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Melissa Harris-Perry(MSNBC)-Star Wars is racist! (1 Viewer)

And isn't it typically female, when she has failed to articulate her position, to say, "But that is not what I was talking about, and you know it."
:goodposting: You know what Andy, I disagree with just about your whole stance in this thread but in this particular instance you are sooo right!
Gender jokes aside, I find this to be a huge problem both here in the FFA and in society at large - if you're not understood, then it must be because the person you're talking to is too stupid/racist/sexist to understand what you're saying.

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She is a bore; it isn't the first time that she has talked in the terms of "community" and "collective". She should be happy with her notoriety on this issue, she has been trying to get some notice for a while now.

Andy Dufresne said:
I truly believe she thinks that kids belong to her as much as they do their family. "Belong" is the term that's causing the fuss here.
You are being ridiculous
I'm telling you what the fuss is about. Words have meaning and different meanings to different people.

And like has been pointed out, the fact that she's a black female definitely changes the viewpoint of the argument.
Why is that?

Andy Dufresne said:
I truly believe she thinks that kids belong to her as much as they do their family. "Belong" is the term that's causing the fuss here.
You are being ridiculous
I'm telling you what the fuss is about. Words have meaning and different meanings to different people.

And like has been pointed out, the fact that she's a black female definitely changes the viewpoint of the argument.
Why is that?
Well I think we all understand the "female" part of that.

As far as the black part goes, it's because among blacks, 72 percent of births are to unmarried women. Combine that with the fact of race identification I believe it leads to a more communal than familial worldview.

And isn't it typically female, when she has failed to articulate her position, to say, "But that is not what I was talking about, and you know it."
:goodposting: You know what Andy, I disagree with just about your whole stance in this thread but in this particular instance you are sooo right!
Gender jokes aside, I find this to be a huge problem both here in the FFA and in society at large - if you're not understood, then it must be because the person you're talking to is too stupid/racist/sexist to understand what you're saying.
There are two sides in a conversation and just as often the listener hears what they want to hear and filters the message through their own baggage. In this case somehow both you and I received diffrent messages from the ad and while you seem bent out of shape by the collectivist I was left unmoved by the benign nature of the offering.

"But that is not what I was talking about, and you know it."

She's wrong. She made her point very poorly and the fact that she "doubled down" rather than explained herself betrays her arrogance in the matter.

And the notion that we've never spent as much on education as we should have is preposterous.
Again I think you had to be looking to be outraged to be outraged by this statement. All some people saw was the word collective and their brains shut off while their mouths took over. And I think she explained it very clearly here. And yes our schools are woefully underfunded in many areas of this country.,
I wasn't looking to be outraged by anything (I think the outrage machine is completely overdone) and her commercial was so mind-bogglingly objectionable that I can't believe somebody didn't think better than to air it. Actually, maybe they knew and thought "ratings!"

I personally think you have to be looking awfully hard not to find it eyebrow raising. Collective children? C'mon...

And isn't it typically female, when she has failed to articulate her position, to say, "But that is not what I was talking about, and you know it."
:goodposting: You know what Andy, I disagree with just about your whole stance in this thread but in this particular instance you are sooo right!
Gender jokes aside, I find this to be a huge problem both here in the FFA and in society at large - if you're not understood, then it must be because the person you're talking to is too stupid/racist/sexist to understand what you're saying.
There are two sides in a conversation and just as often the listener hears what they want to hear and filters the message through their own baggage. In this case somehow both you and I received diffrent messages from the ad and while you seem bent out of shape by the collectivist I was left unmoved by the benign nature of the offering.
Along that line of thinking...Where are you getting that I was bent out of shape about it?

It seems to me that MSNBC is pushing it's "Lean Forward" messages and didn't really think twice about what she said in this.I agree with those that say she put this together very poorly in her wording and a simple clarification was all that was needed but she felt the need to double down instead of just admit she did commit the error in her wording.

Anybody that has watched this opinion channel(I refuse to call it news)knows they like pushing buttons.Martin Bashir is quite possibly one of the worst they have and that's saying something with Chris Matthews in the fold.

Andy Dufresne said:
I truly believe she thinks that kids belong to her as much as they do their family. "Belong" is the term that's causing the fuss here.
You are being ridiculous
I'm telling you what the fuss is about. Words have meaning and different meanings to different people.

And like has been pointed out, the fact that she's a black female definitely changes the viewpoint of the argument.
Why is that?
Well I think we all understand the "female" part of that.

As far as the black part goes, it's because among blacks, 72 percent of births are to unmarried women. Combine that with the fact of race identification I believe it leads to a more communal than familial worldview.
wow...you've got it all figured out.

Andy Dufresne said:
I truly believe she thinks that kids belong to her as much as they do their family. "Belong" is the term that's causing the fuss here.
You are being ridiculous
I'm telling you what the fuss is about. Words have meaning and different meanings to different people.

And like has been pointed out, the fact that she's a black female definitely changes the viewpoint of the argument.
Why is that?
Well I think we all understand the "female" part of that.

As far as the black part goes, it's because among blacks, 72 percent of births are to unmarried women. Combine that with the fact of race identification I believe it leads to a more communal than familial worldview.
wow...you've got it all figured out.
Is that a counter argument?

Andy Dufresne said:
I truly believe she thinks that kids belong to her as much as they do their family. "Belong" is the term that's causing the fuss here.
You are being ridiculous
I'm telling you what the fuss is about. Words have meaning and different meanings to different people.

And like has been pointed out, the fact that she's a black female definitely changes the viewpoint of the argument.
You weren't telling me what the fuss was about, you were telling me that you think that she honestly believes that kids belong not to their families, but to the collective community. That is a ridiculous notion
Not according to the words that exited her mouth.

Some not unsurprising responses from the right on Twitter:

Mark Cicero ‏@1freetruth 20m

Communist Party, Socialists Not Sure What the Big Deal is Over Melissa Harris-Perry http://bit.ly/YlkLaD #Truth #Freedom
TONY BILOTTO ‏@308saiga 9m

Long before Hillary Clinton and Melissa Harris-Perry proclaimed that the children belong to the collective, Adolf Hitler said it FIRST..
Ty Bayles ✈ ‏@AlmostPilotTy 13m

Weird, Melissa Harris-Perry..so if my kids belong to the community, then the hot chick from next door belongs to me too huh? #YoureSoStupid
Brian Glover ‏@smokie_tx 7m

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry is out of line and un-American. #BRTT http://www.newguards.us/msnbcs-melissa-harris-perry-is-out-of-line-and-un-american/ …
Holy cow, that woman is a complete moron.

Obligatory #darthvaderslifematters

At least while he was still using the voice of James Earl Jones.

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If anyone is racist, it's Luke Skywalker. He was so upset when he found out that his father was black that he jumped off of a ledge.

It makes about as much sense as the arguments that Star Wars is racist because the "evil" aliens in the prequels have Japanese accents, or because of the way the Gungans like Jar Jar Binks talk.

I did like in that article where they said "Mediaite's resident Star Wars experts" only acknowledged the original trilogy. :D

In less than four years we're going to have a President of the United States who once wrote a book about education called It Takes A Village. I don't think there's anything new or especially controversial about these comments.
As long as you support her I won't worry about her winning...I am considering the track record of your Presidential support during election times. :lol:
I won't support her. Doesn't mean she won't win though. I didn't support Obama, but believed all along he would win rather easily.
Huh. Interesting little gem from 2013...

And now Star Wars is racist because..............................


Darth Vader is a black guy :lmao:
Chasing Amy wants its shtick back.

ETA. https://youtu.be/7L9io-b9Uew

Hooper: For years in this industry, whenever an African American character, hero or villain, was introduced - usually by white artists and writers - they got slapped with racist names that singled them out as Negroes. Now, my book, "White-Hating Coon," don't have none of that bull####. The hero's name is Maleekwa, and he's descended from the black tribe that established the first society on the planet, while all you European mother####ers were hiding out in caves and ####, all terrified of the sun. He's a strong role model that a young black reader can look up to. Cause I'm here to tell you, the chickens is coming home to roost, y'all. The black man's no longer gonna play the minstrel in the realm of comics and sci-fi fantasy. We keepin it real, and we gonna get respect by any means necessary.

Holden: Ah, come on, that's a bunch of horse ####! Lando Calrissian was a black guy. You know, and he got to fly the Millennium Falcon, what's the matter with you?

Hooper: Who said that?

Holden: I did! Lando Calrissian is a strong role-model in the realm of science fiction/fantasy.

Hooper: #### Lando Calrissian! Uncle-Tom ######! Some white boy's always gotta bring up the "Holy Trilogy". But those movies is all about how the white man keeps the brotha man down, even in a galaxy far far away. Check this ####. You got cracker farm boy, Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian god!

Banky: What's a "Nubian"?

Hooper: Shut the #### up! Now, Vader, he's a spirtiral brother, down with the Force and all that good ####. Then this cracker, Skywalker, gets his hands on a lightsaber and the boy decides he's gonna run the ####### universe; gets a whole klan of whites together and they go and bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star. Now, what the #### do you call that?

Banky: Intergalactic Civil War?

Hooper: Gentrification! They gon' drive out the black element to make the galaxy quote, unquote, "safe for white folks." And Jedi is the most insulting installment! Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!

Banky: Well isn't that true?

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In less than four years we're going to have a President of the United States who once wrote a book about education called It Takes A Village. I don't think there's anything new or especially controversial about these comments.
As long as you support her I won't worry about her winning...I am considering the track record of your Presidential support during election times. :lol:
I won't support her. Doesn't mean she won't win though. I didn't support Obama, but believed all along he would win rather easily.
Huh. Interesting little gem from 2013...
I wonder what caused Tim to become "Enlightened".

In less than four years we're going to have a President of the United States who once wrote a book about education called It Takes A Village. I don't think there's anything new or especially controversial about these comments.
As long as you support her I won't worry about her winning...I am considering the track record of your Presidential support during election times. :lol:
I won't support her. Doesn't mean she won't win though. I didn't support Obama, but believed all along he would win rather easily.


Melissa Harris-Perry Walks Off Her MSNBC Show After Pre-Emptions

Melissa Harris-Perry said she was refusing to go on the MSNBC show she hosts this Saturday, following several weeks of pre-emptions and what she described as a loss of editorial control.

In an email sent to people she works with this week, which was obtained by The New York Times, Ms. Harris-Perry said that her show had effectively been taken away from her and that she felt “worthless” in the eyes of NBC News executives.

“Here is the reality: Our show was taken — without comment or discussion or notice — in the midst of an election season,” she wrote. “After four years of building an audience, developing a brand and developing trust with our viewers, we were effectively and utterly silenced.”

In a phone interview, Ms. Harris-Perry confirmed she would not appear on the show this weekend. She said she had received no word about whether her show, which runs from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays and Sundays, had been canceled, but said she was frustrated that her time slot had faced pre-emptions for coverage of the presidential election. She said she had not appeared on the network at all “for weeks” and that she was mostly sidelined during recent election coverage in South Carolina and New Hampshire. (She was asked to return this weekend.)

In her email, Ms. Harris-Perry wrote that she was not sure if the NBC News chairman, Andrew Lack, or Phil Griffin, the MSNBC president, were involved in the way her show was handled recently, but she directed blame toward both.

“I will not be used as a tool for their purposes,” she wrote. “I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin or MSNBC. I love our show. I want it back.”


She said that last month the onscreen branding for her show was replaced by MSNBC’s slogan, “The Place for Politics.” With the election heating up, her show was pre-empted each of the last two weeks, and for the most recent edition, on Super Bowl Sunday, she was told to talk mostly about the election. Ms. Harris-Perry, who is under contract, said that she was told this was how it was going to play out for the “foreseeable future.”

For MSNBC, this is unwelcome news during a heated election. Cable news has had a bump in the ratings in the last few months, but MSNBC significantly trails in viewers to Fox News and CNN, and is in the midst of an overhaul. Since Mr. Lack joined NBC News as chairman last year, he has begun to steer MSNBC away from its liberal identity and move it toward harder news, particularly in the daytime hours.

Ms. Harris-Perry said not being able to talk to her viewers felt like a “betrayal.”

“It is perfectly fine, 100 percent reasonable and perfectly acceptable for MSNBC to decide they no longer want the M.H.P. show,” she said. “But they should say that, they should cancel the show, they should stand up. And maybe it would be rewarded with huge ratings, but they shouldn’t kill us by attrition and take us off the air without telling anybody, including us. That for me is what’s painful and difficult.”


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