Saturday morning rambles about the #13s and artists in general....
The Lucky One hits my Blue October sweet spot. I like his voice when it's like this and it has a nice hazy 00s rock feel to it, but mixed with some guitars that remind me a little of U2 (not the last time I hear that in this playlist, so maybe I just have The Edge on my might for some reason). They have still been a little hit and miss on the playlists I have listened to, but from your comments I think I might be encountering a higher hit rate in the top 10.
Borrowed Time I am glad you mentioned the lyrics, and that made me love the song even more. I agreed with the comments about the Stones as my notes were "Stones-ish, leading with the crotch swagger". It would be a good pairing with some of Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville tracks for all the reasons mentioned. Great stuff as usual from them.
Heaven Coming Down Echoes a lot of my thoughts about the Blue October song, minus the U2 comments. Love the blend of music and his voice on this one. For some reason this is the fist time I clicked on the artist profiles on Spotify while listening to see what the artists look like. Got a little Johnie Depp thing going on. Or Eddie Vedder + Chris Cornell, I can't decide.
Sweet F.A. is an F'n great rocking 70s song - complete with lyrics. Well worth it for those last couple epic minutes. Nice fitting 1-2 punch with that Fanny track above. Sweet has definitely been hitting more with me as the adventure goes on.
Judy and the Dream of Horses is what I had in my mind that Belle and Sebastian sounded like before for this started. Not my favorite of their sounds, but I still really liked this tune, especially during the chorus as it fills out more. I can't think of a song I haven't liked from them yet.
I Don't Like My Mind gave me Bridge Over Troubled Waters vibes. I haven't lost my attachment to Mitzki yet, and she is still one of the artists I am looking forward deep diving into most. This almost got the nod for playlist title too. Randomly, I don't think I will ever understand or predict with accuracy what will have strong followings on Spotify as I was a bit surprised with her 27M/month listens.
With Baby Jane I cringed because I am dumb and thought I was getting a cover, but wrong song title. Instead, I got this fantastic and touching song. Probably my favorite so far. I loved seeing in the post that they come out and interact with fans during the show. Oh, and in their pic they look exactly like what a Slambovian Circus should look like. Great stuff all around here.
Speaking of how dumb I am sometimes, The Voice hit and I am was racking my brain trying to think of what I thought the song sounded like. I loved it, but couldn't place it for about 1min, then - Uh, The Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams. Imagine that! Anyway, loved the song - one of my favorites so far and that is saying something. Is this an album you would suggest for deeper diving?
Sin is another stand out track from that album. When STP has been hit or miss with me, it's later era from them. I still very much love the first 2 albums, and they were played to death in HS. I plan to revisit both after this is done.
Is Turn You On, Turn Me On actually about what is seems to be or this some euphemism? Started off with a George Throrogood feel, but then then there is a stronger mix of the rockabilly in there. Very fun track that I've listened to a couple times.
Speaking of sexy time, So in Love kicked in next. I've dabbled in a little bit of Mayfield before this, but this was a sound from him I hadn't hear yet, and I am here for it.
In Every Dream Home a Heartache certainly is odd, but it also might be my favorite so far. I think of all the artists on the playlist Ferry is the one I am most uncertain of my opinion of. I really need an artist playlist dedicated listen to this one. I wasn't expecting the 60s/70s vibe here (reminded me a bit of White Room and Cream), but echoing my thoughts on what I loved about Oingo Boingo, the oddness really kicked in, and I had a similar "wait, what is he singing about??? moments".
Yep, more love for Galacticana from me. I have liked a lot more than I expected from the lists of artists in general, but I think this is the current stand out artist for me from MAD Part 3. This is the album at the top of my list for a listen when we are done. You didn't get many votes in our music leagues, but A+ songs here.
The Lucky One hits my Blue October sweet spot. I like his voice when it's like this and it has a nice hazy 00s rock feel to it, but mixed with some guitars that remind me a little of U2 (not the last time I hear that in this playlist, so maybe I just have The Edge on my might for some reason). They have still been a little hit and miss on the playlists I have listened to, but from your comments I think I might be encountering a higher hit rate in the top 10.
Borrowed Time I am glad you mentioned the lyrics, and that made me love the song even more. I agreed with the comments about the Stones as my notes were "Stones-ish, leading with the crotch swagger". It would be a good pairing with some of Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville tracks for all the reasons mentioned. Great stuff as usual from them.
Heaven Coming Down Echoes a lot of my thoughts about the Blue October song, minus the U2 comments. Love the blend of music and his voice on this one. For some reason this is the fist time I clicked on the artist profiles on Spotify while listening to see what the artists look like. Got a little Johnie Depp thing going on. Or Eddie Vedder + Chris Cornell, I can't decide.
Sweet F.A. is an F'n great rocking 70s song - complete with lyrics. Well worth it for those last couple epic minutes. Nice fitting 1-2 punch with that Fanny track above. Sweet has definitely been hitting more with me as the adventure goes on.
Judy and the Dream of Horses is what I had in my mind that Belle and Sebastian sounded like before for this started. Not my favorite of their sounds, but I still really liked this tune, especially during the chorus as it fills out more. I can't think of a song I haven't liked from them yet.
I Don't Like My Mind gave me Bridge Over Troubled Waters vibes. I haven't lost my attachment to Mitzki yet, and she is still one of the artists I am looking forward deep diving into most. This almost got the nod for playlist title too. Randomly, I don't think I will ever understand or predict with accuracy what will have strong followings on Spotify as I was a bit surprised with her 27M/month listens.
With Baby Jane I cringed because I am dumb and thought I was getting a cover, but wrong song title. Instead, I got this fantastic and touching song. Probably my favorite so far. I loved seeing in the post that they come out and interact with fans during the show. Oh, and in their pic they look exactly like what a Slambovian Circus should look like. Great stuff all around here.
Speaking of how dumb I am sometimes, The Voice hit and I am was racking my brain trying to think of what I thought the song sounded like. I loved it, but couldn't place it for about 1min, then - Uh, The Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams. Imagine that! Anyway, loved the song - one of my favorites so far and that is saying something. Is this an album you would suggest for deeper diving?
Sin is another stand out track from that album. When STP has been hit or miss with me, it's later era from them. I still very much love the first 2 albums, and they were played to death in HS. I plan to revisit both after this is done.
Is Turn You On, Turn Me On actually about what is seems to be or this some euphemism? Started off with a George Throrogood feel, but then then there is a stronger mix of the rockabilly in there. Very fun track that I've listened to a couple times.
Speaking of sexy time, So in Love kicked in next. I've dabbled in a little bit of Mayfield before this, but this was a sound from him I hadn't hear yet, and I am here for it.
In Every Dream Home a Heartache certainly is odd, but it also might be my favorite so far. I think of all the artists on the playlist Ferry is the one I am most uncertain of my opinion of. I really need an artist playlist dedicated listen to this one. I wasn't expecting the 60s/70s vibe here (reminded me a bit of White Room and Cream), but echoing my thoughts on what I loved about Oingo Boingo, the oddness really kicked in, and I had a similar "wait, what is he singing about??? moments".
Yep, more love for Galacticana from me. I have liked a lot more than I expected from the lists of artists in general, but I think this is the current stand out artist for me from MAD Part 3. This is the album at the top of my list for a listen when we are done. You didn't get many votes in our music leagues, but A+ songs here.