I want to comment on Peter Kings assinine commentFrom my understanding, the current contention by TO and party is that the NFLPA did not properly notify TO and his agent of the deadline. That the FAXed a letter when they were REQUIRED to email the information not only to TO's agent, but also TO.
Peter King, you are an assinine without the nine
D-Man, oh wait, Herd, no, wait, bentrley, no, wait, MoFro, no wait - JAA - yeah that's it!Consider that Peter King and the major sportswriters, to continue to keep access to NFL teams, must hold the party line. They were all blasting Clarett, too, who was rather successful in the courts.
The courts are not as willing to make special exceptions for sports leagues and their "unions" as they were 50 years ago when Baseball was under attack as a monopoly and was given a special exception to the antitrust laws. I say "union" because often the NFLPA simply rolls over and gets its belly scratched by the league when collective bargaining takes place.
1) if the NFLPA did not follow their own, or collective bargaining agreement mandated, rules for notifying TO re: a change to his contract, he has a viable grievance.
2) It's a guarantee that TO will attack the union's ability to make a backroom deal with the league that changed the binding terms of his contract with an individual team in the league. ESPECIALLY when the team can NOT argue surprise or prejudice in TO filing on the 23rd instead of the 21st.
I do NOT like TO, and I hope he gets screwed in this whole process - best is if he becomes a huge crybaby and sits the entire year. Nothing would be finer to me than a year without TO in the league. That said, he seems to have a viable grievance, and Peter King is simply towing the NFL and NFLPA line b/c it is extremely unpopular to support the player versus the league in todays sportswriter society, and TO has made himself a difficult guy to root for as the "wronged one" in any conflict with the league.
Similar to Sapp saying that crap about he was being persecuted and made a slave by the league's discipline rules. Maybe he was treated unfairly, but that type of 'tude combined with the player's history makes it hard to root for him in the disagreement.