Sorry if theres a thread already for this one but didn't see it. If you are a Motley Crue fan like myself this is a much watch. Yes there's inaccuracies to not spoil stuff Vince Neil's Daughter Skylar is burn in the film around the same time Vince goes to jail for DUI and killing Hanoi Rocks Razzle in the car with him, Many things were crammed in especially most of the 90s with Corabi are glossed over besides the Vince and Skylar stuff at the hospital. For pure enjoyment it's entertaining but I would definitely not allow your kids to watch it. What I liked about this over documentary movie like Bohemian Rhapsody was the band was not afraid to put in their F ups were Queen members seemed to be embarrassed about their past ventures and not want to own up to it. Things like how Under Pressure was written with Mercury and Bowie and what their "friendship" really was (a drug and alcoholic love affair) were glossed over. Where with Motley Crue they don't gloss over. Also a few parts of the movie is narrated by the band I think the actors are narrating it and not the band itself though they did have their hands all over the film. In one interview Nikki said he was looking at a Producer who looked at him and said what? Nikki told the producer "We got a guy who lit himself on fire on stage and I'm waiting for you to yell cut and no we aren't using it." Producer tells him "Isn't that what happened though" (referring to Sixx being on Fire on stage during one performance. The narrator even goes over some of The Hollywood type parts put into the film making fun of how this or that didn't happen this way or how this person was met here and that person was cut from the movie do to this. Which I found fairly funny. Stuff that's definitely not glossed over is how their producer refused to send them on tour until they sobered up fearing one or all would comeback home in body bags, Nikki Sixx Heroine Addiction, they go through Tommy's love affairs but glossed over his cheating of Heather Locklear and the Pam Anderson stuff, They show a few issues with Mick and they did a great job with Vince dealing with his divorce and Skylar's Cancer Diagnosis. They also did fairly well painting a picture in the opening scenes of Nikki's abusive child hood.
Yes because of the time constraints and like I gave above example time lines are somewhat inaccurate but the films message comes across well in the end. Motley Crue was a group of 4 guys 3 kids and a older guy battling a bone disease who never should've made it to the top and did. There was a lot of #### ups along the way but they are human and aren't perfect. They lived the dream and the 4 of them together are forever family. Some people won't like this film do to inaccuracies and other things but I went into this with zero expectations and came out with this being one of my favorite movies made with real life events covering music and or a certain group. MG Kelly does an amazing Tommy Lee, Rheon AKA Ramsey Bolton did a great job of Mick Mars especially getting the comedy side of Mic down (which many people don't realize how funny that dude can be), Douglas Booth is a very good Nikki Sixx showing the controlling side of Sixx with the band as well as the the very detailed and opinionated sides of him. Daniel Webber who plays Vince Neil I thought was perfect looks wise but I'm not sure about overall character there. Davidson who plays their producer for Elektra Records is spot on. Max Miller who plays Razzle from Hanoi Rocks I thought was pretty good just based on footage and interviews I've seen of Razzle as I wouldn't be born to 3 1/2 yrs after his death. Costabile who plays long time manager Doc McGhee was perfect. Again some people are gonna love it, some people are gonna hate it and some will feel indifferent. I think if a bigger runtime some of the stuff wouldn't have been crammed in so fast. Vince definitely wanted the Skylar stuff in and to fit it in plus have the emotional impact it needed they had to change time lines to give it due diligence. I definitely thought this could've been better as say a 5 part series or something. Broken it up into a Band of Brothers type Mini Series with each era having their own part but I really did like it. For someone who grew up on Motley Crue but not be able to live the era and only hear and read about the stories it was definitely great to see some visual of the debauchery and trouble and hell they raised along the way. as well as seeing the trials and errors. After watching this it really puts into perspective how 4 guys from one of the most notorious bands from the 80s came into the business together and leave the business together with no ill will towards one another. Truly a huge accomplishment for 4 guys who never should've had any amount of the success they did
Yes because of the time constraints and like I gave above example time lines are somewhat inaccurate but the films message comes across well in the end. Motley Crue was a group of 4 guys 3 kids and a older guy battling a bone disease who never should've made it to the top and did. There was a lot of #### ups along the way but they are human and aren't perfect. They lived the dream and the 4 of them together are forever family. Some people won't like this film do to inaccuracies and other things but I went into this with zero expectations and came out with this being one of my favorite movies made with real life events covering music and or a certain group. MG Kelly does an amazing Tommy Lee, Rheon AKA Ramsey Bolton did a great job of Mick Mars especially getting the comedy side of Mic down (which many people don't realize how funny that dude can be), Douglas Booth is a very good Nikki Sixx showing the controlling side of Sixx with the band as well as the the very detailed and opinionated sides of him. Daniel Webber who plays Vince Neil I thought was perfect looks wise but I'm not sure about overall character there. Davidson who plays their producer for Elektra Records is spot on. Max Miller who plays Razzle from Hanoi Rocks I thought was pretty good just based on footage and interviews I've seen of Razzle as I wouldn't be born to 3 1/2 yrs after his death. Costabile who plays long time manager Doc McGhee was perfect. Again some people are gonna love it, some people are gonna hate it and some will feel indifferent. I think if a bigger runtime some of the stuff wouldn't have been crammed in so fast. Vince definitely wanted the Skylar stuff in and to fit it in plus have the emotional impact it needed they had to change time lines to give it due diligence. I definitely thought this could've been better as say a 5 part series or something. Broken it up into a Band of Brothers type Mini Series with each era having their own part but I really did like it. For someone who grew up on Motley Crue but not be able to live the era and only hear and read about the stories it was definitely great to see some visual of the debauchery and trouble and hell they raised along the way. as well as seeing the trials and errors. After watching this it really puts into perspective how 4 guys from one of the most notorious bands from the 80s came into the business together and leave the business together with no ill will towards one another. Truly a huge accomplishment for 4 guys who never should've had any amount of the success they did