UPDATE- Took him to psychiatrist. Please see page 2.
I'll give you the highlights. My son is 13 years old:
Not sure where to go from here. I told my wife to talk to his Dr and his therapist about ADHD. I also told her to send the therapist his IEP. Obviously if he needs medication we will have to find a psychiatrist. The kid constantly says hes dumb and I worry about what his future might hold. BTW most of this stuff (except the learning part) started happening when he returned to school after covid lockdowns.
I'll give you the highlights. My son is 13 years old:
- He is obsessed with his height but the opposite what you would think. He doesn't want to grow. Measures himself multiple times a week. He is 5'2"
- He refuses to eat out of paper plates. Says they smell funny.
- He hates his skin color. Says hes "too white"
- He doesn't like when his shirt rides up and exposes his butt (he wears extra long shirts). He is not fat by any means. As a matter of fact hes probably too skinny.
- He has horrible eating habits. Doesnt like eating around others. Barely eats vegetables (we give him multivitamin).
- He struggles in school. Has an IEP requiring questions be read to him and extra time on tests. Gets mostly mid 80s on all his grades but struggles on tests.
- All his teachers say he is a sweet boy but has problems focusing and often stares into space. Struggles with multistep problems.
- He HATES school in general. HATES reading. No matter what we have tried to motivate him. Refuses to do so.
- He plays baseball. Hes very good/athletic (Ive mentioned some of his pitching exploits in the travel baseball thread). However, I notice that the coach will tell the kids to do something and he will constantly do it wrong because he wasn't paying attention.
- He doesnt take constructive criticism well. When he is being coached I often have to remind him to look in the coaches eyes. This only happens when he is being corrected for something.
- He constantly "forgets" to do simple things... brush his teeth, tie his shoes, put on deodorant, clean up after himself, etc. We are CONSTANTLY reminding him.
- Hes been seeing a therapist for the past 6 months and we havent seen a lick of improvement. His therapist thinks he may have OCD and while I agree he obsesses over some things I see absolutely no compulsions so I don't necessarily agree with her. Not sure shes the right therapist but he likes talking to her.
- He is very lazy. Never wants to put in extra work for school, sports, friends, etc
- Despite all the above he has TONS of friends. Way more than I ever had.
Not sure where to go from here. I told my wife to talk to his Dr and his therapist about ADHD. I also told her to send the therapist his IEP. Obviously if he needs medication we will have to find a psychiatrist. The kid constantly says hes dumb and I worry about what his future might hold. BTW most of this stuff (except the learning part) started happening when he returned to school after covid lockdowns.
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