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Late night visitor (1 Viewer)

The General

Had a women knock on my door at 10:45 tonight. Lights were off except for porch. Didn’t want to answer door but was going to look through a nearby window to see what was up.  By the time I got to the spot she was gone.

Come back to the bedroom and the wife says she’s in our backyard. Uh...WTF. We have these blinds on our doors that allow you to see out and I’m watching this lady slowly come up to the door. Apparently she can’t see us. I’m getting dressed quickly at this point. 

We flick on the lights, more like those stringed party lights so not super bright.  She is now trying to open our door. Swing the door open and ask her if she needs help. Thought it would freak the #### out of her but she didn’t really react.

She seems normalish, maybe mid 30’s and that she was looking for her friend. Doesn’t really give a name. I ask what address she’s looking for and she doesn’t really say. Stacy somebody. On Lindicky street or that’s the last name, she’s not clear. There is no Lindicky street. 

She says she’s sorry a couple times and then leaves.

I’m taking her odd behavior as being freaked that she was at the wrong house by accident and she’s embarrassed / perhaps scared....and not that she’s going to try and murdered us in our sleep. 

Knock on wood.

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Huh. My first and only real assumption based on that is she's trying to break in. 

You believed her friend story? Trying to open backdoors of random darkened houses at night to find a friend?

Hopefully nobody else left their doors unlocked in your neighborhood. Check the local news for murdered families.

The General said:

She seems normalish, maybe mid 30’s and that she was looking for her friend. Doesn’t really give a name. I ask what address she’s looking for and she doesn’t really say. Stacy somebody. On Lindicky street or that’s the last name, she’s not clear. There is no Lindicky street.

Do you live in Green Bay?
We had someone go into our garage (granddaughter left door open after mowing grass) and broke into our cars and stole some sunglasses, change, and a fob to our security that unlocks the doors to our house.  For some reason he also stole a gas can.  I had the fob deactivated.  They probably didn't know what that was for and just grabbed what they could.   We now lock our car doors inside the garage.  A couple of days later our neighbor saw a man in in 50s looking under a tarp covering a boat of another neighbor and called the police.  He was gone by the time they arrived.  So never take lightly someone prowling around your house.  Never open your doors to talk to them, just call the police.  They could have a gun or someone else working with them that you haven't seen yet.  It could turn ugly for you instantly.

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at least here in the city one thing i hear about is for theives is to steal garage door openers from unlocked cars and come back later when no one is around to rob the joint because people just dont notice the opener is gone or they think they lost it etc and then bam someone steals your record player so keep your cars locked even in the driveway bromigos take that to the bank 

We survived the night! No return visitors. 

Also adding that this lady parked her car in our "driveway". Live in a house built in the 50's so driveways are more like the size of a car which added to my thoughts that this weirdo was lost or she he could have been the worst burglar :lol:

Should have called the cops in retrospect. 

We had someone go into our garage (granddaughter left door open after mowing grass) and broke into our cars and stole some sunglasses, change, and a fob to our security that unlocks the doors to our house.  For some reason he also stole a gas can.  I had the fob deactivated.  They probably didn't know what that was for and just grabbed what they could.   We now lock our car doors inside the garage.  A couple of days later our neighbor saw a man in in 50s looking under a tarp covering a boat of another neighbor and called the police.  He was gone by the time they arrived.  So never take lightly someone prowling around your house.  Never open your doors to talk to them, just call the police.  They could have a gun or someone else working with them that you haven't seen yet.  It could turn ugly for you in an instance. 
Just wanted to say I think this is prudent advice.

I just assume if she knocks on the front door and you answer. She'll give the confused, looking for friend, excuse. If there's no response, she then then goes to the back to break in because there's a chance nobody's home.

Glad you're safe.


Just saw your post about the car. Don't know what to make of that.

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We survived the night! No return visitors. 

Also adding that this lady parked her car in our "driveway". Live in a house built in the 50's so driveways are more like the size of a car which added to my thoughts that this weirdo was lost or she he could have been the worst burglar :lol:

Should have called the cops in retrospect. 
Maybe she was offering you a Lindicky?

x2 in automatically call the cops.  It's a lot easier to sort it out once the cops show up than to try and call them while fending off her friends who were hiding outside and busted in when you opened the door.  There are some stupid/odd people out there, but in the middle of the night, 99% of the time, it's somebody either on drugs, crazy, or up to something nefarious.  

I had a buddy who had some crazy naked lady banging on his door in the middle of the night.  He lived in an apartment complex with his wife and they had just moved in.  They talked to the lady through the window.  She was clearly high on something.  She curled up in a ball on the sidewalk and went to sleep.  Police/Paramedics took her away.  Turns out the girl was one of his neighbors.  He said he saw her a few weeks later like nothing happened.  

Also had a similar instance at my parents.  When I was in my early 20's, I lived in their guest house.  Mom was home alone and called me saying a lady and two guys were asking to use the phone saying their truck broke down and their cell phone wouldn't work.  They wanted to use our house phone to call someone.  I thought it was suspicious, and walked over in the dark and came in the back door (had a key).  Also brought my 12 gauge just in case.  When I walked into the room and the lady saw me, she quickly looked at her cell phone and said, "Oh look, we have signal all of a sudden.  I think we're good." and they left.  If someone wants to use your home phone, don't let them (because you'll have to open the door).  If you want to help, offer to call someone for them if they give you the number.  You can do that without opening the door.

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We survived the night! No return visitors. 

Also adding that this lady parked her car in our "driveway". Live in a house built in the 50's so driveways are more like the size of a car which added to my thoughts that this weirdo was lost or she he could have been the worst burglar :lol:

Should have called the cops in retrospect. 

the mountain of dead neighbors doesn't seen to bother you, even the slightest.

We had someone go into our garage (granddaughter left door open after mowing grass) and broke into our cars and stole some sunglasses, change, and a fob to our security that unlocks the doors to our house.  For some reason he also stole a gas can.  I had the fob deactivated.  They probably didn't know what that was for and just grabbed what they could.   We now lock our car doors inside the garage.  A couple of days later our neighbor saw a man in in 50s looking under a tarp covering a boat of another neighbor and called the police.  He was gone by the time they arrived.  So never take lightly someone prowling around your house.  Never open your doors to talk to them, just call the police.  They could have a gun or someone else working with them that you haven't seen yet.  It could turn ugly for you in an instance. 
Have lived here for about 11 years. The wife parks in the tiny garage, I'm out on the street. Left my car unlocked one day had the garage door opener in there and my golf clubs in the trunk, only thing they took were my sunglasses. That could have been a lot worse. Pretty sure it was the jerk kids down the street.

the mountain of dead neighbors doesn't seen to bother you, even the slightest.
Well there is that. The wife posted this on some neighborhood site she is always reading, Got 3 likes and a "I'm glad your safe" she said this morning :lol:

She even went to a 5 am "Orange Theory" class. She's crazier than I am.

nice. I would've been up for hours, hearing every bump and creak as a potential intruder.
I was well hidden under the comforter.

x2 in automatically call the cops.  It's a lot easier to sort it out once the cops show up than to try and call them while fending off her friends who were hiding outside and busted in when you opened the door.  There are some stupid/odd people out there, but in the middle of the night, 99% of the time, it's somebody either on drugs, crazy, or up to something nefarious.  

I had a buddy who had some crazy naked lady banging on his door in the middle of the night.  He lived in an apartment complex with his wife and they had just moved in.  They talked to the lady through the window.  She was clearly high on something.  She curled up in a ball on the sidewalk and went to sleep.  Police/Paramedics took her away.  Turns out the girl was one of his neighbors.  He said he saw her a few weeks later like nothing happened.  

Also had a similar instance at my parents.  When I was in my early 20's, I lived in their guest house.  Mom was home alone and called me saying a lady and two guys were asking to use the phone saying their truck broke down and their cell phone wouldn't work.  They wanted to use our house phone to call someone.  I thought it was suspicious, and walked over in the dark and came in the back door (had a key).  Also brought my 12 gauge just in case.  When I walked into the room and the lady saw me, she quickly looked at her cell phone and said, "Oh look, we have signal all of a sudden.  I think we're good." and they left.  If someone wants to use your home phone, don't let them (because you'll have to open the door).  If you want to help, offer to call someone for them if they give you the number.  You can do that without opening the door.
People still have home phones? 

People still have home phones? 
...and no internet.  At least where my parents live.  Their only available internet is some microwave transmission thing or Hughes Net.  Nothing wired.  They also don't have caller ID or call waiting on their phone - it's just a phone.  

I have people knock on my door all the effing time, usually just clean water action or some window/siding/roofing company offering a free estimate. Occasionally it will be some kids selling anything from $5 candy bars or once a kid had a “picture she drew and was selling for a fundraiser.” I’m down to help schools but some of these are obviously schemes. 

One time I had this kid about 17-20 come up at 9:00 in the dark. Says he’s with some gas company, “needs” to see my bill so he can save me some money. I don’t know what kind of info he could glean off of my bill, but I’m not one to just hand over documents to some pushy kid. No ID lanyard, no papers or anything, no tablet. 9:00pm. Sure.  “Ok, hang on” I say. Went back inside and watched tv until the next commercial, then returned to the door. 

“I’m having some trouble finding it, my wife moved everything when she was cleaning. Hang on I’ll keep looking, I love saving money, so don’t go anywhere.”

I go back inside, open some drawers in view of the door so he sees me looking, then go back to the tv. I figure “ok, he’ll be gone.” Nope, 10 minutes later I hear a knock, now he has a friend with him. I say something all upbeat like “oh, are you the boss?” and kid2 just mumbles something. Now I start asking questions. 

“Do you have a flyer or anything with info?”


”what’s the name of the company again? Is there a website?”


”do you usually have to work so late? 9:00 for a door to door guy would probably piss a lot of people off.”


”How do you save me money? How does that work? Can you explain it?”

not really

”should I call the cops now?”

”hey, why are you running away?”

Had someone ring doorbell in middle of night once. Looked out window and they lingered talking for a while. Ignored and the eventually went away. Next morning I went out and saw our garage door was open. Same people showed up later and said they came home late from work and saw our garage door was open and wanted to let us know so no one would steal anything. We did have a break in in that house later as did quite a few houses around us. Didn't take much, just looking for a grab and go to sell at pawn shop for drugs probably. Guessing some neighborhood kids were casing all of us and breaking in while we were at work. Very frustrating. Moved shortly after that into another home we bought in same neighborhood (renting before). Made sure to get ADT at the new place.

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I have people knock on my door all the effing time, usually just clean water action or some window/siding/roofing company offering a free estimate. Occasionally it will be some kids selling anything from $5 candy bars or once a kid had a “picture she drew and was selling for a fundraiser.” I’m down to help schools but some of these are obviously schemes. 

One time I had this kid about 17-20 come up at 9:00 in the dark. Says he’s with some gas company, “needs” to see my bill so he can save me some money. I don’t know what kind of info he could glean off of my bill, but I’m not one to just hand over documents to some pushy kid. No ID lanyard, no papers or anything, no tablet. 9:00pm. Sure.  “Ok, hang on” I say. Went back inside and watched tv until the next commercial, then returned to the door. 

“I’m having some trouble finding it, my wife moved everything when she was cleaning. Hang on I’ll keep looking, I love saving money, so don’t go anywhere.”

I go back inside, open some drawers in view of the door so he sees me looking, then go back to the tv. I figure “ok, he’ll be gone.” Nope, 10 minutes later I hear a knock, now he has a friend with him. I say something all upbeat like “oh, are you the boss?” and kid2 just mumbles something. Now I start asking questions. 

“Do you have a flyer or anything with info?”


”what’s the name of the company again? Is there a website?”


”do you usually have to work so late? 9:00 for a door to door guy would probably piss a lot of people off.”


”How do you save me money? How does that work? Can you explain it?”

not really

”should I call the cops now?”

”hey, why are you running away?”
Your forgot the part where he pulled a knife.

The street names in our neighborhood are very similar.  We've had many people come to our door late at night looking for the people with the same street number on the next block over.  One time a guy actually walked in to the house at around 10:30PM.  I was playing video games and had a headset on and only noticed because my dogs were going nuts with my Mastiff growling like I'd never heard before and never heard again.  He made it 1 step in and froze in place with his hand on the doorknob and the big dog growling at him 2 feet away.

I came around the corner into the room and he said in a very scared voice, "I think I have the wrong house".  I told him he was right and needed to get out and he verrrrry slowly backed out.  He's very lucky as my dog probably outweighed him by 40-50lbs and was PISSED.

The dude was fresh cut and dressed like he was trying to impress a girl.  Our current theory is a tinder Netflix/chill night with the wrong address.

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at least here in the city one thing i hear about is for theives is to steal garage door openers from unlocked cars and come back later when no one is around to rob the joint because people just dont notice the opener is gone or they think they lost it etc and then bam someone steals your record player so keep your cars locked even in the driveway bromigos take that to the bank 
Sorry for your loss.

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Had someone come to our apartment one time late at night and sounded like they were trying to work their key, fiddling with the door knob. Looked thru the peep hole.and the guy looked pretty smashed and confused. He looked around and left. Im guessing he was in the wrong floor and thought he was trying to get into his place. 

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I have people knock on my door all the effing time, usually just clean water action or some window/siding/roofing company offering a free estimate. Occasionally it will be some kids selling anything from $5 candy bars or once a kid had a “picture she drew and was selling for a fundraiser.” I’m down to help schools but some of these are obviously schemes. 

One time I had this kid about 17-20 come up at 9:00 in the dark. Says he’s with some gas company, “needs” to see my bill so he can save me some money. I don’t know what kind of info he could glean off of my bill, but I’m not one to just hand over documents to some pushy kid. No ID lanyard, no papers or anything, no tablet. 9:00pm. Sure.  “Ok, hang on” I say. Went back inside and watched tv until the next commercial, then returned to the door. 

“I’m having some trouble finding it, my wife moved everything when she was cleaning. Hang on I’ll keep looking, I love saving money, so don’t go anywhere.”

I go back inside, open some drawers in view of the door so he sees me looking, then go back to the tv. I figure “ok, he’ll be gone.” Nope, 10 minutes later I hear a knock, now he has a friend with him. I say something all upbeat like “oh, are you the boss?” and kid2 just mumbles something. Now I start asking questions. 

“Do you have a flyer or anything with info?”


”what’s the name of the company again? Is there a website?”


”do you usually have to work so late? 9:00 for a door to door guy would probably piss a lot of people off.”


”How do you save me money? How does that work? Can you explain it?”

not really

”should I call the cops now?”

”hey, why are you running away?”
That's usually a scam from some local energy company trying to get your account number and sign you up with the plan.


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