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LeBron James and His School (1 Viewer)


Didn't see a dedicated thread for this, so if I missed it: my apologies.

But I think he and his foundation deserve a massive amount of credit for partnering with the Akron school district for actually helping that group of at-risk kids that are crucial to changing the course of many families.

Each student receives: 

  • Free tuition
  • Free uniforms
  • Free bicycle and helmet
  • Free transportation within 2 miles
  • Free breakfast, lunch, and snacks
  • Food pantry for families
  • GED's and job placement services for families
  • Guaranteed tuition to the University of Akron for every student that graduates
This is part of the Akron public school system and will expand over time in that district to serve more students. Good stuff by James and an area that is actually doing something to try and impact kids that normally might fall through the cracks.

I have a new respect for LeBron.  :thumbup:

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Huge MJ fan here and when LeBron came onto the scene and everyone was dubbing him the "next MJ", I of course had not only doubts but "hated" him because of if.  As the years have gone by I haven't been able to do anything but enjoy watching him and have a ton of respect for the guy... especially after stuff like this comes out.

Everyone says that the "only knock on him is 'The Decision' thing".  Well, I don't even fault him for that.  That whole spectacle was Jim Gray's.  He told LeBron to hold it at a Boys & Girls Club and told him it'd be great publicity for that and other charities.  Gray totally duped James into thinking that production would be a benefit for the kids, etc.   I put no blame on James for that.  Gray is a smarmy tool.

Good on James for this latest news.   :yes:

Taking care of kids in need and their parents. It's not just a school problem with underserved kids but the issues they face at home. Good on lebron for taking care of them as well. 

Huge MJ fan here and when LeBron came onto the scene and everyone was dubbing him the "next MJ", I of course had not only doubts but "hated" him because of if.  As the years have gone by I haven't been able to do anything but enjoy watching him and have a ton of respect for the guy... especially after stuff like this comes out.

Everyone says that the "only knock on him is 'The Decision' thing".  Well, I don't even fault him for that.  That whole spectacle was Jim Gray's.  He told LeBron to hold it at a Boys & Girls Club and told him it'd be great publicity for that and other charities.  Gray totally duped James into thinking that production would be a benefit for the kids, etc.   I put no blame on James for that.  Gray is a smarmy tool.

Good on James for this latest news.   :yes:
Lebron also never got his dad killed.

Saw this written elsewhere so not trying to pass this off as my own, but this is the type of thing that is going to have positive impacts on literal generations of families once you factor in the job placement, guaranteed free admission to UofAkron, etc.


Didn't see a dedicated thread for this, so if I missed it: my apologies.

But I think he and his foundation deserve a massive amount of credit for partnering with the Akron school district for actually helping that group of at-risk kids that are crucial to changing the course of many families.

Each student receives: 

  • Guaranteed tuition to the University of Akron for every student that graduates
Hope this plays out better than Scott's Tots

Hope it is a success and can be a pilot program for other similar situations.  Good for him to take the initiative and being a leader.

Lakers still forget it.

LeBron is one of the greatest players ever, but I have never enjoyed the way he conducts himself when it comes to basketball. 

This is truly awesome though, I hope others follow his lead and I hope he continues this type of stuff as he gets older. He is a great person. 

Was disappointed the kids don’t also get a free pair of suit shorts. 

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I'm usually extremely cynical about this sort of stuff, but this seems to be just another good thing in a really long list of good things.

LeBron is aces in my book. 

Huge MJ fan here and when LeBron came onto the scene and everyone was dubbing him the "next MJ",
I was thinking about this the other day when I was on a run.

The more I thought about it, one thing I thought was:

Michael Jordan wanted to be the best basketball player that ever lived. I think LeBron James wants to be Muhammed Ali but even more impactful.

Don't flame me, just putting this out there. Lebron's foundation will kick in $2m per year while taxpayers will pay $8m per year. I don't know if that's a lot or little to be honest. I feel like it's more than the tax base in Akron was probably thinking they were going to pay though.

Yeah, that's how I understood it by reading up on this.

This school is part of the Akron public school system. So those dollars that the district is contributing are dollars that were already going to the public school system. 

Don't flame me, just putting this out there. Lebron's foundation will kick in $2m per year while taxpayers will pay $8m per year. I don't know if that's a lot or little to be honest. I feel like it's more than the tax base in Akron was probably thinking they were going to pay though.

Yes, it’s a public school. Saw an interview with the Superintendent and he indicated that, as a public school, it will be tuition free just like the other public schools in Akron. Where Lebron comes in is with respect to the other support programs and the college tuition. 

Not sure if this applies in Ohio but in Michigan, a person can't make a sizeable donation to a specific school in a district. Like if I wanted to donate a million dollars to the high school my kid attends, I couldn't do that. I would have to donate it to the district, then the district would choose how to use that money. 

Yes, it’s a public school. Saw an interview with the Superintendent and he indicated that, as a public school, it will be tuition free just like the other public schools in Akron. Where Lebron comes in is with respect to the other support programs and the college tuition. 
It does sound great, and hopefully turns out that way. Obviously has to be more to it, would imagine 60% of Cleveland population will apply to this school and it will be interesting how they determine admissions.

Don`t understand why people use the word "free" when describing anything. Someone is paying for it be it James or whoever.

Don`t understand why people use the word "free" when describing anything. Someone is paying for it be it James or whoever.
In this context, free means the person receiving a good or service is not paying for the good or service received. That's why people use the word free in these situations.

In this context, free means the person receiving a good or service is not paying for the good or service received. That's why people use the word free in these situations.
Also, in every situation.

I like to imagine Guru getting upset at signs all over town.  "This parking isn't free!  Someone paid for the real estate and the paving!"

LeBron just wants to be more like Jalen.

Seriously, though, this is awesome.

And @Ilov80s - based on what you wrote above, any idea how Jalen's school works?
It is a charter school so it is different from what is going on with Lebron's school. The press has been good, but I have had two students that came from there and they had nothing but bad things to say about it. On one hand, I don't fully trust the kids because many teens just hate their school no matter what- it's just how teens are. On the other hand, some of things they said were worrisome. One student said she liked our school because we had computers and projectors and internet which are things they didn't have at Jalen Rose Academy. 

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Huge MJ fan here and when LeBron came onto the scene and everyone was dubbing him the "next MJ", I of course had not only doubts but "hated" him because of if.  As the years have gone by I haven't been able to do anything but enjoy watching him and have a ton of respect for the guy... especially after stuff like this comes out.

Everyone says that the "only knock on him is 'The Decision' thing".  Well, I don't even fault him for that.  That whole spectacle was Jim Gray's.  He told LeBron to hold it at a Boys & Girls Club and told him it'd be great publicity for that and other charities.  Gray totally duped James into thinking that production would be a benefit for the kids, etc.   I put no blame on James for that.  Gray is a smarmy tool.

Good on James for this latest news.   :yes:
I'm a big LeBron fan, but I absolutely knock him for The Decision. Even if it's true that Gray duped him (and I've never heard that before), LeBron has been in the public eye since he was 18, so he knows more than anyone that he is responsible for his own public image.

What I will say is that, in retrospect, it seems like far less of big deal than it felt at the time. As Bill Simmons has pointed out, LeBron was really just foreshadowing the next decade in the NBA, when players gained more power and superstars changing teams became a much more common occurrence.

Anyway, other than that and his track record as de facto GM in Cleveland the past few years, I don't have much bad to say about him. And this school story is absolutely fantastic.

It does sound great, and hopefully turns out that way. Obviously has to be more to it, would imagine 60% of Cleveland population will apply to this school and it will be interesting how they determine admissions.
It's not in Cleveland or even the same county.

I think it’s great for kids that don’t have a necessary means for a necessary means for a higher education. 

Never a huge lbj can off the court, but between this and his sublime performance in that Amy Schumer movie i am starting to warm up to the guy.

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Huge MJ fan here and when LeBron came onto the scene and everyone was dubbing him the "next MJ", I of course had not only doubts but "hated" him because of if.  As the years have gone by I haven't been able to do anything but enjoy watching him and have a ton of respect for the guy... especially after stuff like this comes out.

Everyone says that the "only knock on him is 'The Decision' thing".  Well, I don't even fault him for that.  That whole spectacle was Jim Gray's.  He told LeBron to hold it at a Boys & Girls Club and told him it'd be great publicity for that and other charities.  Gray totally duped James into thinking that production would be a benefit for the kids, etc.   I put no blame on James for that.  Gray is a smarmy tool.

Good on James for this latest news.   :yes:
World class mid post pivot here.  

Not saying I disagree with your take, just that the pivot was, well, seamless.  

Saw this written elsewhere so not trying to pass this off as my own, but this is the type of thing that is going to have positive impacts on literal generations of families once you factor in the job placement, guaranteed free admission to UofAkron, etc.

The juxtaposition between him and Trump couldn’t have been more perfectly defined than if the president himself pointed it out. 

Oh, wait.  

I'm a big LeBron fan, but I absolutely knock him for The Decision. Even if it's true that Gray duped him (and I've never heard that before), LeBron has been in the public eye since he was 18, so he knows more than anyone that he is responsible for his own public image.

What I will say is that, in retrospect, it seems like far less of big deal than it felt at the time. As Bill Simmons has pointed out, LeBron was really just foreshadowing the next decade in the NBA, when players gained more power and superstars changing teams became a much more common occurrence.

Anyway, other than that and his track record as de facto GM in Cleveland the past few years, I don't have much bad to say about him. And this school story is absolutely fantastic.
I'm not sure where I heard it, and I guess I could hit the Googlez, but I am 100% sure I heard it somewhere. 

World class mid post pivot here.  

Not saying I disagree with your take, just that the pivot was, well, seamless.  

And actually, back in my playing days... I was more of a 3-and-D guy.  My mid-post pivot game was not all that hot.   :oldunsure:


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