Does anyone here have advice for hitting off turf v mats at the range?
I'm just getting back into golf after 30 years away. Having a great time. But.
I have this problem. At the range i will hit iron after iron pure as heck. Dead straight and all the same distance. On grass on the course i hit only every third shot like that. Too often i just barely top the ball and it skitters along about 40 yards on front of me. I don't think I'm hitting fat, because that would mean I'm hitting turf, correct? My problem is i never seem to hit the turf. Even on my best shots it's a clean strike and pick. and on my worst i barely make contact with the ball. What am i doing wrong on grass?
I don't think it's mat vs grass, personally. If anything, the toughest part of going from mat to grass is mats are more fo giving of fat hits.
I find the challenge is more range vs round. For me, that means my range sessions (and front yard practice) tend to be very structured. I get loose with a few, grab my favorite club and stripe a couple, work on 1-3 clubs pretty intensely, and then reserve a couple "holes" worth of balls where I'll hit driver or hybrid, then a long or mid iron, then a wedge. Do that like 3-4 times to end a practice session.
For me the comparison is free throw shooting. Even 50% college FT shooters can go 85% in practice when you shoot 100 in a row. But to get better, I had our kids randomly stop in the middle of various drills and shoot two and then get back into it. Because you need to mimic what your body is doing, which is not staying stationary and feeling dialed in by the sixth free throw.
To me, same in golf. Of course I feel I'm hitting every seven iron awesome from the third to fifteenth one I hit on the range. But I need to hit it after a driver like 5 times a round with no previous seven iron hits. So practice that.