Jon Stewart/Chris Wallace interview
came across this old interview and am thinking about the partisanship of different outlets. I think we can agree that there are some news outlets that simply report news vs cable 24/7 shows that try to sensationalize stories to keep people watching when there isn’t currently a catastrophic news story. The lines are very blurred between news and opinion, and if someone says something like “I support abortion in cases of rape” can be reported as “supports killing babies.” To further exacerbate this, we live in an increasingly monetized click bait society where headlines distort the actual story. Going into any story with a goal to identify bias and know what both sides say about something usually results in finding some sort of the truth, but does everybody do that? If you watch Fox News, do you acknowledge that they aren’t actually a news organization and are a Republican leaning network? Do they have a responsibility to be more truthful in their reporting? Do you read what the “fake news media reports? Does Comedy Central have a responsibility to be more fair or keep politics out of their programming? What kinds of things do you guys do to understand what you’re seeing/hearing and the facts of a situation?
came across this old interview and am thinking about the partisanship of different outlets. I think we can agree that there are some news outlets that simply report news vs cable 24/7 shows that try to sensationalize stories to keep people watching when there isn’t currently a catastrophic news story. The lines are very blurred between news and opinion, and if someone says something like “I support abortion in cases of rape” can be reported as “supports killing babies.” To further exacerbate this, we live in an increasingly monetized click bait society where headlines distort the actual story. Going into any story with a goal to identify bias and know what both sides say about something usually results in finding some sort of the truth, but does everybody do that? If you watch Fox News, do you acknowledge that they aren’t actually a news organization and are a Republican leaning network? Do they have a responsibility to be more truthful in their reporting? Do you read what the “fake news media reports? Does Comedy Central have a responsibility to be more fair or keep politics out of their programming? What kinds of things do you guys do to understand what you’re seeing/hearing and the facts of a situation?