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No week 1 projections? (1 Viewer)

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I voted dog
At the risk of having my head ripped off by someone for anything remotely construed as criticism, I am posting this simply as an observation.

Yep. Pretty bad form for week 1. Usually I'm pretty close to being an apologist around here, but failing to deliver on this because they're off boozing it up in Vegas is rather disappointing. I mean, they've only had seven months to get these projections ready!! ;)

Dodds did not post one since he was in Vegas, but Bob Henry did for Week #1 on Thurday morning. Here is the linkhttp://apps.footballguys.com/04henry_tool.cfm
I realize this. The point is that all week the listing for Saturday said "Updated cheatsheet/Projections." Now that Saturday has arrived, all we got were the cheatsheets. While they are a very useful resource I have used this week, Henry's projections suffer from Integer TDs which can skew rankings based on guesses of who will get TDs rather than relative odds of players getting TDs. I just like another set of opinions to weigh and like the way Dodds does his - the projections give some explanation for the cheatsheet rankings and allow easier adjustment for different scoring systems.
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Yep. Pretty bad form for week 1. Usually I'm pretty close to being an apologist around here, but failing to deliver on this because they're off boozing it up in Vegas is rather disappointing. I mean, they've only had seven months to get these projections ready!! ;)
I think that this is the root of all of the problems that they have had with the service this year. Dodds would always come on the board and say that this article is coming out and he is wokring on that article. Then, you never see them for weeks or at all. Now we have this issue. If they had no intention of posting it this week, they shouldn't have put it out there. Don't they realize that is is what truly pisses people off?Poor form indeed! :no:
I was disappointed. The cheatsheets by themselves aren't all that useful, especially when figuring out flex spots. I also put more confidence in the rankings when there are projections to back them up. It shows that a lot of thought and analysis likely went into them. But, if there has to be a week where we would be w/o them, this would be my choice. My week 1 starting lineup is fairly obvious (although I wish I could retract my Mason start).

I noted this earlier today and got ripped for it. I was basically told we should cut them slack because of WCOFF. My point was that I paid for this site (since they started charging) for its weekly content, especially those weekly projections. We shouldn't be getting less content just because those guys want to play in WCOFF and it takes too much of their time.Brian

Im not happy with week one either but they told us it was going to be half of what week 2 is... :excited: how about a free stat book :D
Did you know this before or after you paid?I talked FBG up to several others and they signed on, now I'm the idiot. They were big on a different pay service but I swore up and down FBG would be better. Content might be better as the season wears on but as far as service, the others are probably better. I won't stick my neck out again.
I noted this earlier today and got ripped for it. I was basically told we should cut them slack because of WCOFF. My point was that I paid for this site (since they started charging) for its weekly content, especially those weekly projections. We shouldn't be getting less content just because those guys want to play in WCOFF and it takes too much of their time.Brian
Well, maybe it's just me but the reduced content wasn't a big issue for me. But quietly skipping the projections after having them listed for a Sat. release all week was disappointing. When it comes down to it, I essentially pay for the site for 2 reasons: the expert rankings (and projections) in the preseason, and the weekly projections weeks 1-15. The other offerings are nice but those are the key things that I want. And all mockery aside, I do enjoy my weekly ritual of plugging in the projections into an excel file to see who "should" win my matchup.
Just an aside...How can you do rankings without projections? That seems a bit "seat of the pants" to me. It certainly puts the thought process behind the rankings into doubt.

Merc, I knew this after I paid. They will give you a refund I believe, don't quote me on this but If your not happy with it I believe you have till 9/30.Wait it out another week and see what week 2 bringsAs will I.

Yeah, this week sucks info-wise, but I do think we can get by for one week. What are they really going to tell you about week 1 that will really help you anyway?

Hey guys,With Dodds and Joe off in Vegas, we are running at less than full capacity this week. Sorry for the lack of week 1 content, but the Thursday and Saturday games definitely complicated matters as well.I'm sure you can expect a full week of great material beginning in week 2, and hopefully a smoother process from here on out. The issues that came up in the preseason (i.e., getting content posted quickly and efficiently) are still being worked on. Rest assured, they are a huge priority for FBG and something that every staff member is well aware of.Also, remember that we offer a full satisfaction guarantee.-A

Hey guys,With Dodds and Joe off in Vegas, we are running at less than full capacity this week. Sorry for the lack of week 1 content, but the Thursday and Saturday games definitely complicated matters as well.I'm sure you can expect a full week of great material beginning in week 2, and hopefully a smoother process from here on out. The issues that came up in the preseason (i.e., getting content posted quickly and efficiently) are still being worked on. Rest assured, they are a huge priority for FBG and something that every staff member is well aware of.Also, remember that we offer a full satisfaction guarantee.-A
Aaron, Big FBG supporter here, but the issue that is most dissapointing is posting schedules for a product, then not delivering timely or not at all. I too noticed that the projections were on the schedule for late in the week, only to be removed from the schedue all together. Last season it was not uncommon to see items scheduled for one day, then moved to a later day in the week nearly every week. While I realize we are not talking about a product that is life & death, nor big ticket in terms of dollars, but posting a schedule of services implies a commitment to deliver services when promised. If I failed to deliver sevices as posted on our website, or simply changed the posted guidelines, I would be out of a job. Now it's not fair to compare FF information to billion dollar transactions (i work at a bank), but the point is a commitment to a customer is just that, regardless of the value of services. We all know that WCOFF is a big deal, but posting a roll call to party in Vegas, then not meeting posted schedules for what is claimed to be "1/2" the content for coming weeks is just looks awful. Sorry if this seems like a rant, (well I guess it was), but I just had to get that off my chest. Looking forward to the coming weeks, hopefully things will get better as promised....
Hey guys,With Dodds and Joe off in Vegas, we are running at less than full capacity this week. Sorry for the lack of week 1 content, but the Thursday and Saturday games definitely complicated matters as well.I'm sure you can expect a full week of great material beginning in week 2, and hopefully a smoother process from here on out. The issues that came up in the preseason (i.e., getting content posted quickly and efficiently) are still being worked on. Rest assured, they are a huge priority for FBG and something that every staff member is well aware of.Also, remember that we offer a full satisfaction guarantee.-A
It's not the lack of content that is ticking people off. We all knew this as it was explained numerous times.What is ticking people off is that Dodds listed the projections on the slimmed down list of releases and then, without telling anyone, took them off and figured that we would not notice. It's sneaky and it's wrong. If you say you are going to do something, do it. There was no explanation as to why they removed it from the list and it leads people to start thinking that they have better things to do in Vegas than run their business. I know that you used to give these things away for free, but the minute you start charging people for things, expectations must be met. I know for a fact that if I ran my business like this, I would not be around long.When people are paying for something, they don't want to hear excuses (which is what we have heard through the whole preseason and into week one right now). Maybe only one of them should have gone to Vegas and oen should have stayed behind to mind the store.....
We play IDP's and I didn't bother even drafting a DB because they fluctuate in performace so much from week to week.Turns out I didn't have time to research anything this week so I was hoping to just look at the DB rankings and take the highest ranked available in my pool.No such luck.No IDP rankings at all.My fault I guess, why rely on on others when you should just do it yourself.Charles Tillman against the Lions looks good.

We play IDP's and I didn't bother even drafting a DB because they fluctuate in performace so much from week to week.Turns out I didn't have time to research anything this week so I was hoping to just look at the DB rankings and take the highest ranked available in my pool.No such luck.No IDP rankings at all.
IDP Rankings for week 1?It shouldn't be difficult to find.. there are both cheats/rankings for Week 1 IDPs from John Norton as well as the customizable projections (XLS) tool, defensive sleepers of the week and Eyes of the Guru column..HTH!Good luck today,Bob
We play IDP's and I didn't bother even drafting a DB because they fluctuate in performace so much from week to week.Turns out I didn't have time to research anything this week so I was hoping to just look at the DB rankings and take the highest ranked available in my pool.No such luck.No IDP rankings at all.My fault I guess, why rely on on others when you should just do it yourself.Charles Tillman against the Lions looks good.
No IDP?? Where are you looking for it?? I found the following under the Week 1 Thursday info:IDP Week 1 CheatsheetIDP Week 1 Customizable Projections
My Bad!I'm an idiot, I've been clicking on the week 1 link all week long and nothing has changed. I thought the main page was for pre-season articles and projections and the Week 1 link would be for week 1 projections.I gotta learn to pay more attention.My apologies.

Where are the contests facts that were scheduled for this week too? To be honest with you, and this may sound harsh, but I don't care what their excuse is. Even if it is a decent excuse like Drugrunner getting married and the dynasty rankings lacking because of it. But to hear that the reason why the info isn't posted is because they need time to focus on THIER OWN FANTASY TEAMS IS UNEXCUSABLE!!!! I paid $20, so did 8,000 other people. That sounds to me like 116,000 reasons to stick to their customers deadlines. That's the funny thing, is that this site is treated like it's some sort of commune, but in actuallity it's just a buisness, a buisness where the owners could seemingly careless. They've been unapologetically late on pretty much everything so far. I've been visiting this site since it was cheetsheets.net, and have been a paying memeber for two season's now, and I can assure that THIS WILL BE MY LAST! :thumbdown:

Apparently their way of correcting their inability to meet their own deadlines is just by simply not posting deadlines for this week. So considering the fact that the first week of inforamtion was almost worthless it will be interesting to see what they deem to be more important this week. What's going on with their own teams in Vegas or just simply doing what 10,055 people paid them to do. ($200,000 +)

I'm just curious when and how I am supposed to receive the free stat book I won. The original postings made it seem like we were going to have them in our hands by draft day, yet the winners were not announced until just before that. Then, in that email/post, there was zero information on what to do to claim your book and since I'm sure they have no idea who we are, how were we supposed to get them? I have IM'd an owner and posted under the announcement for the winners, and still nothing.I'm sure that stat book will look great holding up a coffee table leg in week 7 when I finally get it, if I do. :bag:

This isn't the only thing that has happened. Ordered our draft board through them and 1 day before the draft I get something saying blah blah blah you won't be getting your draft board. Its not a great big deal, but its not the same on draft day without a big ol'draft board. Another note of carelessness.

Hey Guys,Joe and David (and the rest of us) are trying our best to deliver everything people need to dominate their leagues. Have things been 100% perfect thus far? No, probably not, and for that I'm sure I speak for us all when I say, "I'm sorry, we'll try to do better."That said, it's really much more appropriate to direct your own personal concerns to us via PM or email. And remember, Joe and David offer a 100% money back guarantee if you're unsatisfied for any reason. Have a great one,Woodrow

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