Startup dynasty league hosted by MyFantasyLeague needs owners.
16 round draft will begin 24 hours after league is full. 12 hour timer which runs continously
2 round rookie/free agent draft on May 17th @ 6pm ET
2 round rookie/free agent draft on August 23rd @ 6pm ET
Draft order will be randomized after league is full.
Rules- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/rules.html
Payouts- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/payoutsleagues.html
League Site- http://www99.myfantasyleague.com/2013/home/67863#0
Join League- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/join-leaguerenew-team.html
16 round draft will begin 24 hours after league is full. 12 hour timer which runs continously
2 round rookie/free agent draft on May 17th @ 6pm ET
2 round rookie/free agent draft on August 23rd @ 6pm ET
Draft order will be randomized after league is full.
Rules- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/rules.html
Payouts- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/payoutsleagues.html
League Site- http://www99.myfantasyleague.com/2013/home/67863#0
Join League- http://fantasyfootballleaguesite.com/join-leaguerenew-team.html