If anyone has one or is starting one count me in. Hit my PM up as I would gladly join. $ league is ok.
I am already in a 32 team dynasty IDP, but am also looking to join another too.If anyone has one or is starting one count me in. Hit my PM up as I would gladly join. $ league is ok.
If you need to start seeing if you have enough for 32, could you keep me in mind too?I was looking at starting a 14-16 IDP Dynasty league. Im in a 32 team league one right now too. Just FYI I can keep you in mind if you'd like.
GreatI am in a $25 32 team Dynasty IDP League and there is usually an opening in the offseason. I will keep you posted.
Same here. A new one or one where the team I'm taking over isn't behind the 8 ball too bad is preferred.I am already in a 32 team dynasty IDP, but am also looking to join another too.If anyone has one or is starting one count me in. Hit my PM up as I would gladly join. $ league is ok.
If you need to start seeing if you have enough for 32, could you keep me in mind too?I was looking at starting a 14-16 IDP Dynasty league. Im in a 32 team league one right now too. Just FYI I can keep you in mind if you'd like.
U got mail. Interesting setup and appears you have thought this out.I have alot of 32 team experience and am going to spearhead a 32 team money league and am looking to start the draft in January. Going to use MFL for scoring and hopefully league safe for money. $50
Money will be divided at the end of the season in this fashion
If interested, my email is rphc1316@yahoo.com
$1.00 For a Regular Season Win - 192 total possible wins = $192
$5.00 for Making the playoffs - 16 playoff teams = $80
$5.00 for a playoff win - 12 playoff possible wins = $60
$50 AFC/NFC Champions - 2 teams = $100
$300 Super Bowl Champ - 1 team - $300
$100 Super Bowl losing contender - 1 team - $100
$20 Division Title - 8 teams - $160
$90 MFL - Fees - $90
$100 League Safe Fees - Could be less of more - $100
$50 Team with the most points total scored in regular season - 1 team - $50
$5 most points scored each week regular season - 12 games, 1 team ea week - $60
$15 team with highest scoring offensive player (MVP) - 1 team, 1 player - $15
$15 team with highest scoring defensive player (MVP) - 1 team, 1 player - $15
$2 for each team who did not make playoffs - 16 teams - $32
$50 for the Sacko Bowl winner (Winner of the non playoff team playoffs - 1 team - $50
$2.00 for a Sacko Bowl win - 15 games - $30.00
$2.00 for being a DOT member (person who votes on trades) - 16 members - $32.00
$5.00 Commish - $5.00
$5.00 Co-Commish - $5.00
$5.00 beat writers/rumor stove - 5 members - $25.00
$11.00 for the biggest sport vote - $11.00
$10.00 Best Draft vote - $10.00
$5.00 for admins - 5 admins - $25.00
$32.00 wiggle room for mfl/leaguesafe - Divided back in to 32 teams at end of yr - $32
$21 for the overall winner for a fantasy pick em throughout the yr - $21