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Loophole in MFL waivers (1 Viewer)


A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.

"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.
Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "

Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.

I don't find an issue with how it ran at all. :shrug: I personally find the 2 BBID setup bizarre personally (and why it ran like it did). So I wouldn't call it a loophole -- it's the way your BBID setup was structured.

More than anything else, will be something you'll need to address in offseason with your league.

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Many leagues that run two BB waivers (with no FCFS) specifically do not allow players who played Thursday to be added in the Friday (or Saturday) waiver run.

Pretty sure there is a way to get your league set up correctly on MFL but don't personally know what it is.

I don't find an issue with how it ran at all. :shrug: I personally find the 2 BBID setup bizarre personally (and why it ran like it did). So I wouldn't call it a loophole -- it's the way your BBID setup was structured.

More than anything else, will be something you'll need to address in offseason with your league.
no, its the software... don't understand how a player can be available in anyway after their early game is played. All players should become available once the final game is played for the week, thats just common FF sense.

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Many leagues that run two BB waivers (with no FCFS) specifically do not allow players who played Thursday to be added in the Friday (or Saturday) waiver run.

Pretty sure there is a way to get your league set up correctly on MFL but don't personally know what it is.
I hope so, MFL's tech support has gone down the tubes and would love to find a way to correct this.

A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.


"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.

Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "

Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.
We hit this last year. Worse, this year we had an owner who had a Thursday player in his lineup, and had him specified as a player to drop in his conditional BB that ran Saturday. So it essentially dropped the player who had already started this week.

I submitted a ticket asking that they either make BB and queued waivers obey the existing setting for FCFS that player roster status is locked when their game starts... or else give us another option specific to BB/queued waivers. They said it was a good idea and they'd look into it for next year. I'd suggest everyone affected put in a ticket as well so it ups the priority for them.

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A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.


"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.

Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "

Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.
We hit this last year. Worse, this year we had an owner who had a Thursday player in his lineup, and had him specified as a player to drop in his conditional BB that ran Saturday. So it essentially dropped the player who had already started this week.

I submitted a ticket asking that they either make BB and queued waivers obey the existing setting for FCFS that player roster status is locked when their game starts... or else give us another option specific to BB/queued waivers. They said it was a good idea and they'd look into it for next year. I'd suggest everyone affected put in a ticket as well so it ups the priority for them.
oh sh@t... my league will flip if that happens

---------- 10/12/2013 12:12:07 AM -------- Original Question

LeagueId 27756
Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week? Yes

However Brandon Jacobs was acquired during the Waiver process, how can that be prevented?

---------- 10/12/2013 9:18:51 AM ---------- Julie

Hi Ryan -

The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.

Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked.

- Julie

---------- 10/12/2013 9:55:18 AM ---------- 'Ryan'

so a player that is locked in FCFS waiver is not locked in Waivers, sounds like a loophole in the system now that NFL plays games every Thursday.

--- Reply ---


No, this is working as designed. That said, I'll re-classify this ticket as a "Feature Request", and hopefully this idea is something we can take a closer look at for a future site enhancement.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


Again, I disagree; there is no reason for a player (especially one that played a game in the middle of the week) to be available in any fashion before the other players have played their games for the week. Its just common FF practice that a player that plays early be locked until everyone else is done. I understand that the NFL has changed recently to have games played every Thursday night and its just a simple software loophole. But this is not "working as designed", if this is what they think then they don't have a clue on how majority of their customers use the product. If I want this type of bushleague I'll goto yahoo for free.

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I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.

A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.


"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.

Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "

Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.
We hit this last year. Worse, this year we had an owner who had a Thursday player in his lineup, and had him specified as a player to drop in his conditional BB that ran Saturday. So it essentially dropped the player who had already started this week.

I submitted a ticket asking that they either make BB and queued waivers obey the existing setting for FCFS that player roster status is locked when their game starts... or else give us another option specific to BB/queued waivers. They said it was a good idea and they'd look into it for next year. I'd suggest everyone affected put in a ticket as well so it ups the priority for them.
Just curious. Did the owner still get to keep the points that that player put up that week? Or were the points nullified as well?

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
Ding Ding Ding

WIth his rant a couple posts up, I don't think any answer is going to appease OP. Only so many people can tell him to have his league to revise his BBID setup :shrug: No matter how much you want to believe in your head it is, it's not a software glitch.

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Instead of relying on MFL, which anyone that uses it realizes the limitations. Put it on the league, players that play Thursday night are locked until after the Monday night game completes/next weeks waivers. We have to do the same thing and it's on the owners to comply but if anyone picks up a player that has played, the commish will just reverse the pick-up. We run the ww Wednesday night and leave FCFS open till Monday night kickoff, but anytime a game starts all players in that game are then locked. So Sunday at 330PM you see a CB has been declared inactive you can pick up a guy from the late Sunday games or even the Monday night game. I find it to be a much better way of doing it, we only started this last year, because of the every week Thursday game, that has monkey wrenched a lot of leagues that had been in place for a while and didn't/couldn't account for a Thursday night game every week.

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
Ding Ding Ding

WIth his rant a couple posts up, I don't think any answer is going to appease OP. Only so many people can tell him to have his league to revise his BBID setup :shrug: No matter how much you want to believe in your head it is, it's not a software glitch.
I did post the MFL response on the leagues message board; and requested that the league members revisit reducing the 2 BBID's a week this morning. My purpose was to let others know about the loophole if it affects them, and maybe get some advise from those that experienced it.

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I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
Ding Ding Ding

WIth his rant a couple posts up, I don't think any answer is going to appease OP. Only so many people can tell him to have his league to revise his BBID setup :shrug: No matter how much you want to believe in your head it is, it's not a software glitch.

Fix your setup in the offseason. It's running how your commissioner specified. Amazing it's taken til now to notice (if you've had same exact setup for multiple years-- which is hard to almost to believe, even as bad as Thursday games are).

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I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
Ding Ding Ding

WIth his rant a couple posts up, I don't think any answer is going to appease OP. Only so many people can tell him to have his league to revise his BBID setup :shrug: No matter how much you want to believe in your head it is, it's not a software glitch.

Fix your setup in the offseason. It's running how your commissioner specified. Amazing it's taken til now to notice (if you've had same exact setup for multiple years-- which is hard to almost to believe, even as bad as Thursday games are).
been this way since 2007, never was a problem

Here's a loophole that I just discovered:

Last year we unlocked all the previously-waived players on Fridays. (We added this rule through the Calendar Setup.)

This year we changed the rule to keep players locked until Monday night. (This change was done through the Waiver Setup.)

So, if you drop a player on Wednesday, he becomes locked and his status clearly states "Locked Until Monday".

Yet the system still unlocks him on Friday night!

It turns out that the previous calendar setting is overriding the waiver setting, and MFL's software is not recognizing the conflict.

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I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
Ding Ding DingWIth his rant a couple posts up, I don't think any answer is going to appease OP.
Why shouldn't Thursday players be locked to blind bidding as well as FCFS? I can't see why there'd be a difference, and I think OP's right to be confused by the issue.

Only so many people can tell him to have his league to revise his BBID setup :shrug: No matter how much you want to believe in your head it is, it's not a software glitch.
I think OP realizes that it's not a software glitch at this point. He's merely questioning why the software works the way it does, and letting others know that this is a potential issue. I don't use MFL anymore but if I did, I'd want to know about this, and I'd submit a feature request to get it changed for next year. :shrug:

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
why should he be available, he played his game early
cuz everyone has the chance to bid on him. With FCFS someone could potentially pick him up during the game
Why should anyone be allowed to pick him up after he played anyway, though? He should be locked until the following week.

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
why should he be available, he played his game early
cuz everyone has the chance to bid on him. With FCFS someone could potentially pick him up during the game
Why should anyone be allowed to pick him up after he played anyway, though? He should be locked until the following week.
again, why not?
I can understand locking players once the game starts for FCFS. Basically, it avoids the guy who watches all the games to have an unfair advantage from picking someone up immediately after an injury, etc. but i dont understand why that same player would be locked when everyone can bid on him equally during the next waiver run.

The other loophole is when your MFL League isn't set up to block the commissioner from seeing all transactions including the pending blind bids, and he has an extra advantage in seeing who everyone is bidding on.

I can understand locking players once the game starts for FCFS. Basically, it avoids the guy who watches all the games to have an unfair advantage from picking someone up immediately after an injury, etc. but i dont understand why that same player would be locked when everyone can bid on him equally during the next waiver run.
I think its clear theres a problem

"Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?"

I consider Waivers and BB Waivers as free agent moves and so does MFL. If you use MFL's option to limit the number of Free agent moves a team can make during a week or season guess what, Waivers and BB waiver count into that limit. Besides most leagues don't want owners picking up players that have already played in the middle of the week. The point of waivers is so there isn't a mad dash to the Free Agent pool.

Yeah, I noticed this too. In two of my leagues, he is still there and avail for pickup. I almost grabbed him, but thought better of it. Should I try and just get whined at by everyone? Ethical? Scumbaggery?

Instead of relying on MFL, which anyone that uses it realizes the limitations. Put it on the league, players that play Thursday night are locked until after the Monday night game completes/next weeks waivers. We have to do the same thing and it's on the owners to comply but if anyone picks up a player that has played, the commish will just reverse the pick-up. We run the ww Wednesday night and leave FCFS open till Monday night kickoff, but anytime a game starts all players in that game are then locked. So Sunday at 330PM you see a CB has been declared inactive you can pick up a guy from the late Sunday games or even the Monday night game. I find it to be a much better way of doing it, we only started this last year, because of the every week Thursday game, that has monkey wrenched a lot of leagues that had been in place for a while and didn't/couldn't account for a Thursday night game every week.
I've been a commish in one league since 1995. It's slow changing the mindset of players in that league. I've proposed FCFS waivers after a run of worst to first waivers (I'd prefer blind bid) but the majority of owners just want two waiver runs each week. And you know guys, it's their league, too, and when the majority wants it that way, I give them an option but then let them vote. I save my Commish muscle for only truly significant must have rules changes, and this system, while far from my preference, is workable.

In terms of Commissioner involvement...

Our league rules specify no players from Thursday (or rare Friday) games can be added or dropped on Saturday waiver runs. I have manually rescinded all such moves for the past five seasons. This year -- finally -- teams are not touching the players because they finally understand the rule.

On to the mfl angle...

I have made multiple requests over the years to have them add the lockout feature that exists for FCFS to Waivers, and they give me the same "feature request" response that I've seen earlier in the thread. But I'm still waiting.

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
why should he be available, he played his game early
cuz everyone has the chance to bid on him. With FCFS someone could potentially pick him up during the game
Why should anyone be allowed to pick him up after he played anyway, though? He should be locked until the following week.
again, why not?
If your league locks players from FCFS after they've played then Thursday games should be no exception.

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
why should he be available, he played his game early
cuz everyone has the chance to bid on him. With FCFS someone could potentially pick him up during the game
Why should anyone be allowed to pick him up after he played anyway, though? He should be locked until the following week.
again, why not?
Well, to be fair, I don't have a great answer to that question, except to say that's generally how things work, and I don't see a compelling reason why "blind bid waivers for players in Thursday night games" should be an exception.

For example, if the only real reason to lock FCFS for Thursday night players is so people don't rush to make a move after an in-game injury or something, do the Thursday night players unlock in FCFS on Friday morning? I don't think so - why not?

Similarly, why don't all the players who played on Sunday unlock on Monday morning? (They never have in any league I've played in, at least.)

I normally hate this kind of argument, but it's kinda "just the way things are/have always been done." Once a player has started, he's locked until the next week. I see no real reason to make Thursday night players available on Friday, whether by FCFS or blind bidding or whatever. :shrug:

A Couple of my leagues run blind bidding waivesr from Monday till Wednesday and then again Wednesday till Friday with FCFS starting afterwards on Friday, an owner was able to acquire Brandon Jacobs from blind bidding waivers Friday night even though the player should of been locked because his game was Thursday. Wrote to MFL and they weren't much help.


"The setting "Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's game and the end of the last game of the week?" only applies to FCFS waivers.

Players acquired through the Waiver Request are not prevented from being added/dropped. This would have to be manually tracked. "

Doesn't make any sense to me, if the player is locked for FCFS then they should be lock during other waiver processes. Just a heads up, with every Thursday night having an NFL game it easy to exposed this loophole.
We hit this last year. Worse, this year we had an owner who had a Thursday player in his lineup, and had him specified as a player to drop in his conditional BB that ran Saturday. So it essentially dropped the player who had already started this week.

I submitted a ticket asking that they either make BB and queued waivers obey the existing setting for FCFS that player roster status is locked when their game starts... or else give us another option specific to BB/queued waivers. They said it was a good idea and they'd look into it for next year. I'd suggest everyone affected put in a ticket as well so it ups the priority for them.
Just curious. Did the owner still get to keep the points that that player put up that week? Or were the points nullified as well?
It was continuing to show his points in his game score. But the site would not let him change his lineup after that since the player was locked in his lineup, but the count of total players in his starting lineup was off.

To deal with it, I cut the player he got from BB and returned the dropped starter to his team. So we're just basically not allowing starters to get cut like that through manual enforcement in the meantime.

I dont understand why jacobs would be locked if you use blind bidding for the second round. He should only be locked during FCFS.
why should he be available, he played his game early
cuz everyone has the chance to bid on him. With FCFS someone could potentially pick him up during the game
Why should anyone be allowed to pick him up after he played anyway, though? He should be locked until the following week.
again, why not?
I think each roster spot should only be able to provide a team with one player's worth of contribution (either starter points or depriving other teams of points) towards each week's fantasy game.

I agree with a couple of the posters here that I don't see any problem. All league owners can bid on the player(s). They won't be able to use the player, since they already played Thursday night, but don't see how this is a glitch or even an issue. The best thing about blind bid waivers is every owner is on a level playing field. Not like FCFS waivers or worst to first waivers.


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