Thought this was an entertaining piece. The Tennesseean gave each of them the same 50 question Questionnaire to fill out, and this shows their responses:
Interesting that Cutler and Leinart both listed Rudy as their favorite sports movie and Wedding Crashers as their favorite non-sports movie. But as a Vince fan, my personal favorites were questions 31 and 46:
31. Biggest Pet Peeve:
Leinart: People chewing with mouth open
Cutler: Slow drivers
Young: Losing
46. Biggest Fear:
Leinart: Failure
Cutler: Heights
Young: None
Interesting that Cutler and Leinart both listed Rudy as their favorite sports movie and Wedding Crashers as their favorite non-sports movie. But as a Vince fan, my personal favorites were questions 31 and 46:
31. Biggest Pet Peeve:
Leinart: People chewing with mouth open
Cutler: Slow drivers
Young: Losing
46. Biggest Fear:
Leinart: Failure
Cutler: Heights
Young: None