Chaka said:
fsufan said:
Chaka said:
I have known many commishes who talk about how difficult the job is but when you offer to take over they never take you up on it.
Commishes generally want to do the job and if they don't someone else will be happy to do it for them.
The job is not that difficult.
the biggest headache is local leagues. owners(friends and family) think they can pay the fee when every they want to even when the league rules says it is due on draft day. I also run an Internet league and will not hesitate to kick someone out if they do not pay on time.
A good commish won't let that #### happen. If you don't pay by the deadline (always at least a week before draft day so you can fill the spot with an emergency reserve -- all established good local leagues have someone who is dying to get in) we move on without you.Deadbeats are not allowed. Good leaguemates should understand that...or perhaps I am just lucky with the quality of owners in my league.
Easier said then done. You schedule the draft weeks ahead of time. Then on draft day a guy shows up short. You've got 11 other guys standing there ready to draft.
Do you have any idea how difficult it can be to set up an in-person live draft with 12 people?IN todays leagues run on MFL, there's no real need for a "tip" as (in most of them), the actual time the commish needs to put in is fairly low. But I used to run (years ago) a league with complex manual scoring, and I put out a newsletter every week. I never asked for it, but every year the guys paid 1/2 my fees.
It really depends on the league and it's nature. I can see some complex salary cap and contract leagues out there where a "tip" might still be warrented.