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NFL Sunday Ticket to go (1 Viewer)

Wombat x

I have the sunday ticket but I am out of town, when you login to your directv thing online where is the thing to watch all the games on your computer? All I can find is thousands of adds for all the cool new features for watching the games on your phone and tablet and all this crap. But where the hell do you go to watch the games on the computer? There is no link or anything?

Also, maybe to add to this, is it possible to get REDZONE and watch it on your computer? If so, how?

I have Time Warner cable at home, not getting it there because I am never home on sundays.

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Ok, so.......................how do I go about getting REDZONE to watch on the computer?

I dont wanna get it on my phone and stare at a 4 inch screen

Little late in the game to be finding options on that. And your best bet [legally] was mentioned the post above yours.

Try Ebay for a DTV Sunday Ticket code. (where you can watch all the games .... and also includes RZ channel on your PC). Being day before season, you're not likely to get a good deal on it. Looks like there's the ST code only auctions now at $170-$260 (when you could have gotten Madden 25 and the code for $99 as recently as a week or two ago).

I am not particularly worried that it cost more now. I would simply like to be able to watch Redzone on my computer.

I do see on ebay someone selling the code for sunday ticket. Would that also include the redzone channel?

Im at work today but got red zone on my phone for 5 bucks a month through verizon. Its worth it since I work mostly all sundays till 12:30

anyone wanna sell me thier log in and pw for $50? we can go on simultaneous. thx
Yeah really. It said the password works from any computer. So...................not sure why this hasn't run rampant yet.

I would pay 50 also, easily.
I couldn't get on when my brothers uses my login, so.....
They only allow one simultaneous login at a time. So be weary of buying one on ebay as they would sell it to another person and then every time they login you will be kicked offline.


This stinks. I'm having the same problem.

The Madden link above takes you to a page that says, "Start Watching", but when I click it, it just takes me back to the generic buy the Sunday Ticket page on direct tv.

Anyone else have a good link?


This stinks. I'm having the same problem.

The Madden link above takes you to a page that says, "Start Watching", but when I click it, it just takes me back to the generic buy the Sunday Ticket page on direct tv.

Anyone else have a good link?
you have to log in again, even if u are already logged in. security thing.

If you're trying to stream from more than one device it won't log on (but it won't tell you that's the reason why).

I also had issues with it logging on with the HDMI cable connected to the laptop.

However, if I logged on and then connected HDMI, it works fine.

I've been going through directv.com/EASpecial

Also, the GameMix does not go full screen, but if you use the Accessibility Zoom on the Mac, or the Ease of Access Zoom on Windows, you can set it up perfectly through that so the GameMix appears fullscreen.

I think you also have to register your account before you use it the first time if you didn't do that. There should have been a link sent by Amazon when you ordered Madden to do so, or you should be able to do it through the DTV website. I remember having to do that.

Yup you need to register using the specific ID and PW provided in the Madden box. Also, highly recommended to change the ID and PW they give you once you're registered. The one they provide is so long you'd have to be Sheldon Cooper to remember it every time.

Yup you need to register using the specific ID and PW provided in the Madden box. Also, highly recommended to change the ID and PW they give you once you're registered. The one they provide is so long you'd have to be Sheldon Cooper to remember it every time.
you were able to change it? I didnt see a way to do so.

Yup you need to register using the specific ID and PW provided in the Madden box. Also, highly recommended to change the ID and PW they give you once you're registered. The one they provide is so long you'd have to be Sheldon Cooper to remember it every time.
you were able to change it? I didnt see a way to do so.
After you are logged in, on the top right there is an area that says "My Account" if you go in there you'll see an area within the My Account page that says "Login Information" and there is an option to change both the login and password.


This stinks. I'm having the same problem.

The Madden link above takes you to a page that says, "Start Watching", but when I click it, it just takes me back to the generic buy the Sunday Ticket page on direct tv.

Anyone else have a good link?
I was having the same problem, the way I got around it is when you get to the generic Sunday Ticket page, go to the top right hand side and click on My Account and then click on Log Out. Then go back to the original ea-madden link and click Start Watching. When I did that, it took me to the correct page to enter my login/pw and there is another "start watching" button there that will launch the app. For some reason, when I was already logged in, the original start watching on the ea-madden page would take me to the generic directv login/pw page.


This stinks. I'm having the same problem.

The Madden link above takes you to a page that says, "Start Watching", but when I click it, it just takes me back to the generic buy the Sunday Ticket page on direct tv.

Anyone else have a good link?
I was having the same problem, the way I got around it is when you get to the generic Sunday Ticket page, go to the top right hand side and click on My Account and then click on Log Out. Then go back to the original ea-madden link and click Start Watching. When I did that, it took me to the correct page to enter my login/pw and there is another "start watching" button there that will launch the app. For some reason, when I was already logged in, the original start watching on the ea-madden page would take me to the generic directv login/pw page.
THIS IS IT, just log-out out and go back to the initial page.

Is this down for anyone else? A couple of minutes to 1 pm the website crashed (before that, I was seeing the pregame stream fine). Now I just get the error screen when going to the website. It suggests using my mobile app instead, which of course is giving me an error as well. Grrrrrrrrr :rant:

Yep, 2 weeks in a row that DirecTV online is non-functional. Last week it started working around 12:45 CST. We'll see if it's up soon.

Down for me too. Two weeks in a row. I've been on hold for a half hour to ask for a refund.
Yeah, I was on hold for 30 minutes and just got through ... after which the phone rep couldn't tell me anything. The fact that I was on hold for so long tells me this is a large-scale problem. I really need it this week because my local games are really really bad (STL/ATL and HOU/TEN). I'm sure it will be fixed by 4 pm EST.

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I have it now ... after missing the entire first quarter. For those of you that have had the online Sunday Ticket for longer than this year ... are these kind of delays and dropouts a common thing?

I can get on directv now but the games wont load on the sundayticket to go thing. Are the games loading for everyone else?

Directv websites are back up for me now. After being on hold for 30 minutes and talking to a rep for 30 minutes they finally told me its not their problem. How can it not be their problem? They told me to call EA Sports and complain. Once again I asked them how its not their problem if their entire website is down and nobody can watch the games they paid for. Directv rep said we are not customers of theirs if we have only Sunday Ticket Max so they're refusing to address any complaints and passing it on to EA Sports. I will never do business with directv again and can't believe I can get no refund or cancellation for service I haven't been able to receive.

First I could get the sunday ticket interface, but none of the streams worked. Now I can get the streams, but they don't look very good.

The NFL needs to get rid of this exclusive contract with DirecTV, none of the other leagues do this. I hate that the NFL makes so much money, because it really has no regard for it's fans.

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Directv websites are back up for me now. After being on hold for 30 minutes and talking to a rep for 30 minutes they finally told me its not their problem. How can it not be their problem? They told me to call EA Sports and complain. Once again I asked them how its not their problem if their entire website is down and nobody can watch the games they paid for. Directv rep said we are not customers of theirs if we have only Sunday Ticket Max so they're refusing to address any complaints and passing it on to EA Sports. I will never do business with directv again and can't believe I can get no refund or cancellation for service I haven't been able to receive.
technically didnt you buy the game and get the ticket for free? Its bad in the sense that its not going to convince folks to buy it in the future, but im not surprised they arent going to support people who arent paying customers.

No, you had to pay extra to get the anniversary edition which included Sunday Ticket as a feature. I'm sure EA paid Directv to resell Sunday Ticket. So Directv got paid by EA and thru me with my purchase. Why should EA be responsible if Directv doesn't provide the service they were paid for?

No, you had to pay extra to get the anniversary edition which included Sunday Ticket as a feature. I'm sure EA paid Directv to resell Sunday Ticket. So Directv got paid by EA and thru me with my purchase. Why should EA be responsible if Directv doesn't provide the service they were paid for?
Then return it to Amazon. thats who you bought it from. And for all we know the issue could be with your wireless. ive really had no issues this week. Could it be better? sure. But for the price i paid, im ok with what i have. If i had actually paid full price for sunday ticket, this would be a completely different story.

Not an issue with my internet. It was down for the person I called from Directv as well. They couldn't even access my account.

Anybody else having problems with this today? It's been down since halftime for me :rant: This was honesty something I was always considering (getting the Sunday package even though I don't have satellite). I saw the EA Special as a trial run to see how well it worked. Now I know ... no way I'd spend money for this in the future. I wish the NFL wasn't in bed with directv, but I guess that doesn't look likely.

Was working fine for me until the last 5 minutes. Now getting "request timed out" message on all games.

Anybody else having problems with this today? It's been down since halftime for me :rant: This was honesty something I was always considering (getting the Sunday package even though I don't have satellite). I saw the EA Special as a trial run to see how well it worked. Now I know ... no way I'd spend money for this in the future. I wish the NFL wasn't in bed with directv, but I guess that doesn't look likely.
All day.

No customer service either.

They'll never get another dime from me and I'll tell my terrible experience to anyone that will listen so nobody else gives them a dime either.

On the brighter side... their mobile app still is able to display advertisements for a service I payed for.... even if it can't actually provide the actual content I payed for. So I have the working for me.


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