Guys...a friend and I are wanting to try out a large league with a bunch of friends. However, for the league to work we need to use IDPs and furthermore, we need the D players to be similair in value to the offensive guys.RBs and LBs should be similar. DBs shouldn't be far behind like QBs and WRs. DL will have to take a small back seat but that is fine....So my question is this...has anyone tried something similar? If so what scoring did you use? If anybody would care to help out...could you develop a scoring system that would meet those above guidelines with O scoring of the standard #s....04 for each passing yard.10 for each rushing or receiving yard6 pts for all TDs-1 for fumbles but team recovered-2 for fumbles lost-2 for INTs1 point per receptionetc...I keep running through numbers but I feel the astute fbg posters could do a much better job than I. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.Thanks,DW12