i have many updates, but a quick one today. we returned back here from the states and the next night our boy friends invited us for dinner, pretty awesome meal in fact. while we talked, they mentioned that they signed up for the national health insurance. it runs annually here, with a contribution one time based on income. based on what they told us and info required, we seemed to qualify. we had read that we needed to be comune residents. right now we have an italian permit to stay, but haven’t registered with our local town. so, our friend showed us to where the office is hiding and we brought our info today. we signed up and it cost us €2,000- combined, since we are students. a student here would be €700, but since we are married, we are now considered a family, kind of like insurance in the states. we picked our doctor and essentially will not have any more costs for medical services. not sure if prescriptions are covered, we’ll see. the big savings now is that we bought private cigna insurance we can cancel. obviously our premium alone well exceeds the €2,000. let’s see how the care is…..but for the cost, it already seems worth it.