I wouldn’t say I don’t drink at all, because I love a good Lava Flow or Pina Colada when on a cruise ship or in Hawaii (yeah, I know they are girly drinks), but most people are surprised I don’t drink when I go out.
Its not that I don’t enjoy the feeling because I can pound cannabis edibles like nobody’s business (legal where I am), and I’m the furthest thing from religious you can get.
Beer simply doesn’t taste good to me, and given the choice I’d frankly prefer a coke or tea. Whether I psycho-analyze that it was because my dad drank beer and wasn’t a nice drunk, maybe that has something to do with it, but when it comes down to it, I just don’t like the taste. And after many people offering me drinks of theirs (“you’ll like THIS one”), I haven’t found anything.
Wine is a little better, but the taste of the tannins make it very metallic for me. Even the weak Rieslings are just kind of meh. Again, simply prefer the taste of a soda.
Hard liquor is probably the best of the three for me, but it is a little medicine tasting. I like the dessert type taste of most things with Baileys (I.e. White Russians) but the calories in those add up quickly.
If I’m sick, I’ll take a shot of Tequila. But the mixed smell of Tequila and chicken Marsala is stained in my memory after my wife had a few too many and coated the upholstery of my car with that regurgitated blend.
But if I have the choice of a tea, soda or alcohol - I probably won’t take the alcohol.