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Marvel Cinematic Universe - Can Deadpool Save the MCU? You betcha, friendo! (12 Viewers)

Absolutely outstanding movie.  I’m a tad worried that she has hit Superman mode, where she’s absolutely unstoppable...but if she’s only powered by one stone, and Thanos has them all...she should still be overmatched (requiring help of others)

And honestly what exactly is her powers, they made a big deal about how she got them and forgetting her past but they didnt really go into detail about what it was exactly.
Basically she's Thor, iron Man, and black widow if they somehow had a baby.

Agent Cater?  No, I don't think so.  Here is what one time line states


Post-wormhole, the Tesseract burns through the aircraft and falls into ocean, where it is later retrieved by Howard Stark while searching for Rogers. At some point, between then and 1989, the Tesseract finds itself at Project PEGASUS, a joint effort by NASA and the US Air Force to study the Tesseract. We’ll have to wait until the next Marvel prequel to know what happened to the Tesseract during the 45-year gap in MCU history.
:popcorn:  go on... 

How do we do spoiler tags again?  I don't want to put a question in open text.
What's the rule here? I presumed anyone in this thread now had either seen it or wants the spoilers 

Still working on my rewatching of all movies in order.  A question came to mind while watching Civil War - is Black Widow technically a super hero?  Aside from being a bada## in hand to hand combat and pretty much all things spy/espionage related, does she have any special "super" abilities?

You have characters that are "super" because of their suits - Ironman, War Machine, Falcon (maybe even Antman).  Take off the suits and they're just humans.  Then you have guys who have been genetically modified or enhanced, like Cap or Spiderman, maybe Hulk.  Then you've got your guys like Thor, Star-Lord, ect who have "out of this world" powers.  Where does Black Widow fall?

Still working on my rewatching of all movies in order.  A question came to mind while watching Civil War - is Black Widow technically a super hero?  Aside from being a bada## in hand to hand combat and pretty much all things spy/espionage related, does she have any special "super" abilities?

You have characters that are "super" because of their suits - Ironman, War Machine, Falcon (maybe even Antman).  Take off the suits and they're just humans.  Then you have guys who have been genetically modified or enhanced, like Cap or Spiderman, maybe Hulk.  Then you've got your guys like Thor, Star-Lord, ect who have "out of this world" powers.  Where does Black Widow fall?
She is a highly trained assassin that has some high tech toys to assist her subduing people. No special powers beyond her horrific training upbringing that she endured.

Watched it and enjoyed it.  Laughed at her running but it didnt distract for me.  Some good humor.  Liked the tie ins with Ronan and Korath, good to see Coulson again.

Would watch again, was a good popcorn superhero movie.  Mid tier for me.  Loved the soundtrack. My 9 year old daughter loved it.  

As for the calls that her delivery was flat, wasnt that the point?  She is supposed to be suppressing emotions per the Kree directives. Maybe I'm reaching since I did enjoy it? 

MCU Tiered Update:

Absolutely Loved:

  • Avengers
  • GotG
  • Iron Man
  • Infinity War
  • Cap 3 Civil War
  • Cap 2 Winter Soldier
  • A2 Ultron
  • GotG 2
Really Liked:

  • Black Panther
  • Dr. Strange
  • Captain Marvel
  • Thor Ragnarok
  • Spiderman Homecoming
  • Ant-Man
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp
Still Good:

  • Thor 2
  • Cap
  • Thor
  • IM2
Just OK:

  • IM3
  • Hulk

I think I agree with all of this - although I enjoyed the Thor movies more than most.  I just like the world it has.  None of them have been bad to me at all.

I would happily watch Linda Carter run all day.
Sure, me too.  I'd also watch the old Hulk series with Bill Bixby.  But it's not the Hulk I'm interested in seeing in the MCU.

eta: that was strongly worded to make a point. I actually thought Brie Larson was perfectly fine in the role (except for the running).

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Yep, his comment was directed at me.  I didn't have "an obligation" to find something wrong with the film.  I really liked it.  I still think an Emily Blunt would have done a better job based on prior performances, but I think Larson was fine. 

The running scenes as she was escaping were distractingly bad.  But again overall, I enjoyed the movie.
I had also made that comment upthread, because I agree that the running was distractingly bad.  No reason they couldn't have fixed that, even if they needed to use a body double.  The fighting scenes were pretty good (although a little quickly cut for my taste).

I had also made that comment upthread, because I agree that the running was distractingly bad.  No reason they couldn't have fixed that, even if they needed to use a body double.  The fighting scenes were pretty good (although a little quickly cut for my taste).
What scene was this weird running in? I don't recall any weird running scenes, but it has been mentioned multiple times so it just has me wondering.

What scene was this weird running in? I don't recall any weird running scenes, but it has been mentioned multiple times so it just has me wondering.
I think it was on the skrulls ship, although she looked fine running through the streets when she first got to Earth...

eta: It wasnt flash level bad, just awkward looking.  

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Absolutely outstanding movie.  I’m a tad worried that she has hit Superman mode, where she’s absolutely unstoppable...but if she’s only powered by one stone, and Thanos has them all...she should still be overmatched (requiring help of others)
I think she has a vagina. That should help.

She is a highly trained assassin that has some high tech toys to assist her subduing people. No special powers beyond her horrific training upbringing that she endured.
she was injected with the Russians' version of Cap's super-soldier serum.   her abilities are more than just training.  she's Bucky-level.

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Two quick spoilerish questions about CM:

How does Carol Danvers look the same age 20 years later and where can I get some of that elixir for my wife?

How does the space stone not kill her as a regular human being? She had not yet had her Kree transfusion at the point of the movie.

Two quick spoilerish questions about CM:

How does Carol Danvers look the same age 20 years later and where can I get some of that elixir for my wife?
where did 20 come from?  I thought she was on the Kree planet for 6?

How does the space stone not kill her as a regular human being? She had not yet had her Kree transfusion at the point of the movie.
When does she come in contact before getting her powers?
Did I miss something?

Did I miss something?
The power she has came from the space stone power core being blow up upon her crash. The Kree took away their powers from her and all she is using is her powers received from the Tesseract by movie's end.

20 years later is the post credit scene where she hasn't aged a day.

The power she has came from the space stone power core being blow up upon her crash. The Kree took away their powers from her and all she is using is her powers received from the Tesseract by movie's end.

20 years later is the post credit scene where she hasn't aged a day.
I guess we can assume that the Tesseract is giving her elongated life.

She was? I don't remember that in the MCU. Didn't see it in the wiki either.
They haven't expressly stated in in the MCU, but it's in the comics.   If you look at Marvel.com, they say this for the "on screen profile":

Exhibiting no super human abilities, the Black Widow boasts ultimate human levels of strength, agility, and stamina. 
They say this for the "comics" profile:

Trained at a facility called the Red Room, Natasha was also enhanced with the Soviets’ version of the Super-Soldier serum, gifting her with peak human strength and stamina, as well as resistance to disease and slowed-down aging.
Not really any difference between "ultimate human levels" and "peak human strength and stamina."   Pretty sure you can assume in her time in the Red Room they bio-engineered her.   Why wouldn't they have?

ETA:  supposedly the BW movie is set around 2000, so I imagine that they'll resolve this question in her backstory.

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The power she has came from the space stone power core being blow up upon her crash. The Kree took away their powers from her and all she is using is her powers received from the Tesseract by movie's end.

20 years later is the post credit scene where she hasn't aged a day.
Thanks for clarifying

Didn't she absorb the blast from the core before the Kree gave her some?  The blast should have killed her but it made her super, like the mind stone did the twins.   She was also given Kree blood after the blast and they couldnt take that away, which may have helped?

I would guess the space stone has something to do with it.

Thanks for clarifying

Didn't she absorb the blast from the core before the Kree gave her some?  The blast should have killed her but it made her super, like the mind stone did the twins.   She was also given Kree blood after the blast and they couldnt take that away, which may have helped?

I would guess the space stone has something to do with it.
Could it have to do with terrigen mist like in AoS?  Is she an inhuman maybe?

The Big Guy said:
The power she has came from the space stone power core being blow up upon her crash. The Kree took away their powers from her and all she is using is her powers received from the Tesseract by movie's end.

20 years later is the post credit scene where she hasn't aged a day.
I didn't think she had any powers from the Kree.  It all came from the blast at the crash site, and the Kree lied to her that they gave her power.  They limited her powers with the glowing macguffin on her neck.

B Maverick said:
Thanks for clarifying

Didn't she absorb the blast from the core before the Kree gave her some?  The blast should have killed her but it made her super, like the mind stone did the twins.   She was also given Kree blood after the blast and they couldnt take that away, which may have helped?

I would guess the space stone has something to do with it.
I mean, Bruce Banner should have died from the gamma radiation he absorbed, but he's the Hulk instead.  Danvers absorbed the power instead of being killed by it.

I mean, Bruce Banner should have died from the gamma radiation he absorbed, but he's the Hulk instead.  Danvers absorbed the power instead of being killed by it.
This is the closest thing that I could come up with too.  And it wasn't direct contact with the Tesseract until later in the movie, after she has transformed or mutated into her super self, so we can go with this thought.

This is the closest thing that I could come up with too.  And it wasn't direct contact with the Tesseract until later in the movie, after she has transformed or mutated into her super self, so we can go with this thought.
Glad we got that settled.

matttyl said:
.  Where does Black Widow fall?
Hotness is a super power

The Big Guy said:
She is a highly trained assassin that has some high tech toys to assist her subduing people. No special powers beyond her horrific training upbringing that she endured.

The Big Guy said:
Two quick spoilerish questions about CM:

How does Carol Danvers look the same age 20 years later and where can I get some of that elixir for my wife?

How does the space stone not kill her as a regular human being? She had not yet had her Kree transfusion at the point of the movie.
She asked the same for you :whistle:

Not really part of the MCU though. She's bad### but not super soldier caliber. No healing, no super strength, she's right there with Hawkeye.

Didn't the Winter Soldier wipe the floor with her in Cap 2?
They didn't really get into a real fight, she kept getting out of it iirc.

-fish- said:
They haven't expressly stated in in the MCU, but it's in the comics.   If you look at Marvel.com, they say this for the "on screen profile":

They say this for the "comics" profile:

Not really any difference between "ultimate human levels" and "peak human strength and stamina."   Pretty sure you can assume in her time in the Red Room they bio-engineered her.   Why wouldn't they have?

ETA:  supposedly the BW movie is set around 2000, so I imagine that they'll resolve this question in her backstory.

I don't think this theory really holds up. Look at Infinity War. They make a point of showing Cap and Black Panther freakishly pull ahead of the pack of rushing warriors, nearly inhuman leaps included. The implication being that the Super Soldier serum is pretty equivalent to the special magic flower that Black Panther ingests. And of course we've seen Winter Soldier stand toe to toe with BP and Cap, although he fell behind both in that sprint. So he's probably a tier behind in that regard.

We've never seen Black Widow do anything that could be interpreted as superhuman in terms of athletic feats, the way Cap and BP did in Infinity War--her reflexes and agility, as well as her martial skills, are simply insane. So maybe it's manifesting differently--but imo they don't show her doing things like Cap and BP for a reason. She and Hawkeye are the absolute peak of normal human ability and physicality, but they're still just vanilla humans. Which in itself makes them interesting and badass heroes. 

I don't think this theory really holds up. Look at Infinity War. They make a point of showing Cap and Black Panther freakishly pull ahead of the pack of rushing warriors, nearly inhuman leaps included. The implication being that the Super Soldier serum is pretty equivalent to the special magic flower that Black Panther ingests. And of course we've seen Winter Soldier stand toe to toe with BP and Cap, although he fell behind both in that sprint. So he's probably a tier behind in that regard.

We've never seen Black Widow do anything that could be interpreted as superhuman in terms of athletic feats, the way Cap and BP did in Infinity War--her reflexes and agility, as well as her martial skills, are simply insane. So maybe it's manifesting differently--but imo they don't show her doing things like Cap and BP for a reason. She and Hawkeye are the absolute peak of normal human ability and physicality, but they're still just vanilla humans. Which in itself makes them interesting and badass heroes. 
This is the type of nerdy discussion I expect from this thread.    :thumbup:

I agree with this guy.   Catching a flying alien sled one-handed after launching 30 feet in the air is a little more than martial arts training.   

Plus, it would be a waste to train her up as a superspy in the Red Room, alter her memories and not use the version of the serum in their possession...especially when they did it in the comics.    You may end up being right, but I'd be willing to bet her backstory in the solo movie will reveal some bio-engineering.

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-fish- said:
They haven't expressly stated in in the MCU, but it's in the comics.   If you look at Marvel.com, they say this for the "on screen profile":

They say this for the "comics" profile:

Not really any difference between "ultimate human levels" and "peak human strength and stamina."   Pretty sure you can assume in her time in the Red Room they bio-engineered her.   Why wouldn't they have?

ETA:  supposedly the BW movie is set around 2000, so I imagine that they'll resolve this question in her backstory.
Now that's a movie I want to see if it's done well. Espionage and super spies. With a smoking red head (so what I'd she's not natural, we can imagine). 

Remember alt-righters when you hate masturbate to Brie Larson change it up to alita the battle angel at the last second so she doesn’t get credit and you don’t feel guilty. 
You say he's off the deep end and then you say this? Pot, meet kettle. 

Can we get back to Marvel and let the circle jerk of nobody-convincing-the other-side-of-anything die? Great, thanks. I'll hang up and listen. 

You say he's off the deep end and then you say this? Pot, meet kettle. 

Can we get back to Marvel and let the circle jerk of nobody-convincing-the other-side-of-anything die? Great, thanks. I'll hang up and listen. 
This was 4 days ago genius. You’re the only one still talking about it. 

This is the type of nerdy discussion I expect from this thread.    :thumbup:

I agree with this guy.   Catching a flying alien sled one-handed after launching 30 feet in the air is a little more than martial arts training.   

Plus, it would be a waste to train her up as a superspy in the Red Room, alter her memories and not use the version of the serum in their possession...especially when they did it in the comics.    You may end up being right, but I'd be willing to bet her backstory in the solo movie will reveal some bio-engineering.
She got 30 feet in the air because an actual super soldier launched her 30 feet in the air.

I think it's clear that the comics are nothing more than a loose framework in the MCU and considering they showed her Red Room training origin in Age of Ultron with no serum that is probably the reality we should be working from.

At least, as you said, until her solo movie drops.

Isn't there going to be at least a year between Spiderman 2 and the next Marvel movie? And we're not even sure what the next film after S2 is going to be. It was supposed to be GotG 3 but that's in limbo (or limbo adjacent) so what's it going to be?

Black Panther 2, Black Widow & Doctor Strange 2 seem the most likely options. Maybe finally work in an MCU Fantastic Four film? Too soon to come up with an MCU X-Men film.

Isn't there going to be at least a year between Spiderman 2 and the next Marvel movie? And we're not even sure what the next film after S2 is going to be. It was supposed to be GotG 3 but that's in limbo (or limbo adjacent) so what's it going to be?

Black Panther 2, Black Widow & Doctor Strange 2 seem the most likely options. Maybe finally work in an MCU Fantastic Four film? Too soon to come up with an MCU X-Men film.
According to wikipedia:

Other projects

Disney has scheduled multiple release dates for untitled Marvel Studios films. These include May 1 and November 6, 2020; February 12, May 7, and November 5, 2021; and February 18, May 6, and July 29, 2022.[523]Marvel had previously dated an untitled film for July 31, 2020, before removing it from their schedule in October 2018.[524] In October 2016, Feige said it was a combination of knowing what films would occupy the 2020 dates and allowing some flexibility, saying, "We know what [films] we'd like them to be for 2020. Over the years, where we're aiming we've been lucky enough that it's usually been the same thing but we always leave ourselves the opportunity to bob and weave and adapt if we have to. But we know where we're headed for 2020 and we have ideas and we're beginning to solidify the years beyond that."[526] Feige and Marvel have additional storylines planned through 2028,[527] resulting in 20 films "on the docket that are completely different from anything that's come before—intentionally."[528]

In October 2014, in terms of Phase Four films, Feige said, for the time being, "We're not going to talk specifically about the story of any of those films, the plot of any of those films, what happens to any of the characters in any of those films. In fact, even to talk about any of those characters – who will be involved in those movies – will be a bit of a spoiler as to what may or may not happen to them in earlier movies."[190] In April 2016, Feige added, "We're only working on what's been announced through the end of 2019. And it is still a big chess board for 2020 and beyond."[529] A year later, Feige noted, "We have an idea [of what the MCU looks like post-Infinity War], and it's gonna be very, very different", but cautioned that Marvel would not be "actively discussing anything past [Avengers: Endgame]" besides dating the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming and that James Gunn would be working on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. He also was not sure if Marvel would continue to group the films in phases once Phase Three concluded, that "it might be a new thing",[530] but Marvel was said to be using the term Phase Four in December 2018.[508]

Feige noted Marvel hoped to reveal additional films after the release of Avengers: Endgame.[531] A second sequel to Homecoming is planned.[532] Other films in development include:

Black Widow: In February 2014, Feige stated that after exploring Black Widow's past in Age of Ultron, he would like to see it explored further in a solo film.[533] Marvel has done some development work for the potential film, including a "pretty in depth" treatment by Nicole Perlman,[533][534] and by May 2016, Feige stated that Marvel was "creatively and emotionally" committed to creating the solo film.[535] By January 2018, Jac Schaeffer was hired to write the script.[536] That July, Cate Shortland was hired to direct, with Johansson reprising her role as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow.[537] By February 2019, Ned Benson was hired to rewrite the script.[538] Filming is expected to begin in June 2019.[539]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: In April 2016, Kevin Feige stated that "Guardians 3 is [one film that's] up there" being considered for release beyond 2019.[529] In March 2017, Gunn stated that a third Guardians film would happen "for sure",[540] and the following month confirmed he would return to write and direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.[541] However, in July 2018, Disney and Marvel severed ties with Gunn following the resurfacing of controversial tweets from 2008 and 2009 making light of topics such as rape and pedophilia.[542][543] Marvel plans to continue to use Gunn's script for the film.[544] Production was put on hold in August 2018,[545] ahead of the planned start of filming in January or February 2019,[546][545] and later delayed to February 2021.[547]

The Eternals: By April 2018, Marvel had met with multiple screenwriters to craft a film based on the Eternals, with a focus on the character Sersi. Feige stated that a film based on the group was "one of many many many things that we are actively beginning to have creative discussions about to see if we believe in them enough to put them on a slate."[548] A month later, Matthew and Ryan Firpo were hired to write the script for the project.[549] By late-September, Marvel hired Chloé Zhao to direct the film.[550] Filming will begin in August 2019 in Atlanta.[551]

Untitled Black Panther sequel: By October 2018, Ryan Coogler had completed a deal to write and direct a sequel to Black Panther.[552]

Shang-Chi: By December 2018, Marvel was "fast-tracking" development on a Shang-Chi film, which would be their first Asian-led film. Chinese-American writer David Callaham was hired to work on the screenplay, with Marvel Studios looking to hire an Asian or Asian-American filmmaker to direct.[553]

Untitled Doctor Strange sequel: By December 2018, Scott Derrickson had completed a deal to return to direct a sequel to Doctor Strange. Marvel was beginning to search for a writer, with a plan to begin filming in early 2020. Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise his role.[508]

Blade: In May 2013, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Marvel had a working script for a Blade film.[348] In July 2015, Wesley Snipes, who played Blade in three films before the character's rights reverted to Marvel, stated that he had discussions with Marvel to reprise the role.[554]


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