Sounds like a high ankle sprain. If so he's not playing against KC, I could imagine him not playing until the playoffs.
While possible, I don't think it is a HIGH ankle sprain. a HAS is usually tougher to play through than a "typical" ankle sprain.
If he sprained his ankle, he might have been able to stay on it & play through it (which is was it seems like he did). HAS's though, are harder injuries to "play through."
Would he still be able to run on it if it was a Lis Franc?
Are you just throwing out "dreaded" injuries?
I am not a Dr, nor do I know Moreno's pain tolerance. I have seen no indication that it is a Lis Franc, and I doubt it was a HAS, based on the fact that he continued to put up decent runs after (it seems) the injury occurred. Perhaps it was a HAS, and he is just a tough SOB who played through it. I doubt it, though.
Actually, I wouldn't doubt the HAS thought. I have no clue in regard to make the call but I can see it if someone said "he had a sprain and played through it". Playing football when younger, I have twisted and sprained things in lower parts of the legs and been able to play through for the rest of the game on a very short term basis, just as he did last night (it wasn't a long period).
You can go on adrenaline a bit and compensate, getting your legs straight under you and avoiding lateral moves. You can tape up just to make it rigid and play through.
Its after the game when all that wears off and the sweliing kicks in that shelves you.