A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.
"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.
Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "
Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.
"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.
Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "
Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.