The League
Before the players or the clubs split the post-season proceeds, Major League Baseball takes 15% of the gate receipts from the World Series and a percentage from the League Championship Series. Each year, the commissioner sets the percentage and requests approval from the Major League Executive Council.
The Players
Under the collective bargaining agreement, the players only receive revenue from the games required to be played in a series. In the divisional series, the first three games are required for one team to win a majority in a best-of-five series. In the League Championship and World Series, four wins are required for a team to win the best-of-seven series. Players receive 60% of the revenue from these games and nothing from the additional, non-required games. This keeps players from intentionally throwing games in order to increase their paychecks. They also receive 50% of the revenue from wildcard games.
All of the player funds are placed into a pool and distributed as follows:
World Series Winner: 36% of the total pool
World Series Loser: 24%
League Championship Losers: 24%
Division Series Losers: 13%
Wild Card Losers: 3%
Each participating club has a players' meeting to determine how to distribute its portion of the funds to players and staff. The agreement also calls for the league to pay into the players' pool if the above percentages don't equal the minimum amounts specified in the collective bargaining agreement. The winner of the World Series is guaranteed a minimum of $4.6 million.
The Clubs
The final 40% from the required games is split evenly between the clubs. If non-required games take place, the clubs evenly divide 100% of the gate revenue. Each hosting stadium retains any additional income that comes from concessions, parking and souvenirs.