Hello everyone, looking for some advice. Im' picking 8th in a 10 team .5ppr 2 keeper league. 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 2WR/RB/TE, 1K, 1DEF, 4IDP, 7 BENCH, We can designate a player as a keeper twice, we can only keep 1 player per position group and they retain their orginal draft round. All players are on their first year of eligibility so all would qualify to be kept in the same round next year. I'm keeping Breece Hall in the 5th and I have the option of keeping Tyreek Hill at 1.8 or keepeing LaPorta at 14.3. Initially I felt like the value of LaPorta in the 14th was too good of a value to pass up and an easy decision... but the closer I get to the draft I have been thinking that I'm very unlikely to get a guy anywhere close to the ability of Tyreek at 1.8, epecially with everyone having the ability to keep 2 players. On the flip side, TE's tend to come off the board rather quickly in this league and many choose to carry multiple TE's. I'm stuck, what say you??