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Kiffin might be out... someday (1 Viewer)

Depending on the replacement, this will either be a great move or a terrible one. For the Raider's sake, I hope the senile old coot gets this right.
True, and I heard they will either win or lose their next game, and it will either rain or not rain during it, and it would be home or away, and most their plays will be passing or running, and . . .Actually, I'm hoping that Al takes the reins again, the joys of watching an all go route offense with tackle eligible’s going long will either make for an entertaining or boring season.
Depending on the replacement, this will either be a great move or a terrible one. For the Raider's sake, I hope the senile old coot gets this right.
True, and I heard they will either win or lose their next game, and it will either rain or not rain during it, and it would be home or away, and most their plays will be passing or running, and . . .Actually, I'm hoping that Al takes the reins again, the joys of watching an all go route offense with tackle eligible’s going long will either make for an entertaining or boring season.
Al Davis and Bill Belichick at the 50 yard line, with light sabers.
Per Rotoworld:

"Asked Monday if he's considered quitting his job as the Raiders' head coach, Lane Kiffin responded "there's no way I'm quitting."

If Kiffin was to be fired on Monday, we suspect the Raiders wouldn't have let him give a day-after press conference. His job status remains hour to hour. Kiffin says the last time he spoke with Al Davis was prior to Week 1."

It appears that Davis is playing an elaborate mind game with kiffin, as this is the second week in a row "the organization' has put out the word that he would be fired. Either that, or Davis' alzheimers has advanced to the point where he forgets little things like following through with stuff like that. Perhaps he forgets sometimes that he still owns the Raiders.

This is the most interesting and entertaining saga since Favre's pre-season decision to un-retire up in Green Bay.

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Per Rotoworld:Asked Monday if he's considered quitting his job as the Raiders' head coach, Lane Kiffin responded "there's no way I'm quitting."If Kiffin was to be fired on Monday, we suspect the Raiders wouldn't have let him give a day-after press conference. His job status remains hour to hour. Kiffin says the last time he spoke with Al Davis was prior to Week 1.It appears that Davis is playing an elaborate mind game with kiffin, as this is the second week in a row "the organization' has put out the word that he would be fired. Very interesting.
Watched that presser on NFLN - he looked REALLY uncomfortable. There were times i wondered if he hadn't quite prepared for it, figuring he would already be gone.But he definitely looked determined when the 'is Al firing you' queries came.
Eventually, these Kiffin-to-be-fired-today threads are going to break a good story.
Like Al Davis flying into the press room and sucka-punching Kiff? Now THAT'S how you fire someone.I half expected him to roll in and fire him on TV during the press conference.
Methinks that, notwithstanding my comments about his alzheimers, Al is really too cheap to fire him - he'd have to pay the balance of his contract - so he is trying to mess with his brain and hope Kiffin breaks first. Aint gonna happen, Al.

I thought Kiffin's refusal to call a timeout was a blatant move on Kiffin's part to force Al to fire him. If he didn't can him after that I'm not sure he'll do it anytime soon.

Methinks that, notwithstanding my comments about his alzheimers, Al is really too cheap to fire him - he'd have to pay the balance of his contract - so he is trying to mess with his brain and hope Kiffin breaks first. Aint gonna happen, Al.
If Al fires him, he will cite insubordination, and breach of contract, and not pay him. Check the name Shanahan, Mike. It's already happened.
"ESPN's Chris Mortensen reports that this story originated from FOX's Jay Glazer, and he is the one who should be blamed if it's untrue."

Oddly enough, Monte Kiffin keeps getting voicemails from Al Davis informing him he has been let go.

The Raiders organization is completely out of control:

The Raiders’ John Herrera vs. me in front of the cameras today: Well, THAT was fun

Posted by Tim Kawakami on September 22nd, 2008 at 3:49 pm | Categorized as NFL, Raiders

* See the video at the bottom of this post..

… I guess there’ll be some interest in that. I’m 1,000% comfortable with anybody seeing it and judging that moment for what it is. You take you best look at it and come to whatever conclusion you want. Raiders lovers will hate me more–I’d be disappointed if the Black Hole took my side. The more semi-sane sports fans might come to a different understanding.

I feel bad for Raiders employees. I really do. I understand the unique pressures and paranoia involved when you work for Al Davis. I talk to enough people who used to work for him to know.

I have a feeling at some point John Herrera and I will sit back and laugh about this. Maybe not for a while, but we probably will. I think he’s normally a very nice man.

It’s fairly entertaining when you can step back and see it from far away. It’s illustrative and it’s a little sad, again, in an always entertaining way. This is what the once-great franchise is reduced to?

But when it’s running up to you and screaming in your face and calling you a liar and apparently intimating that I was dabbling in counter-culture activities with a national NFL writer? HUH? In front of every local TV station, to be shown at 6 and 11 I would guess? Well, now!

(With Lane Kiffin beaming like a Cheshire Cat as he walked past us, by the way. Beaming like the happiest man on earth. Glad to give you a giggle, LK. I’m SURE Kiffin and I will have a laugh about this one… fairly soon. Oh by the way: He’s not fired yet, but it’s still pending.)

Oh man, that’s really really interesting to walk into the heart of the Raiders. That’s what happened to me just a little while ago and it was like dropping into Wonderland for few minutes–I could see what the Raiders see, I could feel what the Raiders feel, I was really tapped into the mania.

Man, it was trippy. Head-spinning. Hallucinatory.

Herrera brought me there by angrily confronting me about a question I asked Kiffin. I feel bad for the guy (well for BOTH guys), but Herrera’s the one who closed Kiffin’s Monday news conference by stepping up to me, shouting at me, calling me a liar.

I didn’t get mad. You’ll see the video. I wasn’t mad. I was interested: THIS IS WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE


It was crazy. It was other-worldly, where normal truths didn’t mean anything. Yep, I feel like I know the Raiders soooo well now.

Here was my question to Kiffin: Given that there are reports (that Kiffin earlier didn’t deny) that Raiders officials have told him he’s going to be fired, given that we all know a Raiders official distribued printed copies of an espn.com article critical of Kiffin, given that Kiffin came to today’s news conference without a single item of Raiders garb…

… How isolated does Kiffin feel in this organization?

(I know, a long question. But Kiffin was there with me on it. He understood.)

Here was Herrera’s point: NO Raider official ever distributed such a negative article.

OK, since John is making a point of this, I can say that I know that it was Herrera who handed it out. I didn’t write his name at the time–because, again, I feel for Raiders employees and the grunt work they have to do for Al’s paranoia–but I will now.

If John’s going to scream in front of five TV cameras about it, I guess he’s volunteering himself right there.

I’m not the only one who knows what John did. By far not the only one. Oh well, in Wonderland, I guess John can alter reality. Fine. Wonderland is weird.

Here’s a bit of what John said–I wasn’t taking notes, but my reporter friends were taping it, since it was practically part of the Kiffin news confference, so here’s a partial transcript:

“You built a whole column on a lie!” Herrera said. “So did Lowell Cohn! So did your [REFERENCE DELETED BY ME BY REQUEST OF A FORMER BOSS OF MINE] Mike Silver.”

Yikes! Silver is a respected journalist and I don’t know what he does in private, but geez, John Herrera, Silver’s not exactly one of my confidantes. (It’s vice-versa, of course.)

Cohn, I can’t vouch for. (I kid, I kid! I respect nobody in this market more than Lowell, which you already know.)

I said: A lot of people in this room know the truth about the negative story, John.

I said: You’re embarrassing yourself.

“I’m not embarrassing myself,” Herrera said, “I’m embarrassed that you don’t know how to write a column…. Nothing was distributed in this room. Nothing. You are a liar.”

I’m not a liar. Raiders fans might think so, I don’t know. In Al Davis Wonderland, maybe, I’m a liar. But on this point, I will go to the mat.

OK, now I’ve got to write a story on Kiffin, though I’m out of Wonderland and it feels weird.
Davis should have made the move last winter. If only to move on to the next guy. Shed no tears for Kiffin, he made his play, raised his profile, and just skipped about 10 years of climbing the ladder. He gets a mulligan for the tenure, and credit for improving a lousy team. Davis will get ALL of the blame, and Kiffin will be seen as the bright young riser that had to put up with Davis. When in fact, the job never changed. Al never promised him something, and then not give it to him. Kiffin knew what he was getting into, then shuffled blame to anyone else except himself. He used the team for his own purposes, and Al being a senile old coot doesn't change that.It was apparent when the Arkansas rumors started that Kiffin wasn't planning on sticking around, no matter what. Wish we could keep him, wish him well, but really, kind of like Gruden, he was always looking to the next job.I will always believe that refusing to call a timeout on Sunday was Kiffin's final, "OK, now he has to fire me" move. And #### him for that.
my sentiments exactly. kiffin is no angel. he was in a ####ed up spot, but he knew that going into it. & he has been posturing for a while, the timeout bs was the icing on the cake. he should be thanking al davis until the day he dies for this opportunity.
Scratch that. I can see now that if Oakland uses their final two timeouts when it's obvious that Buffalo was milking the clock, perhaps they get the ball back a shot at getting into field goal range themselves. Sloppy.
But with the Oakland Defense on the field, does Kiffin have the authority to call a timeout? Could be that Ryan has that authority since he has total control of the defense and the "ear" of Al Davis.As for Kiffin looking for another job, my guess is he did. He probably thought he would get a little slack as head coach, but that Ryan and the other Davis cronies undermined him even more then he imagined since he was so young. But don't shed a tear for Kiffin. He got a head coaching job on his resume and he may ultimately get paid by Davis. He'll be back with another team.
he's the head ####### coach. he has the authority.
Scratch that. I can see now that if Oakland uses their final two timeouts when it's obvious that Buffalo was milking the clock, perhaps they get the ball back a shot at getting into field goal range themselves. Sloppy.
But with the Oakland Defense on the field, does Kiffin have the authority to call a timeout? Could be that Ryan has that authority since he has total control of the defense and the "ear" of Al Davis.As for Kiffin looking for another job, my guess is he did. He probably thought he would get a little slack as head coach, but that Ryan and the other Davis cronies undermined him even more then he imagined since he was so young. But don't shed a tear for Kiffin. He got a head coaching job on his resume and he may ultimately get paid by Davis. He'll be back with another team.
he's the head ####### coach. he has the authority.
That I agree with - if he calls timeout, it's not like an official is going to say, "Sorry Lane, Al told me to only listen to Rob on timeouts."
Davis should have made the move last winter. If only to move on to the next guy.

Shed no tears for Kiffin, he made his play, raised his profile, and just skipped about 10 years of climbing the ladder. He gets a mulligan for the tenure, and credit for improving a lousy team. Davis will get ALL of the blame, and Kiffin will be seen as the bright young riser that had to put up with Davis. When in fact, the job never changed. Al never promised him something, and then not give it to him. Kiffin knew what he was getting into, then shuffled blame to anyone else except himself. He used the team for his own purposes, and Al being a senile old coot doesn't change that.

It was apparent when the Arkansas rumors started that Kiffin wasn't planning on sticking around, no matter what. Wish we could keep him, wish him well, but really, kind of like Gruden, he was always looking to the next job.

I will always believe that refusing to call a timeout on Sunday was Kiffin's final, "OK, now he has to fire me" move. And #### him for that.
Yeah, who here wants to defend Kiffin for wanting to leave that coaching Garden of Eden that is the Oakland Raiders? The irony of Al getting his Depends in a twist of coaches' lack of faithfulness is astounding and, I'm sure, completely lost on Al. :tinfoilhat:
Who the heck are you arguing with?
You seem to be arguing that both sides are to blame here. I partially disagree with you.
I think anyone who has been following the situation would surmise that Kiffin was looking for a way out since the first season ended. And my only point is that I don't think anyone is looking too much into it, they are just laying all the blame at Al's feet. The facts seem to show that Kiffin is not blameless. Which is a small point. I still want Kiffin, and wish Al would give him complete control of the staff. but it isn't going to happen, and Kiffin KNEW it wasn't going to happen. Al didn't change, Kiffin knew he wasn't going to be given carte blanche. And really, a 31 year old with no pro experience shouldn't expect that.

He didn't snuff out the Arkansas rumors, which is telling. Especially considering how candid he was on almost every other interview. He threw his defense under the bus, he bad-mouthed his roster all summer, he basically shifted any responsibility for bad performance to anyone other than himself.

With all that, I DO wish Davis had given Kiffin the green light to fire Ryan. Kiffin has impressed me with what he has done with the offense, his hires of Knapp and Cable were strong, the ZBS has been a homerun. and their ability to protect the QB through misdirection is commendable.

I was just warning against the kind of mis-informed, blanket statements that come from lack of knowledge. The kind of statement you made.

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