (no ####) She wants to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. It's due by end of business Tuesday. She knows I have a Dr appointment on Monday and I told her I may be taking a sick day depending on how it goes. (that's all but guaranteed now, since we are only paid for banked vacation days, not sick leave when we quit.)

In closing, she did thank me for my hard work and service during my time with the organization. And wished me well in my future endeavors. 

I realized that neither her, nor the HR Director, asked where I was going. I'm assuming when they find out I don't have another job lined up and I'm just retiring, there is going to be another meltdown. She will want to know why I only gave 2 weeks and not a month or more. 

I received an email from my boss titled "Resignation Accepted"?  I've never received an email or anything official that stated a resignation was accepted or turned down. (is this the new norm?) I didn't think there was any other option for them but to accept it. I wonder if this is her trying to show that she has control over the situation (and me) by accepting it.  :shrug:  Or maybe she thought there was something she could do to get me to stay.

She also requested a list of tasks that I perform daily/weekly/monthly. And that there are many things that we all do that are not in our job descriptions. (no ####) She wants to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. It's due by end of business Tuesday. She knows I have a Dr appointment on Monday and I told her I may be taking a sick day depending on how it goes. (that's all but guaranteed now, since we are only paid for banked vacation days, not sick leave when we quit.)

In closing, she did thank me for my hard work and service during my time with the organization. And wished me well in my future endeavors. 

I realized that neither her, nor the HR Director, asked where I was going. I'm assuming when they find out I don't have another job lined up and I'm just retiring, there is going to be another meltdown. She will want to know why I only gave 2 weeks and not a month or more. 
It's nice when you know you made the correct choice with a difficult decision.  

What is she going to do if you don’t give her a list of what you do?  Fire you?

the fact that she doesn’t know is another commentary on how good of a boss she is.  Shouldn’t she know what you do?

Galileo said:
What is she going to do if you don’t give her a list of what you do?  Fire you?

the fact that she doesn’t know is another commentary on how good of a boss she is.  Shouldn’t she know what you do?
You would think so. We spent a lot of time going over my job description last fall making sure we were both on the same page as to what was, and wasn't, my responsibilities. She ignored most of that and gave me anything someone else couldn't handle. (which is why the job description is no longer relevant). 

I assumed all along, if I said "that's not in my job description" when she assigned things to me, I'd expect corrective action. I've always been told, you do what they ask of you. Until you don't want to do it any longer. Then you head for the door. 

You would think so. We spent a lot of time going over my job description last fall making sure we were both on the same page as to what was, and wasn't, my responsibilities. She ignored most of that and gave me anything someone else couldn't handle. (which is why the job description is no longer relevant). 

I assumed all along, if I said "that's not in my job description" when she assigned things to me, I'd expect corrective action. I've always been told, you do what they ask of you. Until you don't want to do it any longer. Then you head for the door. 
Seems to me, that is her issue to deal with.  Not yours.

I chuckled at her telling you your list of tasks is due by the end of business day Tuesday? What is she going to do if you don't, give you an F like it's high school? :lol:  

I am a believer in leaving a company the right way, but if someone reacted and treated me this way after I gave proper notice, I would not be in a hurry to help them at all on the way out. 

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maybe she confirmed you resigned so that you can not claim you were fired and seek unemployment or something take that to the bank bromigo

maybe she confirmed you resigned so that you can not claim you were fired and seek unemployment or something take that to the bank bromigo
Excellent point. 

Had I tried to file, wouldn't they have denied it? I thought claims had to go through the previous employer. 

Insein said:
This is my wife's problem. She's a special Ed teacher at a high school. She has a slightly bigger case load than all the other spec Ed teachers. She also has to teach 2 classes and co teach 4 classes where other teachers either only have to do one or the other. To top that off she gets one prep period where other teachers get 2 or 3. She's not the type of person to complain. She just puts her head down and does her job but internalizes all the stress. Meanwhile other teachers that already have a lesser workload complain that they have too much and work to get more off their plate. So when it comes time to add a new student to their caseload, administration will usually throw it on her pile because they don't want to hear the complaining from the lazy teachers. 

It's maddeningly frustrating because the union is useless for anything other than collecting dues.
That sucks.  The administration probably sees nothing wrong with it.

I chuckled at her telling you your list of tasks is due by the end of business day Tuesday? What is she going to do if you don't, give you an F like it's high school? :lol:  

I am a believer in leaving a company the right way, but if someone reacted and treated me this way after I gave proper notice, I would not be in a hurry to help them at all on the way out. 
For some reason I thought there was a policy where they would withhold my remaining vacation time if they did not receive 2 weeks notice. But, I just read through the policy and procedures manual, it only suggests that employees give 14 days notice. And doesn't mention the withholding of vacation time. 

I have roughly 100 hours of vacation and 85 hours of sick leave. They don't payout sick leave balances upon termination. Which is why I will use a couple of sick days over the next 2 weeks. 

I also read a nice little section on the anti-harassment policy. If I wanted to push the issue, her actions fit the description listed as harassment.  

Joe Summer said:
A few years ago I was working at a job where my workload kept increasing. Several employees had quit in the previous year, but no one had been hired to replace them. When I would ask the owner about it, he would just blow me off.

After about a year, the owner finally hired someone. But the new employee and the owner both made it clear that the new guy would only be acting as a "Manager" -- and he would not be doing any of the actual work that the other employees did.

When I pointed out that this didn't really resolve the workload issues, the manager replied, "Well, that's why my job is to make sure that everyone does a better job managing their time."

The owner echoed those sentiments, and added, "If anyone has a problem with that, then they better start looking for a new job."

I started looking for a new job that afternoon, and by the end of the week I found my next gig. When I informed the owner, he blew a gasket and started screaming at me about how ungrateful and disloyal I was. I told him I was very grateful that he gave me an opportunity 15 years ago, but gratitude cannot compensate for the frustration and low morale.

He then said, "Do you realize how much you're screwing me? I'm going to have to hire two new people to fill your role!"

At that point I no longer felt bad about quitting.

Looking back, quitting that job was one of the best things I've ever done, and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.
Good for you

For some reason I thought there was a policy where they would withhold my remaining vacation time if they did not receive 2 weeks notice. But, I just read through the policy and procedures manual, it only suggests that employees give 14 days notice. And doesn't mention the withholding of vacation time. 
In many states, they can't do that.  

I chuckled at her telling you your list of tasks is due by the end of business day Tuesday? What is she going to do if you don't, give you an F like it's high school? :lol:  

I am a believer in leaving a company the right way, but if someone reacted and treated me this way after I gave proper notice, I would not be in a hurry to help them at all on the way out. 
She'll deny his resignation if he doesn't do it 😂

I would say my to dos are to do everyone else's work...

In the exit interview, you should say you are leaving because of her harassment, and then mention you are talking to a lawyer to see if there are grounds for a lawsuit as you feel your manager was treating you this way to get you to leave due to your age!


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