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Needed Competitors for 2 Yahoo Leagues! (1 Viewer)


2 long time leagues needing new blood.........

1-Is a $25 entry fee 12 team (hopefully) league.With 2nd place getting their money back and 1st place getting the rest.2 Spots open.

2-Is a $60 entry fee 12 team (hopefully) league.3 spots open as of now....

When's the draft at the $25 yahoo

Tell me about the league. Thanks.

Tommorrow at 10 pm.Been running these leagues for the last 13 years.Got people from OREGAN,Hawaii,Ohio and Texas playing.We don't normally have to recruit other than if someone signs up and does'nt pay,then i don't invite them back the next year.If we get 12 teams,we'll take 6 to the playoffs.If we get 10 teams,we'll take 4 to the playoffs.

Draft Type: Live Standard Draft

Draft Time: Sat Aug 31 10:00pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]

Max Teams: 12

Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute, 30 Seconds

Scoring Type: Head-to-Head

Start Scoring on: Week 1

Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports

Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: 20

Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum

Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum

Trade Reject Time: 2

Trade End Date: November 15, 2013

Allow Draft Pick Trades: No

Trade Review: League Votes

Waiver Time: 2 days

Waiver Type: Reverse order of standings

Weekly Waivers None

Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules

Invite Sharing Tools: Enabled

Playoffs: Week 15, 16 and 17 (6 teams) Note: Week 17 runs 6 days from Dec 24 to Dec 29

Playoff Reseeding: No

Divisions: No

Lock Eliminated Teams: Yes

League Pickem: Yes

Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R/T, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

Fractional Points: No

Negative Points: No

Make League Publicly Viewable: No

Offense League Value

Passing Yards 60 yards per point

Passing Touchdowns 6

Rushing Yards 60 yards per point

Rushing Touchdowns 6

Reception Yards 60 yards per point

Reception Touchdowns 6

Return Touchdowns 6

2-Point Conversions 2

Offensive Fumble Return TD 6

Kickers League Value Yahoo! Default Value

Field Goals 0-19 Yards 3

Field Goals 20-29 Yards 3

Field Goals 30-39 Yards 3

Field Goals 40-49 Yards 5

Field Goals 50+ Yards 10

Point After Attempt Made 1

Defense/Special Teams League Value Yahoo! Default Value

Sack 1

Interception 2

Touchdown 6

Safety 2

Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns 6

Points Allowed 0 points 14

Points Allowed 1-6 points 8

Points Allowed 7-13 points 4

Points Allowed 14-20 points 0

Points Allowed 21-27 points 0

Points Allowed 28-34 points 0

Points Allowed 35+ points 0

Jmahoney04 said:
Details on the $60? Draft, scoring, etc... Im interested.
If we get 10 or more teams it'll be 1 division.We also charge a $2 transaction fee and that is all added to the playoff pool.Will also at the end of the season send out a detailed finance report.Week 17 will be the all-star week.You can start any player regardless if they are on your roster or not.The highest score of this week will recieve $50.The high scorer during weeks 1-16 will recieve $13.Taking 4 to the playoffs and 4th place will at least get their $60 back,then it progresses on up the higher you finish.

Draft Type: Live Standard Draft

Draft Time: Sun Sep 1 3:30pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]

Max Teams: 12

Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute, 30 Seconds

Scoring Type: Head-to-Head

Start Scoring on: Week 1

Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports

Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum

Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum

Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum

Trade Reject Time: 2

Trade End Date: November 8, 2013

Allow Draft Pick Trades: No

Trade Review: Commissioner

Waiver Time: 2 days

Waiver Type: Continual rolling list

Weekly Waivers Game Time - Tuesday

Post Draft Players: Free Agents

Invite Sharing Tools: Enabled

Playoffs: Week 15 and 16 (4 teams) Note: Week 16 runs 7 days from Dec 17 to Dec 23

Playoff Reseeding: Yes

Divisions: Yes (3 divisions)

Playoff Seeding Options: All teams seeded according to overall standings

Lock Eliminated Teams: No

League Pickem: Yes

Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, IR, IR, IR, IR, IR

Fractional Points: No

Negative Points: No

Make League Publicly Viewable: No

Offense League Value

Passing Yards 20 yards per point

passing Touchdowns 6

Rushing Yards 10 yards per point

Rushing Touchdowns 6

Reception Yards 10 yards per point

Reception Touchdowns 6

Return Touchdowns 6

2-Point Conversions 2

Offensive Fumble Return TD 6

Kickers League Value Yahoo! Default Value

Field Goals 0-19 Yards 3

Field Goals 20-29 Yards 3

Field Goals 30-39 Yards 3

Field Goals 40-49 Yards 5

Field Goals 50+ Yards 10

Point After Attempt Made 1

Defense/Special Teams League Value

Sack 1

Interception 1

Fumble Recovery 1

Touchdown 6

Safety 2

Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns 6

Points Allowed 0 points 14

Points Allowed 1-6 points 7

Points Allowed 7-13 points 4

Points Allowed 14-20 points 0

Points Allowed 21-27 points 0

Points Allowed 28-34 points 0

Points Allowed 35+ points 0

How many spots are still open for the $25 one? The 20 acquisition limit is something I've never had in a league before, so I'm not sure how good I'll be, but I'm still interested.


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