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Non-drinkers -- why don't you drink? (1 Viewer)


I found the results of the other drinking poll surprising -- didn't realize we had that many people here who don't drink at all.

Why don't you drink?  

- Health reasons?

- Religious reasons?

- Moral reasons?

- Bad experience?

- Just don't like it? (wtf)

Educate we drinkers (who should probably drink less) about your motivations.


The poll was flawed. I answered 0 -... because I don't drink weekly. I suspect the totals would be different if there was an option for drinking on an occasional basis. (monthly, quarterly, yearly)

I wouldn’t say I don’t drink at all, because I love a good Lava Flow or Pina Colada when on a cruise ship or in Hawaii (yeah, I know they are girly drinks), but most people are surprised I don’t drink when I go out.  

Its not that I don’t enjoy the feeling because I can pound cannabis edibles like nobody’s business (legal where I am), and I’m the furthest thing from religious you can get.

Beer simply doesn’t taste good to me, and given the choice I’d frankly prefer a coke or tea.  Whether I psycho-analyze that it was because my dad drank beer and wasn’t a nice drunk, maybe that has something to do with it, but when it comes down to it, I just don’t like the taste. And after many people offering me drinks of theirs (“you’ll like THIS one”), I haven’t found anything.

Wine is a little better, but the taste of the tannins make it very metallic for me.  Even the weak Rieslings are just kind of meh.  Again, simply prefer the taste of a soda.

Hard liquor is probably the best of the three for me, but it is a little medicine tasting.  I like the dessert type taste of most things with Baileys (I.e. White Russians) but the calories in those add up quickly.

If I’m sick, I’ll take a shot of Tequila.  But the mixed smell of Tequila and chicken Marsala is stained in my memory after my wife had a few too many and coated the upholstery of my car with that regurgitated blend.

But if I have the choice of a tea, soda or alcohol - I probably won’t take the alcohol.

drank a little in college but have not had a drink since.

I never developed a taste for it.  I also don't drink any coffee so I am on the weird side when it comes to beverages.

A. Id rather eat my calories

B. Would rather smoke weed

C. Hate hangovers

D. Don't like the flavor of wine and most hard liquors (I like beer)

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I drink socially but answered 0.  A couple of drinks relaxes me in a social setting, but I don't need to be relaxed when I'm at home doing nothing.  I don't sleep as well when I drink too.    

I don't like the taste of beer.  Same for wine (and balsamic vinegar).  Most hard liquor tastes awful to me.  I do like rum.  I also like Sambuca and sloe gin.  I love Brandy Alexanders.

I probably have four to six mixed drinks a year.  I think there may be a genetic component here.  Part of my mother's family is the same way.  The other part are normal social drinkers.

I drink socially but answered 0.  A couple of drinks relaxes me in a social setting, but I don't need to be relaxed when I'm at home doing nothing.  I don't sleep as well when I drink too.    
This. I see zero reason to drink at home but enjoy an occasional beer when I go out. 

I like beer. Not a huge fan of liquor anymore.

But, I don't need the extra calories. I don't feel the need to get a buzz regularly. Just don't see the point at this time in my life.

I used to drink plenty when I was younger in college and beyond. Then went through the phase when I would have a beer pretty regularly at home in the evening.  

Just don't need/want that anymore. When I cut it out trying to lose weight a while ago I found I didn't miss it as much as I thought I might. I'll still have an occasional beer when going out to eat. I'll have a few in a social situation when I can. But I also don't need it to have a good time and don't feel like I'm missing out.  

I drink socially, and honestly, "social" has become rare

I dont really like beer, i'll drink it occasionally on a hot day with dinner or hanging out with the guys, but rarely more than 2

Most mixed drinks are OK, but are stupid expensive given the actual amount of alcohol you are getting

I do like wine and will on occasion have a glass or 2 while home. 

I keep a bottle of whiskey on a shelf behind my desk and every once in a while I'll have a small nip if I am working late. 

So I can't say I don't drink, but its far from a normal thing. 

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If we go out to dinner - I'll have a drink.

Social occasions - drinks

Outback BBq - drinks.

Sitting at home during the week watching TV/chores/whatever - no need :shrug:   Especially hanging out with the kid  :shrug:

I don't have the desire/need to HAVE to drink sitting at home.   Maybe occasionally after yard work or something but most of the time i don't drink at home.

And I used to drink a Lot.

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I think I was about 10 when I decided I would never drink. My parents were not big drinkers, but every holiday, the extended family would be drunk and arguing. 

I guess it just had a big impact on me and I have not regretted my choice. 

My job can be pretty stressful toward the end of the day and I usually unwind with a few whiskeys, sometimes followed by a beer or two. Dont usually drink on weekends unless at a rock show. At some point in the next year or two I plan to weed out the liquor. But it's so delicious.

My family has a history of alcoholism.  My father, grandfathers and uncles were alcoholics.  I had an uncle go to rehab and has now been sober for 5 years.  Most were functioning alcoholics which made it worse.  I grew up not realizing any of this until I was older.  It was considered normal for my cousins and I to run to the store next door to pick up beer and cigarettes when were were 10-12 years old.  The store owner knew our family and we had an open tab at the place.  We were often sent over to grab a six pack, or more whenever we were at my grandfather's house.  The guys would sit on the front porch and drink for hours.  This was after they got home from work where they drank all day (construction).  

My cousins are now both alcoholics (one married and functional - won't admit it).  The other is constantly moving around drinking his paychecks away.  Last I heard he moved back in with his mother after he was kicked out of a girlfriends place.  He's now 41.  

When I was 22, I saw my father's health deteriorate.  Too much alcohol.  His liver was starting to fail.  Yet he still insisted he was "fine". He needed a transplant, but he had to go through rehab and AA first.  He fought it saying he didn't have a problem.  It took him two years to get through to him.  I think what got his mind right was that he was going to be a grandfather.  After all of that, he saw his doctor and did everything they asked him to do.  He knew if he didn't get the transplant he'd never see his first grandchild.  What my parents didn't tell me was that they had troubles finding a donor.  They found a non-relative to be a living donor, but the match wasn't great, so the success rate was low.  When I found this out, I told them I was going to do it.  The doctor told us that a living donation from a blood relative was the best match.  We had the surgery 18 years ago. He is still alive and sober.  I have a big scar to remind me every day why I don't want to be like my family.

I'll drink very rarely, but I'm fully aware of the addicted mentality of my family.  They were consumed by alcohol.  I have mental and physical scars to remind me. That's not who I want to be, and I'll do what I can to keep my kids from going down that same path. 

I don’t drink my calories, just water. Been that way for awhile. I might have a beer at the airport if I’m with coworkers before catching a flight, but I don’t desire it. 

Also I don’t like not being in control, so even if I have a beer it’s been years since I’ve had enough to the point where I felt buzzed. I just don’t like that feeling. 

Alcohol tastes bad, flat out awful. There is no alcoholic drink that tastes better than the most mediocre non-alcoholic drink. In the past I would get a cocktail at a restaurant because all of the ingredients look good, and then sit there thinking how much better the pineapple juice or whatever would taste if they did not ruin it with rum. I literally cannot comprehend how people enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, as opposed to drinking to get buzzed.

Note - I am not a complete non drinker, but have no alcohol in the house and only drink a few times a year during social situations. 

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I am not a complete "non-drinker".  I will do the small glass of champagne at weddings and will baby sit a beer maybe a couple times a year if I'm with my buddies watching a football game.  About 15 years ago--I decided that I'd only drink when I'm in Vegas (only when I'm there for fun--not for business trips) .   I probably go to Vegas for fun on average of 2-3 times per year.  

Like others have posted--I actually am not a big fan of the taste of alcohol.  I do like how it makes me feel--but I still find that the consumption required to feel that way isn't always fun or easy to do under normal circumstances. Because of this--when I do drink to have fun in Vegas--I generally don't eat too much on that particular day-and I'll pick a couple small but strong drinks.  Effectively I'm trying to achieve a nice buzz while consuming the least amount of alcohol possible.   Once I hit that point--I'll generally order some sort of medium sized and moderately strong mixed drink and sip on it while walking up and down the strip going casino to casino and enjoying the people watching while feeling good. That one drink will generally maintain my buzz for hours. 

This might make me sound like a stick in the mud--but the reason why I like drinking in Vegas is because I like being able to have a drink in my hands while walking outside on the strip at night with friends+family.  Southern California is fine--but I'm not a big bar or club person--and I don't want to have to worry about figuring out a safe way to get back home.   I'm not a big uber/lyft person--and I certainly do not condone driving under the influence of alcohol.   If I'm in Vegas and I get a little too buzzed--I like that I can just walk or stumble my way back to my hotel room without the fear of hurting myself or others.  Drinking 2-3x per year for fun is plenty enough for me

I don't like the taste.

I don't like the price.

I don't like it's effects.
Yep, that's me. Never tired an alcoholic drink that I liked the taste enough to make it part of beverage selections. Maybe some of the weaker drinks have been somewhat decent, but so many other things I'd rather drink and for much cheaper. The amount of money people spend on alcohol amazes me.

I have personally never experienced their effects. Never been drunk or even buzzed. But, I'm pretty confident I'd hate the effects. I just see no positives of alcohol consumption for me.

I am unable to drink due to the medicine that I take for seizures. As I have said before, this would make me a great date, because would be permanent Designated Driver; but I can't drive because of those seizures. :(

Alcoholic here. In April it will be 24 years since my lat drink.

I don't think the scales have balanced yet, probably still have drank more than I should have in a lifetime.

Like a lot of people in this thread, I'm not technically a "non-drinker". But I don't drink very often -- maybe twice a month, and only when socializing, and it's rarely enough to get me buzzed.

Alcoholism has been a persistent presence in my family's history, going back over 100 years. I've seen the damage that it can do and I am determined to end the cycle.

I went out one night about 8 years ago and realized I was the old dude at the bar I told myself I was never going to be. I've never been a drink alone at home guy, so it's really down to special occasion drinking for me. I keep some seasonal sampler brews in the fridge in case a friend stops by, but they usually last a whole year.

threads that do not apply to the swcer for 1000 double final jepordy take that to the bank bromigos 

Occasional drinker here. Every couple of months I'll go to my local brewery, fill my growler up with one of their new brands, and drink it over a weekend at home.

Dad didn't drink all that much and Mom's family were complete tea-toddlers.

Nothing against alcohol, but over time I've noticed that it contributes more to headaches and migraines, gets me feeling puffy and gross the next day, and that coupled with the empty calories at a time where I want to keep weight off just isn't worth it or as enjoyable as it was.

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and #### my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white #### up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge


Like a lot of people in this thread, I'm not technically a "non-drinker". But I don't drink very often -- maybe twice a month, and only when socializing, and it's rarely enough to get me buzzed.

Alcoholism has been a persistent presence in my family's history, going back over 100 years. I've seen the damage that it can do and I am determined to end the cycle.
Same. Also, at a fairly early age (15 or so) I had an epiphany that there were things about the way that I am hard wired that would make me prone to addiction - alcohol, drugs, gambling, whatever - so I made a conscious decision to do all things in moderation. I enjoy an occasional beer, drink wine with dinner several times a week, and like clear liquor when I am drinking socially for work. But I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have been drunk in the past decade. It's just never been a constant in my life. I enjoy it now and then.

I’m with the “don’t like the taste” group. My father let me have a sip of beer when I was a kid, and my mother let me try wine. They both had a very bitter taste that reminds me of medicine. I don’t really get any flavor, just that feeling of my tongue trying to get away from touching it.

Every time since those first tastes that I’ve tried any kind of alcohol, I have had the same reaction. Even when it’s mixed with something. And I’ve never really seen the point in trying very hard to find something I might like anyway.

It’s possible that there is a drink out there I’d like, but nothing I’ve tried has come close and I’ve never wanted to get drunk anyway.

... for all of you "don't like the taste" people ...

Malibu (coconut rum) and diet coke

You're welcome ... and I'm sorry.

I probably have between 10-20 drinks a week.  Am I a functioning alcoholic?

I rarely get drunk.  hate being hungover.  But it would take about 20 oz. of hard liquor for me to get hangover drunk.  I'll have a few beers here and there but I can't get drunk off beer.  Get too bloated first.

Will hand up and listen.

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I was boozehound all through my 20s, but I just don't enjoy it like I used to.   I still have occasional drinks -- I'll have 2 or 3 whiskeys on select nights -- but I can happily go weeks sometimes months without.  

sidenote:  I may need a new username.   :unsure:

I'd try this with Coke Zero but still doesn't sound great
If you can't tolerate coconut ... this might be more your speed:

Capt Morgan (spiced rum) and diet Mtn. Dew

I call it a Doosh-Bag.

Sweet like candy and plenty of cafeene to keep the party going. Absolutely redonkulous

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Andy Dufresne said:
I don't like the taste.

I don't like the price.

I don't like it's effects.
This +

I don't like the calories.

I don't like the smell. 

Just never had the desire to even try it.

Because of the unnecessary calories/sugar, I stopped drinking soda about 20 years ago, OJ/juices about 10 years ago, and then milk about 5 years ago. Nothing but water for me now. Hot chocolate every now and then (never even had coffee.)

My "vice" is probably sweets. Love a good desert or candy, probably as regularly as an average person drinks a glass of wine or has a beer. 

ETA: I did eat a few swedish fish that were soaked in vodka once. Only ruined the taste of the candy a little.

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I still drink on occasion but not a fan of the effect or feeling.  Usually just makes me tired and/or feel like crap in the morning.  Really the only time I drink is out on a date or a social gathering.  I have one bottle of Jameson in the house which goes untouched unless I have guests over.    If I'm going to do a drug, I'd rather smoke something.

I probably have between 10-20 drinks a week.  Am I a functioning alcoholic?
That does seem like a lot.  I guess it partly comes down to why you drink that much.  If you need it to decompress every day, you may have a problem.  I don't have any alcoholics in my family, so I don't know.

NewlyRetired said:
drank a little in college but have not had a drink since.

I never developed a taste for it.  I also don't drink any coffee so I am on the weird side when it comes to beverages.
curious - what do you drink on a regular basis?

This +

I don't like the calories.

I don't like the smell. 

Just never had the desire to even try it.

Because of the unnecessary calories/sugar, I stopped drinking soda about 20 years ago, OJ/juices about 10 years ago, and then milk about 5 years ago. Nothing but water for me now. Hot chocolate every now and then (never even had coffee.)

My "vice" is probably sweets. Love a good desert or candy, probably as regularly as an average person drinks a glass of wine or has a beer. 

ETA: I did eat a few swedish fish that were soaked in vodka once. Only ruined the taste of the candy a little.
Tastes as bad, or worse, than alcohol.

huthut said:
Alcohol tastes bad, flat out awful. There is no alcoholic drink that tastes better than the most mediocre non-alcoholic drink. In the past I would get a cocktail at a restaurant because all of the ingredients look good, and then sit there thinking how much better the pineapple juice or whatever would taste if they did not ruin it with rum. I literally cannot comprehend how people enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks, as opposed to drinking to get buzzed.

Note - I am not a complete non drinker, but have no alcohol in the house and only drink a few times a year during social situations. 
I absolutely love the taste of beer, and wine, and sometimes scotch.  I despise vodka, rum, etc.  Though I do kill for a good frozen margarita.

Better yet, have you ever had a Coronarita?  A frozen margarita with a Corona turned over into it upside down?  Oh my god.  Heaven.  


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