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Madden 2010 cover to be auctioned? (1 Viewer)

It might just be a cornerback on the cover next year with the salaries the top guys are getting lately. Hmm....Bill Gates on the cover could be a sleeper pick however.

Ocho Cinco Comes to mind here... What better way to promote sales of his new Jersey

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The shark pool could pool their money together to get the player they want injured on the cover.
Sure, in fact we could pool our spare change collectively and purchase EA Sports outright...In reality, we would come up with $323.56 and be lucky to purchase a ceremonial pixel on the cover...
lol I wish had enough money to burn on stupid things because I'd really laugh when I put like Jeff Feagles on the cover bc I can.

This is easy, the QB for the winnner of the super bowl should buy the spot and give it to his o-line.

That said, this has WR all over it. #85, TO, Moss, Burress, etc. Lots of Ego out wide.


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