Can we agree there is partisan journalism with both the left and right? Is this good for America? We all know Fox news leans right and CNN and MSNBC leans left, but how did we get here? It wasn't always that way. There was a time where professional journalism was sacred, but no more. You have the left watching and believing everything CNN and MSNBC says and you have the right watching and believing everything Fox says. This has to stop. I personally believe these news media outlets are contributing to the political divide we have in this country. Hell, they are playing a major role. Don't even get me started about big tech (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.).
So, how do we crawl out of this hole? How do we start coming together outside of political bias? Can we find some common ground?
I'm personally in favor of abortion and LGBT rights to marry or do whatever they want, but I lean right on a lot of other issues. That doesn't mean I'm 100% right leaning as some of you think I am. I'm upset at the way our country is divided and the reasons for it. I don't agree with Trump on a lot of things, but I think as a nation we need to support our President to do what is right for the nation and believe it or not, not all of it is bad.
So, how do we crawl out of this hole? How do we start coming together outside of political bias? Can we find some common ground?
I'm personally in favor of abortion and LGBT rights to marry or do whatever they want, but I lean right on a lot of other issues. That doesn't mean I'm 100% right leaning as some of you think I am. I'm upset at the way our country is divided and the reasons for it. I don't agree with Trump on a lot of things, but I think as a nation we need to support our President to do what is right for the nation and believe it or not, not all of it is bad.
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