Brady Marino
And apathetic would be how I would have described most Reds fans I encountered before their recent success.Oh, I wasn't accusing you of doing so. Just curious why type of attitude is contributing to this perception of yours. I of course know A LOT of Reds fans. Apathetic sure (unfortunately), but classless and cocky would not be near the top of adjectives.Zero. Didn't include you in my commenting because, at my error, I didn't associate you as being a Reds fan. That was my mistake, as I have no quarrel with you at all.So how many of that dozen includes people you "know" online here?A dozen at minimum, through either work or through online activities. Admittedly it may be small sample size. But, before the Reds sudden surge of success, I barely heard a peep from the limited Reds fans I knew at the time. Suddenly, the Reds fans I know have become cocky, arrogant, and downright malicious.How many Reds fans do you know?I made my comment based on the Reds fans that I have had the (dis)pleasure of dealing with. Everyone else has ran away with it and had a fapfest with said comment. Boo all you want, I don't care.So, Reds fans should refrain from booing Pujols until they've proven themselves to be gentlemen to Peyton Marino? At which point they may have their booing privileges reinstated? I'm really confused here.
I should have elaborated before I said the original comment. I didn't, and because of that, some internet posters got their rocks off at my expense.
Like I said, probably small sample size. Every fanbase has their share of tools and knobs. Just seems I encountered a lot of bad apples online and in real life.