Bull Dozier
How do I tell her to pound sand?
Now, before anyone thinks there might be some slim chance she's right, let me lay out how much I drink and where this conversation started.
My go to drink is a Captian Diet (coke). I know, not the classiest or coolest, but its what I like. For Christmas, I received two bottles of Captain, a 500ml and a 750ml. The 750 hasn't been opened, the 500 is about 1/4 gone.
I've had a beer with dinner out twice since Christmas.
That is the grand total of alcohol I've consumer, prior to last night, in the last 2 1/2 months. So, what started this conversation last night? We've had some snow here in the Twin Cities that last few days. My two sons shoveled the driveway after school yesterday (unprompted, proud of them). It snowed a little bit more last night, and the wind was blowing so I went out about 8:30 to do a quick shovel of what had come down since. I didn't ask anyone to help, they were all sitting inside watching TV. I get back in and make myself a cup of hot chocolate to warm up. I noticed we still had some Bailey's, so I added some to my hot chocolate (FTR, I bought this bottle of Bailey's Christmas 2017 when we got some for her parents). I bring it in to the living room and she asks what I'm drinking. I said hot chocolate with Bailey's, and she goes off the deep end. She cannot believe that I would have a drink "ON A THURSDAY NIGHT" (her words) and thinks that is just the most reciculous thing ever. I said its just Baileys, I put like 2 oz in my hot chocolate because its tastes better, and is not nearly enough alcohol to feel anything.
She drinks maybe twice a year. She'll have half a bottle of Mike's Hard lemonade and stops because she feels a buzz, and doesn't like it. So, she can't understand why anyone would drink, particularly during the week. I will, maybe once every two weeks (as evidenced by the pace of my Captain disappearing) have a drink after a stressful day at work. She thinks this is a sign of a problem that I need to deal with in a more productive way.
Should probably make this a pole, but I'm primarily venting and offering up my situation for fodder...
Now, before anyone thinks there might be some slim chance she's right, let me lay out how much I drink and where this conversation started.
My go to drink is a Captian Diet (coke). I know, not the classiest or coolest, but its what I like. For Christmas, I received two bottles of Captain, a 500ml and a 750ml. The 750 hasn't been opened, the 500 is about 1/4 gone.
I've had a beer with dinner out twice since Christmas.
That is the grand total of alcohol I've consumer, prior to last night, in the last 2 1/2 months. So, what started this conversation last night? We've had some snow here in the Twin Cities that last few days. My two sons shoveled the driveway after school yesterday (unprompted, proud of them). It snowed a little bit more last night, and the wind was blowing so I went out about 8:30 to do a quick shovel of what had come down since. I didn't ask anyone to help, they were all sitting inside watching TV. I get back in and make myself a cup of hot chocolate to warm up. I noticed we still had some Bailey's, so I added some to my hot chocolate (FTR, I bought this bottle of Bailey's Christmas 2017 when we got some for her parents). I bring it in to the living room and she asks what I'm drinking. I said hot chocolate with Bailey's, and she goes off the deep end. She cannot believe that I would have a drink "ON A THURSDAY NIGHT" (her words) and thinks that is just the most reciculous thing ever. I said its just Baileys, I put like 2 oz in my hot chocolate because its tastes better, and is not nearly enough alcohol to feel anything.
She drinks maybe twice a year. She'll have half a bottle of Mike's Hard lemonade and stops because she feels a buzz, and doesn't like it. So, she can't understand why anyone would drink, particularly during the week. I will, maybe once every two weeks (as evidenced by the pace of my Captain disappearing) have a drink after a stressful day at work. She thinks this is a sign of a problem that I need to deal with in a more productive way.
Should probably make this a pole, but I'm primarily venting and offering up my situation for fodder...