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On the topic of gifts; dumbest you have ever received (1 Viewer)


Footballguy Jr.
I received a bracelet from a male relative. BC I like watches, I'll prob enjoy bracelets too. 

It sits in the bottom of a drawer, and when I want to make my wife laugh, I'll nonchalantly throw it in and do something that draws attention to it. 

What you got?

I used to weigh a lot more like 295lbs and during this time every year for Christmas my grandmother would get me an XL shirt. At the time I wore a 3X.  Then one Spring I was tired of being fat, I ate 1200 calories a day, and spent an hour on the treadmill (2 hours each weekend day). By the time Christmas rolled around I was 170lbs and wore a medium or large depending on brand. My grandmother got me an XL. 

our well-meaning suburban cousins kept giving us hand me down giant play sets when our oldest was born... that we couldn't fit in our tiny (spacious by nyc standards) apartment. 

my well-meaning brother keeps giving the kids one of the same two books- every year for bdays and chanukahmas

I used to weigh a lot more like 295lbs and during this time every year for Christmas my grandmother would get me an XL shirt. At the time I wore a 3X.  Then one Spring I was tired of being fat, I ate 1200 calories a day, and spent an hour on the treadmill (2 hours each weekend day). By the time Christmas rolled around I was 170lbs and wore a medium or large depending on brand. My grandmother got me an XL. 
This is my mother in law.  She never really tries to buy anyone personal gift (my boys are 15 and 17 and they still get pajamas from the child section at Target).  Every Christmas she gets me either gloves or slippers, sometimes both.  For 17 years now I've tried to politely say they are the wrong size, but she never learns or cares.

One year my step daughter asked her for a pair of cowboy boots.  She was 16 or 17, so she was hoping for a regular looking brown pair of boots, size 9.  Well, she got a pair of pink and purple fake leather, probably from Target or Walmart kids section, size 5.

It wouldn't be a big deal if she was just going out and buying presents, who cares.  But, she takes the time to ask people what they want and we give sizes.  yet, she just grabs whatever the closest thing is she can find while looking for all of 2 minutes (seemingly) and spends what must be over $1000 on crap that either gets returned/exchanged or donated when we can't find the receipts.  She doesn't give us the receipts, she will look through their house before we leave for them and sneak them out.  One year her mom found her doing this and gave her a snarky "oh I see you are returning everything' comment when we were leaving.  Yeah, its either return everything or donate it.  How would you prefer us to not waste your money by just letting it clutter up our house unused?

i take care of two parents (my father is a retired research scientist with a dozen+ patents) in their 90s. for Christmas, my sister gave Ancestry.com DNA kits to my father.....my mother.........................and me. she STILL doesn't get why that's funny.

btw, anyone want my kit, PM me an addy & it's yours.

i take care of two parents (my father is a retired research scientist with a dozen+ patents) in their 90s. for Christmas, my sister gave Ancestry.com DNA kits to my father.....my mother.........................and me. she STILL doesn't get why that's funny.

btw, anyone want my kit, PM me an addy & it's yours.
Maybe she knows something you don't?

When I was 11 or 12 my mom got me a box of.... microwave popcorn.   :oldunsure:

At the time the whole family was into eating it.

Apparently she thought my sister and I (at the time was 8 or 9) would care about each having the exact same number of gifts.  And my mom apparently wanted to spend exactly the same amount on each of us.  So she got me a box of microwave popcorn to make everything square.

We still joke about this.

My son received a Magic the Gathering board game from someone for Christmas when he was 7. Thought that was weird. We still laugh about it. 

This is my mother in law.  She never really tries to buy anyone personal gift (my boys are 15 and 17 and they still get pajamas from the child section at Target).  Every Christmas she gets me either gloves or slippers, sometimes both.  For 17 years now I've tried to politely say they are the wrong size, but she never learns or cares.

One year my step daughter asked her for a pair of cowboy boots.  She was 16 or 17, so she was hoping for a regular looking brown pair of boots, size 9.  Well, she got a pair of pink and purple fake leather, probably from Target or Walmart kids section, size 5.

It wouldn't be a big deal if she was just going out and buying presents, who cares.  But, she takes the time to ask people what they want and we give sizes.  yet, she just grabs whatever the closest thing is she can find while looking for all of 2 minutes (seemingly) and spends what must be over $1000 on crap that either gets returned/exchanged or donated when we can't find the receipts.  She doesn't give us the receipts, she will look through their house before we leave for them and sneak them out.  One year her mom found her doing this and gave her a snarky "oh I see you are returning everything' comment when we were leaving.  Yeah, its either return everything or donate it.  How would you prefer us to not waste your money by just letting it clutter up our house unused?
it seems like your wife should be able to ask your mother for the receipts since the item(s) don't fit so they can get the right size so they can wear and actually appreciate them.  

I’ve posted before about my crazy SIL’s, in one of those Christmas/holiday threads. 

A long time ago it was mutually agreed upon to stop exchanging gifts. Instead we began doing this dumb card game where everyone gets one gift. Despite this, the one SIL (as an aside, she’s some high level “Reiki” practitioner, can’t help mentioning that because it cracks me up) insists on getting her own gifts “just for fun”. Essentially she buys a bunch of garbage off clearance racks. I’ve begged her to stop wasting her money and have explicitly told her everything she gives us gets donated. It’s almost always not remotely the correct size. I’m 6’0, 170 and this year I got a triple X sweater and a large duffel bag she found at some Goodwill....with a black and white zig-zag pattern on it.

My other SIL got my 18 year old son a package with like 6 little stainless steel cups with plastic tops. They look like little measuring cups. My son looked at her and said “thanks”, I’m thinking wtf would you get an 18 year old boy those? 

it seems like your wife should be able to ask your mother for the receipts since the item(s) don't fit so they can get the right size so they can wear and actually appreciate them.  
You would think so, but if you think anything with my MIL is that easy, you clearly have never met her.  Don't worry about it though, you would never want to.

For our wedding...a silver (I think it was silver) honey pot in the shape of a beehive.  It was hideous.

Got married at a big, old traditional downtown church in Knoxville.  Her parents had gone there for a long long time and knew everyone so plenty of the old (and I mean really old) crowd came.  Thing came from some little gift shop thing (nice place with a lot of nice stuff) and from all the things in there that my wife had us register for (mostly useless crystal and china), this woman picked a honey pot.  As if I just keep honey around and need a decorative honey pot.

My grandmother, bless her heart, gave all of her grandchildren one of those name a star gifts for Christmas. It came with an official certificate and a map to where my star is. I think mine is only visible via the Hubble telescope.

you brohans have it rough all right fellas i grew up a lot longer ago than most of you and from the looks of things a lot poorer i had an aunt who one year gave me a magnet for christmas it was not a fancy magnet with a picture or anything else on it nope it was a magnet about the size of a nickel and it was not rare earth or strong or anything just a crappy little magnet that was round and black and could barely stay on the ice box it was so weak and i remember her saying yep he will have fun playing with that like she had just solved the riddle of where hoffa was to my ma it was pretty spectactular im pretty sure i stuck it on something and it fell off and then i just walked away and that was that take that to the bank bromigos 

I used to weigh a lot more like 295lbs and during this time every year for Christmas my grandmother would get me an XL shirt. At the time I wore a 3X.  Then one Spring I was tired of being fat, I ate 1200 calories a day, and spent an hour on the treadmill (2 hours each weekend day). By the time Christmas rolled around I was 170lbs and wore a medium or large depending on brand. My grandmother got me an XL. 
Hey @mediummarc27, update that username.

####### Whiskey Stones. I’ve gotten them like 4x now. They’re worthless. I used to give them away. Then i just started throwing them away. 

Someone once have me a fish pillow...a pillow that looks just like a fish. I don't fish. I do sleep but who doesn't, but the big plastic eye made using it to sleep pretty much impossible. We did have a family vacation house on the cape so I left it there kind of fit in, but the house burned to the ground not long after... Bye bye fishy pillow.

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When I bought my 1st house, an x-gf/current friend/coworker of mine gave me a housewarming gift of a feral kitten. She had owned the animal for a short while and knew it well. 

She thought that we would be good for each other. 

The little #### was absolutely insane. Would never be caught in the open - must have been abused. 

However, at night, it crept into my bed and curl up near my head. 

When I woke to see it, I jumped - not realizing what it was. Next thing I felt was claws to the face and rear claws kicking my neck. 


EDIT: This gift was apparently from the x-gf/current coworker portions of Pam only. 😕

EDIT 2: Upon further reflection, perhaps this was not so "dumb" of a gift from Pam's perspective. 😏

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