weasel3515 said:
I'm sorry, I was not impressed. I think either USC or Utah could easily lay claim to the championship of college football. Tim TeBlow is overrated. Two interceptions in the first half proved it. He is a full- back who can throw occassionally, NOTHING MORE. The ACC officiating crew was terrible and OU should have kicked some FGs when they had the chance to make it a game. FloriDuh's offense is nothing but gimmick plays and they would have lost it otherwise. Sad day for college football when a team steals the title. USC and Utah would easily have crushed the Gaturds.
How do you think you can be taken seriously when you say things like Utah would easily crush the Gators.Really?
Utah would easily crush the Gators when Utah barely beat the Michigan Wolverines. Florida would have beaten Michigan this year by 40 to 50 points. I'm a huge Michigan fan and love the win U of M had over Florida in last year's bowl game but this year, Florida beats them by 40.
Utah over Florida..........Wow!
USC.......a little closer and would have had a shot but they weren't in the game. USC had multiple games during the regular season where they didn't look dominant and looked pretty bad in the loss they had to Oregon St.
USC plays at home every Rose Bowl game, which is such a joke and they beat up on the Big 10 that everyone in the world knows right now isn't up to snuff. In fact, they didn't even really beat up on them, they only won by like 14 points.
So how do you say that a 14 point win over a Big 10 Team equates into now being able to "easily crush" the Gators. You've got to be kidding me.
Respect the champ, they deserve it. You don't have to be a Gator fan, Lord knows I'm not but Florida was the best team in college football this year.